Bernhard von Holleben called von Normann

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General Bernhard v. Holleben gen. V. Normann

Karl Ludwig Friedrich Bernhard Freiherr von Holleben called von Normann (born July 30, 1824 in Unterköditz , † October 6, 1897 in Dresden ) was a Saxon general of the infantry .



His parents were Karl Ludwig Anton von Holleben called von Normann (1786–1849) and his wife Ida, née von Schönberg (1803–1867). The politician Albert von Holleben was his brother.

Military career

Holleben studied at the University of Jena and became a member of the Corps Saxonia Jena in 1846 . In 1862 he received the tape of the Corps Misnia Leipzig .

After completing his studies, he embarked on a military career in the Saxon Army in 1849 and served a. a. in the 2nd Jäger Battalion. During the German War in 1866 he was a captain in the General Staff of the 2nd Division , then joined the 3rd Jäger Battalion and in 1867 was commanded as a Major in the General Staff of the Army. The following year he was transferred here and was deployed in the tactical department. In this position, Holleben took part in the war against France in 1870/71 and received the Knight's Cross of the Military Order of St. Henry and both classes of the Iron Cross for his services on September 29, 1870 . In addition, from 1870 to 1873 Holleben was also the Saxon military representative at the Prussian court in Berlin. He then returned to the General Staff and rose to Chief of Staff until 1883. In the meantime, Holleben had been promoted to major general with a patent from April 5, 1881 . From July 6, 1883 to March 31, 1887 he commanded the 2nd Infantry Brigade No. 46 and was then promoted to Lieutenant General and was appointed commander of the 2nd Division No. 24 . On January 22, 1892, Holleben was released from this command and put up for disposition as a general of the infantry .


Holleben married Clementine von der Becke (* 1832) on August 8, 1850. The couple had several children:

  • Ida Lisbeth Clara (* 1852) ⚭ 1880 Ernst Egon von Trützschler , Lieutenant Colonel
  • Ludwig Leopold Anton (1854–1926), Saxon Lieutenant General ⚭ 1889 Ella von Rex (* 1861)
  • Helene Auguste Mathilde (1856–1873)
  • Sophie Magarethe (* 1858)
  • Ludwig Leopold (1862–1863)
  • Hans Ludwig (1865–1866)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dresden history sheets . Volume 2, 1897-1900, online edition of the SLUB Dresden, p. 72.
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 71 , 316
  3. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 90 , 176
  4. The Royal Saxon Military St. Heinrichs Order 1736–1918. An honor sheet of the Saxon Army. Wilhelm and Bertha von Baensch Foundation, Dresden 1937, p. 61f.
  5. Dermot Bradley (ed.), Günter Wegner: Occupation of the German Army 1815-1939. Volume 1: The higher command posts 1815–1939. Biblio Verlag, Osnabrück 1990, ISBN 3-7648-1780-1 . P. 276.
  6. Ranking list of the Royal Saxon Army for the year 1889. Dresden 1889. P. 145f.
  7. Ranking list of the Royal Saxon Army for the year 1893. Dresden 1893. P. 362f.