Bettine Menke

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Bettine Menke (born July 25, 1957 in Cologne ) is professor of general and comparative literature at the University of Erfurt .

Menke works and researches repeatedly on Walter Benjamin , for whose work she is internationally known as a proven expert. In the fields of literary theory (especially deconstruction ), gender research , rhetoric ( allegory , metaphor and, above all, prosopoly ) of the Baroque (e.g. on tragedy ) and, more recently, theatricality ( e.g. on the problem of performance), Menke is one of them numerous publications, lectures, conferences and anthologies.


Studies and university career

Bettine Menke studied philosophy and German at the University of Konstanz (1976–1982). She completed her studies and postgraduate studies with Anselm Haverkamp , Wolfgang Iser , Renate Lachmann , Wolfgang Preisendanz and Albrecht Wellmer, among others .

In 1988 she received her doctorate with the thesis Speech Figures - Figures of the Detour in Benjamin's Theory at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Konstanz. In 1996 she completed her habilitation at the European University Viadrina with the habilitation thesis The Rhetoric of the Voice and the Muteness of Text. Noises and hissing in and after the Romantic era (venia legendi in General and Comparative Literature, German Studies)

Since 1999 she has been professor for general and comparative literature at the University of Erfurt.

Visiting professorships, functions and memberships

Bettine Menke is visiting professor and substitute professor at the JW Goethe University in Frankfurt a. M. (1992/93), at the Philipps University of Marburg (1997/98) and at the University of California / Santa Barbara (2006).

She acted as the spokesperson for the Graduate School Medial Historiographies at the universities of Weimar , Erfurt and Jena, which was funded by the DFG from 2005 to 2013 .

She was also a member of the selection committee of the DAAD program ISTAP (2005–2009). From 2006 to 2011 she was a member of the General Board of the International Walter Benjamin Association.

From October 2010 to March 2011, Bettine Menke was a Senior Fellow at the IKKM Weimar . And in the 2015/16 academic year she was a Senior Fellow at the Cultural Studies College in Konstanz at the invitation of the Cluster of Excellence Cultural Basics of Integration at the University of Konstanz .


She is the sister of the Frankfurt philosopher Christoph Menke .

Research priorities

  • Literary and text theory
  • rhetoric
  • Deconstruction
  • Gender studies
  • Poetic and sacred orders of signs (stigmata)
  • Memory concepts and intertextuality
  • Baroque techniques and romantic figures (allegory, concetto and joke, arabesque)
  • Rhetoric and Poetics of Knowledge
  • Writing, image, voice and sound
  • Mythopoetic figures (sirens, Memnon)
  • Polar regions of literature.



  • Linguistic figures. Name - allegory - picture after Walter Benjamin. Fink Verlag Munich 1991, ISBN 3-7705-2691-0 . (Book version of the Diss. Konstanz 1986; corrected new edition 2001)
  • Prosopopoiia. Voice and text with Brentano, Hoffmann, Kleist and Kafka. Fink, Munich 2000, ISBN 3-7705-3293-7 . (Book version of the habilitation paper 1996)
  • Corrected new edition of language figures. Name - allegory - picture after Walter Benjamin. Weimar 2001, publishing house and database for the humanities 2001, ISBN 3-89739-209-7 .
  • The tragedy book. The sovereign - the tragedy - constellations - ruins. transcript-Verlag, Bielefeld 2010, ISBN 978-3-89942-634-2 .


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