Arnold van Mill

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Arnold van Mill (born March 26, 1921 in Schiedam , Netherlands ; † October 5, 1996 in Hamburg ) was a Dutch opera singer ( bass ). He became known through the great bass roles in the operas of Richard Wagner , Giuseppe Verdi and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart .



Van Mill made his debut in 1941 in The Hague as Wagner in Charles Gounod's opera Faust . From 1947 to 1951 he appeared at the Antwerp Opera.


Arnold van Mill had his big breakthrough when he was called to the Green Hill by Wieland and Wolfgang Wagner in the first post-war season of the Bayreuth Festival and from then on shone in all the major bass roles. He sang Titurel in Parsifal , Hans Foltz in Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg , Hunding in Die Walküre , König Marke in Tristan and Isolde , Daland in Der fiegen Holländer , Fafner in Siegfried and Fasolt in Das Rheingold .

International career

After his debut in Bayreuth, van Mill appeared on the world's major opera stages: Vienna State Opera , Scala in Milan , Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires and Concertgebouw in Amsterdam. He worked with conductors such as Herbert von Karajan , Sir Georg Solti , Hans Knappertsbusch , Joseph Keilberth and Jascha Horenstein . In the 1950s he became Decca Records' house bass in London.


Van Mill was particularly connected to the Hamburg Opera. Here he sang up to and including 1971 and later as a guest.

In 1962 he was awarded the honorary title of chamber singer .

He worked as a singing teacher at the Hamburg Singing Academy with young singing talents. His last appearances were in 1976, as commander in Mozart's Don Giovanni and as a kitchen maid in Prokofiev's The Love of Three Oranges .

Discography (selection)

title medium year Music publisher Order number
Parsifal (Bayreuth 1951) CD 1993 Teldec
Aida CD 1991 Decca CD002894100152
Tristan and Isolde CD 1992 Decca
Étienne-Nicolas Méhul : Joseph in Egypt CD 2005 Gala
The abduction from the Seraglio CD 2005 Berlin Classics 0032932BC

Web links

Individual evidence

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