Rodgau swimming lake

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Rodgau swimming lake
Aerial plan of the Nieder-Roden bathing area.jpg
Nieder-Roden lido
Geographical location City of Rodgau , Nieder-Roden district , Hesse
Tributaries Groundwater sources
Coordinates 50 ° 0 '31 "  N , 8 ° 51' 58"  E Coordinates: 50 ° 0 '31 "  N , 8 ° 51' 58"  E
Rodgau swimming lake (Hesse)
Rodgau swimming lake
Altitude above sea level 130  m above sea level NN
surface 26.3 ha
Maximum depth 35.0 m
Middle deep 10 m


Separate textile and nudist area

Template: Infobox Lake / Maintenance / EVIDENCE AREA Template: Infobox Lake / Maintenance / VERIFICATION MAX DEPTH Template: Infobox Lake / Maintenance / EVIDENCE MED DEPTH

The Rodgau lido , also known under the names Badesee Nieder-Roden and Rodgau-See , is a quarry pond within the district of Rodgau in Hesse that is still being exploited . The lido at Rodgau-See was opened in 1977 and consists of a textile and a nudist area. The average number of visitors is over 180 thousand in one bathing season.


Rodgau lido in 1981

The Rodgau lido is located in the Hanau-Seligenstädter Senke (eastern Lower Main Plain ) in the urban area of ​​Rodgau beyond the western development boundary. The sand layers deposited here in the Miocene and Quaternary periods reach a thickness of more than 50 m. The very light, beige-colored sand has been mined commercially since the mid-1950s. Continuous mining to the west and a depth of up to 27 m resulted in a lake that has been used by the local fishing club since 1967 as a groundwater inflow .

At the same time, a lively, unofficial bathing business developed on the southwest side of the lake, which was covered with thick vegetation with low trees and bushes. From the beginning, the "wild swimming area" was at nudist popular vehicle trailers and nationally known. In the mid-1970s, the ADAC published the bathing area with nudist beach for the first time in its list of Hessian bathing lakes, which increased the number of bathers. This in turn led to problems due to a lack of parking spaces and sanitary facilities . In addition, swimming accidents happened again and again, as strong groundwater currents on this side of the lake caused the steep underwater edge to slide off, creating vortices with a suction effect. The operator of the sand works was forced to fence in the area. The success of this measure was, however, moderate.

In 1976 the gravel and sand mining license changed to the Kaspar Weiss company. The community of Nieder-Roden, which was still independent this year and which was to become part of the greater Rodgau community on January 1, 1977 as a result of the regional reform in Hesse , decided, together with the Weiss company, to create a completely new one on the side of the lake opposite the wild beach Set up a lido area with a textile area and a separate nudist area. Both areas received sanitary facilities. A centrally located DLRG station with a glazed guard room and checkout entrance area as well as a supply kiosk with a viewing terrace were built on the higher bank area. A bathing zone demarcation and some floating bathing islands were created in the lake. The DLRG team received a lifeboat with an outboard motor . Before both beaches caused by Ansa Dung flat shallow areas , a large parking lot for 1660 and just before the entrance car . On May 1st, 1977 the first official bathing season began at the Rodgau bathing lake.

Construction sign Maritima-Projekt 1979

Maritima project

At that time there was a real construction boom in Rodgau and especially in Nieder-Roden. Hans Elgner ( CDU ), mayor of the Nieder-Roden community since 1969 and of the new large community of Rodgau in 1977, developed the idea of ​​a large leisure center with a fun pool and hotel directly on the lake, supported by the CDU majority and rejected by the SPD opposition . In 1978 the project took shape. The Maritima Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co Berlin was engaged as the client and future operator of the project. Due to several rescheduling, lengthy approval procedures and problems with the acquisition of land, Maritima ran out of its own funds at the beginning of 1979.

A bank loan of 3.4 million DM was required for bridging financing and was also approved after the city had taken on a corresponding default guarantee . This guarantee, signed by Mayor Elgner alone, had not previously been submitted to the city ​​council for approval , as required . Since Maritima GmbH fell behind with the redemption of the loan, the town of Rodgau was ultimately asked as a surety by March 6, 1980 to repay the loan amount plus interest. Hans Elgner took responsibility for his unauthorized actions and resigned from all offices in April 1980.

The “Maritima” adventure cost the city around two million marks, which it had to pay to the credit bank after lengthy processes and a final settlement. Elgner received a prison sentence of two and a half years in 1981.

Lido at the Rodgau bathing lake 2011

Further development

From 1990 sand dredging shifted more and more to the northeast in the direction of the cross-connecting road Rodgau-Dietzenbach, so that the nudist area could gradually be expanded and a badminton field could be created. In the edge areas of the sandy beaches, additional DLRG observation pulpits with radio connection to the central watch station were installed and a second, more powerful lifeboat was purchased. Changing rooms were set up around the textile area and large wooden shaders were set up in both beach areas. On the partial areas on the slope, lawns were created in both beach areas, which are equipped with an automatic irrigation system. The system draws the irrigation water from the lake, whereby the pump is operated with solar energy .

Beach volleyball facility

In 2000, a skater park was created adjacent to the bathing area , which was modernized several times in the following years. In 2001 a floating diving platform and a large bathing island with a living tree were anchored in the lake as special attractions . Since 2000 there has been a beach volleyball facility with three fields and since 2002 an additional beach volleyball field in the nudist area instead of the rarely used badminton field. A year earlier, the existing beach playground had already been converted into a large water playground . In 2002, another kiosk was built in the nudist area, a toilet for the disabled and a baby changing room.

As early as 2000, the parking spaces were divided up more efficiently in order to compensate for spaces that had been lost due to the new construction of the skater facility. At the same time, areas for motorbikes and bicycles were created and the access to the cash desk area and the beach were redesigned to be wheelchair accessible. In 2009 the diving tower had to be pulled ashore to carry out repairs.

In the course of the COVID-19 pandemic , the 2020 season, which only started in mid-June, was switched to personalized online tickets . Since the ordinance of the State of Hesse initially allowed only one bathing guest per five square meters of open space, the nudist section was rededicated as a textile area and the total number of guests was limited to 3500. After the ordinance reduced the free space per guest to three square meters in mid-July 2020, the total number of bathers was increased to 4,500 and a section was again reserved exclusively for nudist guests. From now on there are 3500 places available in the textile area and 1000 in the nudist area.

Statistical values

Nieder-Roden with swimming lake 2008


In terms of climate, the area around Rodgau is one of the mildest and less rainy areas in Germany (average annual values ​​from 1982 to 2004: 10.5 ° C, 639.1 mm of precipitation per year). The highest recorded daily temperature in the period 1977–2011 at the bathing lake was 38 ° C on July 11, 1984.


The standards for the water quality of open bathing waters are set across Europe by EU directives . According to these guidelines, the water should have a visible depth of 120 cm or more. Due to ongoing sand dredging in the northeastern part of the lake, the visibility depth in Rodgau Lake is 130 cm. The turbidity has no influence on the water quality of the lake. During the bathing season, water samples are taken every 14 days in the bank area of ​​the children's play areas on the textile and nudist beach and examined in the laboratory for the concentration of salmonella and E. coli bacteria . These pathogens have not been detectable since the pool was opened.

The water temperature regularly reaches 23 ° C in midsummer, sometimes even 26 ° C (e.g. in July 2006). Nevertheless, the tendency towards algae growth ( green algae ) is very low, as the water temperature drops rapidly with increasing depth. Blue-green algae do not occur in Rodgau-See. Almost all freshwater fish species common in Central Europe can be found in Lake Rodgau. The lack of open tributaries eliminates the risk of flooding from agriculturally fertilized areas.

Since the water level of the lake is not dependent on such inflows, the level does not drop noticeably even during long periods of drought, such as in 2003. Only when the groundwater level generally falls or rises does the lake's water level change, and this usually happens with a delay of two years from the surface event. In 2003, the water level of the Rodgau lake was 1.20 m higher than in the previous year, as there was above-average rainfall in 2001.

Visitor development 1977–2011


Since the opening of the lido at Rodgau-See in 1977, over 7.3 million bathing guests came to August 2017. Depending on the season's weather, the lido attracts up to 370 thousand visitors a year. While the number of visitors in the first two years of the season was over 71 or 87 thousand, in 1979 almost 105 thousand bathers visited the lido. That year, the band Rodgau Monotones advertised the Rodgau bathing lake in their song "St. Tropez am Baggersee". The busiest day of visitors since the existence of the lido was August 3, 2003 with 17,057 bathers.

Ice age

In winter, a smooth layer of ice also forms on the Rodgau-See if there are persistent periods of frost and calm. If this covers the entire water surface without gaps and is at least 15 cm thick everywhere, a marked ice surface in front of the textile beach is released for ice skating . An ice rink and ice hockey rink are then kept snow -free with the help of a small tractor with a snow plow . The supply kiosk is open in the afternoons and on weekends during the “Ice Age” and the swimming lake staff has winter service.

For various reasons there is no longer a "winter season".

There have been seven "ice ages" since the lido opened in 1977:

  • January / February 1979
  • January / February 1982
  • February 1986
  • February 1987
  • February 1991
  • November 1991
  • February 1996


  • Backfischfest in August every year
  • Rodgau Triathlon in mid-August every year
  • Lido Festival for the first time at the end of August 2012
  • Kite Festival competition at the end of September every year
  • After-work music every Wednesday from 6:00 p.m.

Web links

Commons : Badesee Rodgau  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Sand and gravel works Weiss, Rodgau site
  2. ^ Hessian State Office for Environment and Geology, Rodgau-See bathing water profile
  3. a b ASV-Rodgau, Chronicle
  4. a b c Homepage of the town of Rodgau, lido page
  5. a b Offenbach-Post : December 8th, 2008 Rodgau's first mayor is dead - Maritima project ended political career
  6. 1977–1980 Hans Elgner - Bürgerblatt: Hans Elgner on the Maritima Project ( Memento of the original from April 23, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  7. 1977–1980 Hans Elgner - Bürgerblatt: Mayor Elgner resigned ( Memento of the original from April 23, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. The Rodgau lido is open. Municipality of Rodgau, accessed on August 16, 2020 .
  9. Corona regulation: Lido in Nieder-Roden: nude bathing is also possible again. In: Offenbach-Post . July 15, 2020, accessed August 13, 2020 .
  10. ^ German weather service Offenbach
  11. Ordinance on the Quality and Management of Bathing Water 2008 (PDF; 158 kB)
  12. Hessian State Office for Environment and Geology, Measured values ​​for water quality
  13. ^ City of Rodgau - Lido. Retrieved August 2, 2017 .
  14. ^ City of Rodgau Facility Management: Bathing lake statistics from 1977
  15. Offenbach-Post : January 31, 1979
  16. Offenbach-Post : February 2, 1982
  17. Frankfurter Rundschau : January 27, 1982
  18. Offenbach-Post : February 25, 1986
  19. ^ Frankfurter Rundschau : February 19, 1986
  20. Offenbach-Post : February 3, 1987
  21. Offenbach-Post : February 11, 1991
  22. Frankfurter Rundschau : November 9, 1991
  23. Offenbach-Post : February 8, 1996
  24. ^ City of Rodgau - facilities. Retrieved August 2, 2017 .