Boris Mikhailovich Savadovsky

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Boris Mikhailovich Zavadovsky ( Russian Борис Михайлович Завадовский ; born January 1, jul. / 13. January  1895 greg. In the village of Pokrovka Skoritschewo, Ujesd Elisabeth degree , Kherson Gubernia , † 31 March 1951 in Moscow ) was a Soviet biologist , physiologist and university teachers .


Zavadovsky came from a noble family and grew up as the seventh child on his father's country estate Pokrowka-Skoritschewo ( Покровка-Скоричево ), a village in the Jelanez district of the Ukrainian Oblast of Mykolaiv , which has not existed since 2014 . He studied at Moscow University and was there in the First World War 1915-1916 assistant. In 1917 he finished his studies. After the October Revolution he taught 1918-1919 at the Municipal Moscow Schanjawski - People's University .

In the summer of 1919 Sawadowski took part in a student expedition at the Schanyawski People's University and carried out the first experimental work to investigate the influence of the thyroid on animal behavior in New Askania . Because of the fronts of the civil war , he could not return to Moscow, so he stayed in Odessa and worked at the Department of Physiology at Odessa University for almost a year .

In 1920 Zavadovsky became professor of biology at the Sverdlov Communist University in Moscow. There he headed the chair for biology (until 1935) and was director of the laboratory for experimental biology (until 1938). In 1922 he founded the Timirjasew Biology Museum in the former Museum of Russian Antiquities of Pyotr Ivanovich Shchukin in Moscow. In 1932 he joined the CPSU . In the same year he became a member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina in Halle . In 1934 he received his doctorate in agricultural sciences . In 1935 he was elected a full member of the Soviet Academy of Agricultural Sciences. His research focus was the physiology of the glands . He studied the reproduction of domestic animals and the factors that determine the growth of farm animals, in particular the effects of the use of hormones .

In several Pravda articles, Zavadovsky criticized the research work of the biophysicist Alexander Leonidowitsch Tschischewski , whom he called a charlatan , and accused him of anti-Soviet and counterrevolutionary ideas. Tschischewski received a publication ban in 1933 and was dismissed in 1936 when his laboratory was closed. Zavadovsky's criticism of the scientific nature of Tschischewski's research was confirmed by the physicist Abram Fjodorowitsch Joffe in his research report in 1940 .

1936–1941 and 1943–1951, Zavadovsky held the chair of Darwinism at the Moscow Potjomkin Municipal Institute for Education . In 1940 he became a member of the Zoological Society of London . 1945–1951 he headed a working group to study the chemical nature of hormones in the laboratory for organic drugs of the People's Commissariat for the meat and dairy industry.

In 1948 at the August meeting of the Soviet Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the followers of Lysenkoism classical genetics shattered, Zavadovsky was one of the criticized person. Zavadovsky behaved cautiously, pointing out that he had opposed formal genetics as early as 1926 in the book on Darwinism and Marxism , and advocated Darwinism on the basis of the work of Timiryazev. He also tried to defend Ivan Ivanovich Schmalhausen , criticizing his own brother Mikhail Mikhailovich Zavadovsky for morganism . Zavadovsky remained the target of attacks by Sergei Fyodorovich Demidov , Vsevolod Nikolayevich Stoletov and Issaak Israilewitsch Present , after which he lost his position as director of the Biology Museum.

Zavadovsky was buried in the Vagankovo cemetery .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c ДВЕ СУДЬБЫ, ДВА МУЗЕЯ - А. Ф. Котс и Б. М. Завадовский (accessed September 5, 2019).
  2. a b c d e Биографическая энциклопедия РАСХН, ВАСХНИЛ: Завадовский Борис Михайлович (accessed September 5, 2019).
  3. a b Chersonska Oblasna Biblioteka dla Junaztwa: Завадовський Борис Михайлович (accessed on September 5, 2019).
  4. a b c d e Snamenityje, welikije, genialnyje ljudi: Завадовский Борис Михайлович (accessed on September 5, 2019).
  7. ^ Trofim Denissowitsch Lyssenko : The situation in biological science; proceedings of the Lenin Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the USSR, July 31-August 7, 1948. Verbatim report. Foreign Languages ​​Pub. House, Moscow 1949.