Beatrice Sutter-Kottlar

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Beatrice Sutter-Kottlar , née Beatrice Lauer-Kottlar (born January 6, 1883 in Czernowitz , Austria-Hungary , † March 15, 1935 in Liel in Baden ) was an Austrian opera singer (soprano) and singing teacher.


Beatrice Lauer-Kottlar made her stage debut in 1907 at the Strasbourg City Theater , where she stayed until 1910. She performed in Strasbourg a. a. in the role of Santuzza in Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni . From 1910 to 1917 she was engaged at the Hoftheater Karlsruhe , then at the Frankfurt Opera House . Since the 1920s Sutter-Kottlar was a singing teacher at Dr. Hoch's Conservatory in Frankfurt. In Frankfurt she first appeared under her maiden name Beatrice Lauer-Kottlar. In 1924 she married Otto Ernst Sutter and then went by the name Sutter-Kottlar.

During her time in Frankfurt, she was considered one of the most important lyrical and dramatic sopranos in the German-speaking world.

Beatrice Sutter-Kottlar has campaigned heavily for contemporary music. So she sang the title role in Jenufa by Leoš Janáček in Frankfurt . At the music festival of the Allgemeine Deutsche Musikverein in Frankfurt, she performed three scenes from Alban Berg's opera Wozzeck as early as 1924, a year before the premiere . This performance was directed by Hermann Scherchen .

She gave numerous guest performances, including at the following opera houses:

In 1932 she had to give up her engagement at the Frankfurt Opera for health reasons. After her marriage to Otto Ernst Sutter, she bought Liel Castle in 1924 in the southern Black Forest, where both lived. She died in 1935 under unexplained circumstances, although the fact that she was considered a “half-Jew” according to the National Socialist race laws gave rise to speculation. Otto Ernst Sutter had a wooden cross set up in the “ Auf der Eckt ” nature reserve above the Eggenertal in the late 1930s as a memory of her , which is now known as the “ Sutter Cross ” by hikers and is a popular excursion destination.


Beatrice Sutter-Kottlar had a very extensive repertoire. Among other things, she sang the following roles

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. About Beatrice Sutter-Kottlar ( Memento of the original from January 16, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Article in the Badische Zeitung: When grill fans pollute nature
  3. Article in the Baden pages about the Sutter Cross