August Gögler

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August Gögler (born October 10, 1890 in Strasbourg , † May 10, 1968 in Stuttgart ) was a German administrative lawyer .


After graduating from high school in Rottweil in 1909, Gögler studied law at the universities of Tübingen and Berlin . Since 1910 he was a member of the Catholic student union AV Guestfalia Tübingen . From 1914 to 1918 he took part in the First World War. In 1918 he was supported by the University of Erlangen for Dr. jur. PhD .

Gögler joined the Württemberg administration in 1921 and initially worked for the state supply office before he was an official in Maulbronn from 1922 to 1924. He was then from 1925 to 1926 government councilor in the Ministry of Food. In 1926 he moved to the Deutsche Rentenbank-Kreditanstalt, where he became head of department in 1930 and director in 1936.

In 1947 he was appointed head of department in the State Ministry of Württemberg-Baden and in 1948 he was appointed Ministerialrat. From 1949 to 1952, Gögler was Ministerial Director and authorized representative of the state of Württemberg-Baden at the federal government. After the founding of the state of Baden-Württemberg in 1952, he became the first authorized representative at the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg , where he worked until 1953. In 1956 he retired.

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