Benedict Eichhorn

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Benedikt Eichhorn (born June 19, 1962 in Coesfeld ) is a German cabaret artist , pianist and chansonnier from Berlin .


After studying at a Catholic school in Coesfeld and graduating from high school in 1981 at the Nepomucenum there , Eichhorn studied in Münster and Essen and worked as an Asta cultural advisor during his studies. After a chanson program with Tina Teubner in 1990/91 and studying history and music for secondary levels I and II, Eichhorn moved to Berlin in 1992 and now lives in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg . Eichhorn writes song and cabaret texts as well as theater music for children's plays .

He worked for the theater groups Kiebitzensteiner from Halle, Landestheater Parchim , theater production Strahl from Berlin, Landestheater Stuttgart , comedy in the Bayerischer Hof , cabaret two thirds , Die Kibitzensteiner , Horst Evers , Das Kom (m) ödchen .

Eichhorn has accompanied Thomas Pigor in the program Pigor singt since 1995 , Benedikt Eichhorn has to accompany . Since 1998 he has repeatedly played the “Bezirkslieder” program with Horst Evers.



  • Fides Middendorf: inventor of salon hip-hop . In: Westfalenspiegel , 5/2008, p. 62 (portrait Benedikt Eichhorn)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Thomas Pigor: Life and work of the pianist Benedikt Eichhorn
  2. ^ Winner of the German Chanson Prize
  3. ^ Winner of the Löwenzahn Lachmesse Leipzig