Bruno Albin Müller

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Bruno Albin Müller (born August 25, 1879 in Dresden , † March 30, 1939 in Hamburg ) was a German classical philologist , secondary school teacher and librarian.


Bruno Albin Müller, the son of Bruno Albin Müller and Anna Lauretta geb. Roscher, attended the Annenschule in Dresden and then for two years the Wettiner Gymnasium , where he was taught by the philologists Otto Meltzer and Franz Poland , among others . After graduating in 1899, he studied at the University of Leipzig . The philologists Kurt Wachsmuth and Otto Immisch and the archaeologist Franz Studniczka shaped him the most. In addition to the lectures and seminar exercises in these subjects, Müller also took part in German, historical and geographic history. On 23 June 1903 he was at Wachsmuth with a thesis on the grammarian and sophists Asklepiades of Myrleia Dr. phil. PhD . Shortly afterwards, he passed the teaching examination in Latin, Greek, German, history and religion.

After completing his studies, Müller worked from August 1, 1903 to April 30, 1905 at the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae in Munich. There he evaluated various late Latin texts, including the writing Adversus nationes des Arnobius , the letters of St. Jerome , the Terence Commentary by Eugraphius , the Virgil commentary by Marcus Valerius Probus , the Veronese Virgilscholia and the Vetus Latina . He also wrote articles for Volumes I, II and IV of the Lexicon. At the same time, Iwan von Müller won him over to work on the Handbook of Classical Studies , for which Müller designed a volume on the handwritten Latin book titles ( Codicum Latinorum subscriptiones ). However, the band did not materialize.

After the time at the thesaurus, Müller moved to the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg , where he began the seminar year in 1905 and the probationary year in 1906. From Easter 1907 he taught as a scientific assistant teacher at various schools. In 1908 he went to the secondary school in Hamm . On October 1, 1909, he was employed as a senior teacher at the upper secondary school on the Uhlenhorst.

In addition to teaching, Müller continued to do scientific work. From 1915 he worked as a voluntary research assistant at the Hamburg State Library . After founding the University of Hamburg , he accepted a teaching position for Latin language courses there.

After his temporary retirement (1928), Müller devoted his entire working time to the university library. His tasks included the development of the holdings and the preparation of exhibitions.

Fonts (selection)

  • De Asclepiade Myrleano . Leipzig 1903 (dissertation)
  • Optional Latin lessons at secondary schools . Hamburg 1913 (school program)
  • German life abroad. Exhibition on the occasion of the general assembly of the Association for Germanness Abroad in Hamburg Whitsun 1923, organized by the Hamburg State and University Library . Hamburg 1923
  • Hamburg contributions to American studies. Description and appreciation of selected showpieces from the exhibition organized by the State and University Library for the 24th International Americanist Congress in Hamburg . Hamburg 1933
  • The pictures of the Sieveking family . In: Georg Herman Sieveking (Ed.): History and family tree of the Sieveking family . Hamburg 1933, pp. 51-104


Web links

Wikisource: Bruno Albin Müller  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Announcement: Otto Group: Greek Mythology and Religious History. First volume ( HdA I 1³).