Adalbert Seifriz

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Adalbert Seifriz (1966)

Adalbert Seifriz (born August 22, 1902 in Neresheim , † February 23, 1990 in Stuttgart ) was a German politician ( CDU ).


Seifriz attended school in Ehingen (Danube) , Blaubeuren and Ulm , where he graduated from high school at the humanistic Humboldt Gymnasium . Then from 1922 he studied law in Tübingen , Heidelberg and Kiel and graduated in 1925 with the first state examination. In Tübingen Seifriz became a member of the Catholic student association AV Guestfalia in the CV . He received his doctorate in 1926 with the thesis The State Legal Position of the Württemberg State President to Dr. jur. In 1930 he became head of the Schwäbisch Gmünd employment office and of the Aussig employment office in 1939 .

After the war, he was first a textile representative, then a consultant at the Ministry of Economics in Württemberg-Baden (1946–1954), before taking over the management of the state trade office in 1955 and the state employment office of Baden-Württemberg two years later. In 1960 he entered the state parliament of Baden-Württemberg as a member of parliament . On August 31, 1963, he resigned from his mandate. His successor was Stefanie Roeger .

In 1963, Prime Minister Kurt Georg Kiesinger appointed him State Secretary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Baden-Württemberg to the Federation . From 1966 he held this office under Prime Minister Hans Filbinger , then he was Minister in the State Ministry for Federal Affairs. After the state elections in 1972, Seifriz retired from active politics for reasons of age, but remained a political advisor to Filbinger and then to Lothar Späth .

From 1968 to 1978 he was chairman of the Institute for Foreign Relations .

Seifriz died in Stuttgart in 1990. He was married to Maja geb. Spang and had three daughters.

honors and awards

Web links

Commons : Adalbert Seifriz  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files