August Högn

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August Högn
August Högn

August Högn (born August 2, 1878 in Deggendorf ; † December 13, 1961 in Ruhmannsfelden ) was a German teacher , school principal, composer and local researcher .


August Högn was born as the middle of five children to the bookbinding couple Andreas and Helene Högn. The young August learned to play the piano. He was able to further develop his musical skills in training as a teacher at the preparatory school in Deggendorf (1891-1894) and at the teacher training institute in Straubing (1894-1896). As a young teacher, Högn was transferred to several places in Lower Bavaria ( Deggendorf , Neukirchen (Lower Bavaria) , Schaufling , Geratskirchen , Zeilarn , Wallersdorf and Eberhardsreuth ). In 1904 Högn married his wife Emma Gerstl in Wallersdorf. This marriage resulted in two children. In 1910 Högn was transferred to Ruhmannsfelden, where he lived until his death.

In the Third Reich , Högn was involved in political events as a community group leader, sub-group leader and commissioner for the “protection of the people's property”. He was influenced by his son-in-law and Nazi mayor of Bayreuth, Karl Schlumprecht . In 1945 Högn, who had been headmaster since 1921, senior teacher since 1929 and rector of the Ruhmannsfelden elementary school since 1940, was suspended from school service as a result of denazification . After a short school assignment in 1947, he retired that same year. In 1953 he suffered a stroke that resulted in one-sided paralysis. August Högn was buried in Deggendorf.


From 1926 to 1929, several local history newspaper articles by Högn appeared. In retirement he wrote three large local history treatises.

From the age of 20 to 76, Högn worked as a singer , organist and choir director for several church choirs in the two dioceses of Passau and Regensburg . In Ruhmannsfelden he worked for 43 years mainly as an organist and in three phases as a choir regent. His numerous sacred works were mainly created during the time when he was choir director in Ruhmannsfelden. His first surviving composition was written in 1898 and his last in 1960 . In 1905 his march “In Treue fest!” Was postponed.



Religious music

measure up

Tantum ergo

Pange lingua

Marian songs

Funeral songs


Communion songs

Veni creator Spiritius

Adjuva nos

different genre

Secular music


  • History of Ruhmannsfelden (edition 2003)
  • History of Zachenberg (August Högn / Anton Trellinger ) (Edition 2003)
  • History of the voluntary fire brigade Ruhmannsfelden (edition 2003)
  • Local history newspaper articles: (Edition 2003)
    • "Through Gäu and Forest", supplement to the Deggendorfer Donauboten, November 6, 1926 - "History of the Ruhmannsfelden market: the name" Ruhmannsfelden "; the designation" market ""
    • "Through Gäu and Forest", supplement to the Deggendorfer Donauboten, December 15, 1926 - "History of the Ruhmannsfelden market: The coat of arms of Ruhmannsfelden; Castle and Schlossberg Ruhmannsfelden"
    • "Through Gäu and Forest", supplement to the Deggendorfer Donauboten, August 20, 1927 - "History of the Ruhmannsfelden market: From the school in Ruhmannsfelden in earlier times until 1835"
    • "History of the Ruhmannsfelden market: About the school in Ruhmannsfelden from 1835" (source from the chronicle of the elementary school Ruhmannsfelden, probably a copy of a newspaper article by Högn)
    • "Through Gäu and Forest", supplement to Deggendorfer Donauboten, No. 23/1927 "The pilgrimage church Osterbrünnl near Ruhmannsfelden"
    • "Through Gäu and Forest", supplement to Deggendorfer Donauboten, No. 2/1928 - "The pilgrimage church Osterbrünnlein near Ruhmannsfelden"
    • Viechtacher Tagblatt, September 9, 1928 - "What kind of anniversaries could Ruhmannsfelden celebrate?"
    • Viechtacher Tagblatt, October 25, 1928 - "How did it look around Ruhmannsfelden before it was founded?"
    • Viechtacher Tagblatt, 1928/29 - "Parish Church of St. Laurentius Ruhmannsfelden" (published in three articles)


  • Josephi Mass in F major op.62 (Ruhmannsfelden church choir, Gotteszell church choir, conducted by Josef Friedrich)
  • Laurentius Mass in C major op. 14 (Ruhmannsfelden church choir, Brassoholics, conductor: Andreas Stich), overall conductor: August Lankes

Selected Works


  • Josef Friedrich: The Mozart von Ruhmannsfelden - life and work of the school principal, local researcher and composer August Högn (1878 - 1961) . Verlag Karl Stutz, Passau 2007, ISBN 978-3-88849-961-6

Web links

Commons : August Högn  - collection of images, videos and audio files