Mining technology

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A roadheading machine exhibited at a mining technology fair in Donetsk , Ukraine

The mining technology (more rarely mining technology called) is the part of the field of technology (or technology ) which, in mining is used. In the mining jargon is also short of Bergtechnik speaking, this term by some as a synonym for the entire mining technology (or even as a collective term beyond), from other only as a term for mining equipment in the narrow sense (as a means of extracting deposits ) is used.


Mining technology includes all technical aspects of mining, i.e. the exploration , development and extraction of raw materials from the earth's crust in civil engineering or in open-cast mining , including the auxiliary technology required for this (such as conveyor technology , ventilation , water drainage , etc.). In a broader sense, the processing of the raw materials obtained is also included.

Mining technology includes all technical aids used in mining, such as systems , machines , devices , tools , vehicles and components , their design, manufacture, use, operation, maintenance, etc. The technical processes, methods and working methods used in mining are also part of mining technology.

The demarcation of mining technology from other, non-technical sub-areas of mining, such as business management (“mining”) or legal (“mining law”) and also the demarcation from the geoscientific fundamentals, is not always to be drawn sharply.

Depending on the application areas, there is strong overlap with other technical disciplines from which the techniques are borrowed or which use similar techniques, for example with

Vocational training

Mining (construction) technology is an integral part of training in various technically oriented professions in the mining industry and related disciplines, including B .:


  • Heinrich Otto Buja: Engineering manual mining technology: Deposits and extraction technology . Ed .: DIN e. V. (=  Beuth knowledge ). Beuth-Verlag, 2013, ISBN 978-3-410-22619-2 .
  • Ernst U. Reuther: Introduction to mining. A guide to mining technology and mountain economy . Glückauf Verlag, 1982, ISBN 3-7739-0390-1 .
  • Chamber of Technology, Association of Mining, Bergakademie Freiberg (Hrsg.): New Mining Technology - Journal for Mining & Geosciences . Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindindustrie, Leipzig / Stuttgart, DNB  010680004 (1971–1992; 1993 incorporated into the World of Mining - Surface & Underground magazine ).

Web links

Commons : Mining Technology  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Günter B. Fettweis : Interrelationships and technical developments in the availability of mineral raw materials - overview taking into account relevant Leoben work . Lecture at the general meeting of the Austrian Academy of Sciences on January 21, 1983. Presented at the meeting of the mathem.-naturw. Class on October 14, 1983. Springer, 1983 ( full text at the Upper Austrian State Museum [PDF]).
  2. Technician for mining. AMS career information system, accessed on March 14, 2014 .
  3. Technician - Mining Technology. Employment office, accessed on December 2, 2014 .
  4. ^ Mining, geotechnical engineering, mine surveying. (Länder of the Federal Republic of Germany, Federal Employment Agency), accessed on March 14, 2014 .
  5. At the former technical college of mining in Bochum, today TFH Georg Agricola, the "miners" studied in the field of mining technology.