Côte des Abers

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Côte des Abers in Saint-Pabu

The Côte des Abers is a 65 km long stretch of coast in Brittany , between Plouescat and Cape Pointe de Corsen or Cape Pointe de Saint-Mathieu in the municipality of Plougonvelin .

The name is derived from the three rias Aber Wrac'h , Aber Benoît and Aber Ildut .

Sign at the Pointe de Corsen indicating the border between the English Channel and the Atlantic .

On the Côte des Abers , the border between the English Channel and the Atlantic runs along an imaginary line between the Aber Ildut and the island of Ouessant . Other sources name the Pointe de Corsen , which lies at the southern end of this stretch of coast, as the boundary between these waters.

The tanker Amoco Cadiz sank off the Côte des Abers in 1978 .


The multitude of islands and rocks is typical for this stretch of coast. Are to be emphasized


The Côte des Abers as part of the French coastal waters

To the more important municipalities on the Côte des Abers belong

The lighthouse Le Four and the lighthouses on the Pointe de Saint-Mathieu and on the Île Vierge should also be highlighted .


The coast is part of the Côte des Légends , which - depending on the definition - begins further east and continues south. The terms Les Abers and Côte du Léon are also used , albeit less often.

The Pays des Abers is an administrative community of several municipalities in the eastern area of ​​the Côte des Abers , which also includes the Pays d'Iroise in the west .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Commission nationale de toponymie. Les côtes françaises au May 1, 2006 ( Memento from April 17, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF file; 13 kB)

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