Bartolomeo Cecchetti

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Bartolomeo Cecchetti (born September 2, 1838 in Venice , † March 16, 1889 in Rome ) was director of the State Archives in Venice from 1876 .


Cecchetti was born in 1838 to Rosa Pancrazio and Pietro. His father was an educated man who worked on various periodicals. Bartolomeo attended the liceo-ginnasio S. Caterina from 1848 to 1855 , after which he began training at the Archivio generale dei Frari , the state archive. There he soon attended the Scuola di paleografia , founded by Cesare Foucard on July 18, 1854 . He grew up at a time when Venice was part of Austria, whose rule he rejected, but which lasted until 1866.

After graduating, Cecchetti left the archives service for some time and worked from January 10, 1857 to October 16, 1861 at the Ufficio registratura della luogotenenza e la contabilità dello Stato . But as early as 1860 he returned to the State Archives, where he succeeded Foucard, who had been dismissed because of his openly liberal attitude. From then on, Cecchetti directed the Scuola di Paleografia, diplomatica e dottrine archivistiche , the school for paleography , diplomatics and archival studies , and worked as a lecturer in palaeography until 1872. Girolamo Dandolo (1796–1866, director of the State Archives 1860–1867) took over the said school from 1863–64 ), then from 1860 to 1876 Bartolomeo Cecchetti, replaced by Riccardo Predelli . During this time, Cecchetti dealt with the creation of archives a lot. From 1861 to 1862 a number of monographs were created as part of the Programma dell'IR Scuola di paleografia in Venezia , as well as the work Il Doge di Venezia in 1864 . Cecchetti was firmly involved in the culturally active circles of Venice, he also worked with Il Pensiero di Venezia . During this time he met his future wife Anna Mander, a cultured poet and journalist with whom he also shared an interest in archival work. In 1863 he finally returned to the archive and took over the management of the Sezione storico-diplomatica . In a short time he rose within the house. However, when the Benedictine Beda Dudík appeared on July 21, 1866 with a letter from the emperor, which provided for the delivery of the most important sources and their transfer to Vienna , Cecchetti protested. As a result, he was arrested on the night of August 7th and 8th and imprisoned on the island of San Giorgio. Then he was taken to Trieste until September 23rd . On this day he was released from prison on the intervention of Minister Federico Luigi Menabrea , the Austrian rule was over.

After the annexation to Italy in 1866, Cecchetti dealt with the return of archival documents that had been withdrawn during the Austrian period from 1868 onwards. On October 25, 1876, he succeeded, now recognized by the Italian government, the head of the State Archives Teodoro Toderini (1819–1876) , who died on February 29, in office. Together with Giuseppe Giacomelli and Tommaso Gar, he was responsible for compiling the list in 1866, which was to contain all archival material to be returned that had been withdrawn to Vienna.

After Dandolo, Giacomelli and Gar became head of the State Archives one after the other before Cecchetti took over this post. In a lively debate against Gabriele Fantoni, the head of the Archivio notarile distrettuale , Cecchetti was able to assert that all archival material contained therein that had been created before 1830 should be transferred to the state archive. These previously scattered and often private documents have therefore formed the sezione notarile in the State Archives since 1884 . Cecchetti ensured a pure assignment to the notaries, which often tore the context of the origins. As early as 1871 he had published Il Regio Archivio generale di Venezia , which contained a history of the archive since the dissolution of the republic, as well as a brief overview of the holdings. How complex the reorganization of the archive was can be seen from L'Archivio di Stato di Venezia nel decennio 1866-1875 (Venice 1876). With the Statistica degli Archivi della Regione veneta (1820-1880) (Venice 1881) he presented an initial overview of the holdings of the whole of Veneto.

When the Archivio Veneto was founded in 1871 , the magazine found one of the most active participants in Cecchetti. In 1884 he became director of the Archvio , where he published numerous articles on extremely disparate topics, such as Le industrie di Venezia nel secolo XIII , La medicina in Venezia nel 1300 , La vita dei Veneziani nel 1300 or La donna nel Medioevo a Venezia , which however rather as quarries for more concise work by later historians.

Since Cecchetti often dealt with the everyday life of the Venetians, the aspects of which he derived mostly directly from the abundant sources available to him, he got caught up in the cultural-historical debates connected with it. It became evident in many places that his questions corresponded more to those that occupied the contemporaries who lived at the time of his sources. For example, when he argued about an idea that the Venetians of the Middle Ages had of women ( La donna nel Medioevo a Venezia , 1886), he said that they had not produced any work of higher intellectual standard, nor works of poetry, but them have been modest housewives (casalinghe), devoted to the family, or to beauty. Apart from the fact that his medieval conception was based exclusively on sources from the 14th and 15th centuries, which in Venice belong more to the Renaissance , this contradicts the research of Eileen Power . Works by David Herlihy or Richard Goldthwaite , for example , have also shown that women were pushed out of public and professional life in the 14th and 15th centuries, but that they were all the more involved in the administration of the often extensive estates of the economically prosperous Families played a central role. In addition, Power dealt with the early and high Middle Ages, not the Renaissance.

Although a devout Catholic, he rejected the church's interference in politics. On this topic he published in 1873 La Repubblica di Venezia e la Corte di Roma nei rapporti della religione . In it, Cecchetti propagates the Venetian model as exemplary. This representation was the only attempt by the archive manager to present a historical work that went beyond an accumulation of archive material without a really strict internal order.

Cecchetti has published more than 150 individual titles. In it he dealt both with organizational questions of the archives in Veneto , because in 1874 he became the sovrintendente agli archivi veneti , as well as with questions of the Venetian everyday history. There were also publications on the political and economic history of the Republic of Venice , such as its supply and nutrition history or the history of prices. In addition, he wrote a guide for the State Archives with its extensive holdings.

In the State Archives there are 19 large busts by Cecchetti Bartolomeo with a total of 1129 pages. They were inventoried in 1903.


  • Di alcune fonti della storia veneta fino al secolo xiii , Venice: Narotovich 1867.
  • Le restituzioni scientifiche ed artistiche fatte dal Governo austriaco nell'anno 1868 , Venice: Cecchini, 1870
  • La vita dei Veneziani nel 1300 , in: Archivio Veneto 27 (1884) 5-54 and 321-337, 28 (1885) 5-29, 267-296, 29 (1886) 9-48, 30 (1887) 27-96 , 279-333, reprint, Bologna 1980
  • L'archivio di stato in Venezia negli anni 1876-1880 , Venice: Naratovich, 1881
  • La Republica Di Venezia e la corte di Roma nei rapporti della religione , Venice: Naratovich, 1874
  • Sull'istituzione dei magistrati della Repubblica Veneta fino al secolo XIII , 1865
  • Dizionario del linguaggio archivistico veneto - Saggio , Venice: Naratovich, 1888
  • II doge di Venezia , Venice: Naratovich, 1864
  • La mariegola dei Calafati dell'Arsenale di Venezia , Venice: Naratovich, 1882
  • together with Francesco Gregolin: Gli Archivi di Stato in Venezia ed osservazioni sul loro ordinamento , Venice 1866
  • Inventario dell'Archivio di Stato in Venezia. Saggio , Venice 1881
  • Il vitto dei Veneziani nel secolo XIV , in: Archivio Veneto, vol. 15, vol. 29, Venice (1885) 235–304, vol. 30 (1885) 27–96, 279–333.
  • Appunti sulle finanze antiche della Repubblica Veneta , in: Archivio Veneto 35 (1888) 29–55
  • Il testamento, i funerali, la sepoltura e l'arma del doge Francesco Morosini , in: Archivio Veneto, ns 15 (1885) 65–79
  • Saggio sui prezzi delle vettovaglie e di altre merci in Venezia, sec. 12.-19. , Venice 1874.


See also


  1. Communications from the Austrian State Archives, Volume 28 (1975), p. 345.
  2. ^ Stanley Chojnacki : Patrician Women in Early Renaissance Venice , in: Ders .: Women and Men in Renaissance Venice: twelve essays on patrician society , Johns Hopkins University Press 2000, p. 115f.
  3. A contribution in the Archivio Veneto 38.1 (1889) 11-18 lists 151 titles.