August Beyer (Markscheider)

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August Beyer the Elder (born February 4, 1677 in Freiberg ; † January 4, 1753 ibid) was an Electoral Saxon marquee , mountain commissioner and Freiberg councilor .

Live and act

Beyer was the son of Andreas Beyer (1636-1716), high school rector and chief preacher of the Nikolaikirche in Freiberg and author of several writings, including Der christliche Bergmann . With his cousin Adolph Beyer the Elder (1709–1768) and his sons Adolph Beyer (1743–1805) and August Beyer (1746–1806) - all three worked in Schneeberg - there were other important mountain officials in the family.

You recognized your abilities early on. The first own cracks date from 1693. As early as 1697, at the age of 20, he was appointed to succeed his teacher Johann Berger (1649–1695) as a surveyor for the important Freiberg mountain area . He expressed his gratitude, in which he included the then chief miner Abraham von Schönberg , in an extensive mourning poem. 70 years before the Bergakademie Freiberg was founded , he referred to Freiberg as “the focus of mountain science”. In 1724 he became the strong mountain commissioner under August and in 1725 Freiberg councilor. He was also a member of the Bergschöppen chair . In the laboratory of the scholarship fund of Bergrat Johann Friedrich Henckel , a predecessor institution of the Bergakademie Freiberg, he held a. a. for Michail Wassiljewitsch Lomonossow lectures in Markscheidewesen .

He left significant works with the historical-statistical work on Freiberg mining, Das gesegnete Markgrafthum Meißen , which contains a compilation of the yields between 1529 and 1729. Through his work Thorough Lessons from Mining Construction According to the Instructions of The Marckscheider Art , which he wrote with the rich experience of 52 years of professional activity, he is one of the co-founders of the mining industry as an independent discipline alongside Balthasar Rösler .

He owned an extensive collection of minerals for which a printed register was created.

August Beyer was buried in the Nikolaikirche. His epitaph , carved from wood , which is rich and a. is decorated with an allegorical Markscheider figure and associated surveying device, is now in the Petrikirche .


  • The blessed Marckgrafthum Meißen, of underground treasures and riches, of all metals and minerals, after the distribution of exploitation and restored publishing of the old mine at the Churfl. Saxon. Mountain town of Freyberg. Dresden, JC Krause, 1732
  • Thorough instruction by Berg-Bau according to the instructions of the Marckscheider art. Schneeberg: Fulde. 1749 ( digitized version )
  • Thorough mining lessons following the guidance of the art of mine sheath. Altenburg: Richter, 2nd edition by Johann Friedrich Lempe , 1785 ( digitized )


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gustav Eduard Benseler : History of Freiberg and its mining. Volume 2, Freiberg: Engelhardt, 1843, p. 1161 ( digitized version )
  2. Andreas Beyer: The Christian miner or miner Christian . Scholvien, Leipzig 1681 ( digitized version ).
  3. Walther Herrmann : A mining poem from Freiberg's baroque period . In: Sächsische Heimatblätter . tape 17 , 1971, p. 207–212 (poem by the Markscheider August Beyer on his teacher Johann Berger (1649-1695)).
  4. Wolfgang Jobst, Walter Schellhas : Abraham von Schönberg - life and work . The revival of mining in the Ore Mountains after the Thirty Years' War by chief miner von Schönberg. In: Freiberg research books . Reprint of the 1st edition. D 198. TU Bergakademie, Freiberg 2007, p. 45 .
  5. Walther Herrmann: The origin of the Bergakademie . In: Freiberg research books . D 2, 1953, p. 26th f .
  6. ^ A b Walther Herrmann: Bergrat Henckel: a pioneer of the Bergakademie . In: Freiberg research books . D 37, 1962, p. 24 .
  7. Complete catalog of an Ertz Stuffen collection as beautiful as it is numerous, which weyland Herr August Beyer has collected for almost 60 years. Approx. 1760
  8. ^ Otfried Wagenbreth , Eberhard Wächtler (ed.): The Freiberg mining industry . Technical monuments and history. 2nd Edition. German publishing house for basic industry, Leipzig 1988, ISBN 3-342-00117-8 , p. 95 .