Bremen Art Prize

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The Bremen Art Prize or the Böttcherstraße Art Prize in Bremen is an art prize awarded every two years to artists living in German-speaking countries.

History and endowment

The prize is the successor to the art prize awarded by Böttcherstrasse between 1955 and 1983 and now combines both prizes and the traditional name in one. The Art Prize of Böttcherstraße was donated on October 6, 1954 by the Kaffee-Hag-AG in Bremen. Initially the prize was endowed with DM 5,000, from 1972 with DM 10,000 and from 1977 with DM 15,000; In 2007 the winner received 15,000 euros.

Since ownership changed in the coffee roastery, the company withdrew financially from the award ceremony. In 1981, the Böttcherstraße GmbH , which had existed until then, became family property and the art prize was awarded under this name for the last time in 1983.

Since 1985, the prize, now known as the Bremen Art Prize, has been administered by a group of donors , an association of members of the Bremen Art Association , and awarded by a jury according to predetermined rules. This group of founders forms an independent, non-legal association within the Kunstverein.

Winner " Art Prize of Böttcherstraße in Bremen "

Winner of the "Art Prize of Böttcherstraße"

Before 1985, the Bremen Art Prize was still called the Böttcherstraße Art Prize . This was awarded annually from 1955 to the following artists:

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