C / 1686 R1

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C / 1686 R1 [i]
Properties of the orbit ( animation )
Period:  September 16, 1686 ( JD 2,337,117,825)
Orbit type parabolic
Numerical eccentricity 1.0
Perihelion 0.336 AU
Inclination of the orbit plane 35.0 °
Perihelion September 16, 1686
Orbital velocity in the perihelion 72.7 km / s
Date of discovery August 12, 1686
Older name 1686
Source: Unless otherwise stated, the data comes from JPL Small-Body Database Browser . Please also note the note on comet articles .

C / 1686 R1 was a comet that could be seen with the naked eye in 1686 . Due to its extraordinary brightness, it is counted among the " Great Comets ".

Discovery and observation

The comet was discovered on August 12 by Simon van der Stel and others at the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa . In Brazil it was observed a short time later, his head looked like a star of first magnitude , its tail stretching 18 ° across the sky. From mid-August there were several observations in Indonesia , Thailand and Europe.

Christoph Arnold , a farmer from Sommerfeld near Leipzig , observed the comet from September 16, the following day he informed the astronomer Gottfried Kirch , who in turn determined the exact position of the comet over two days.

The comet reached a magnitude of 1 to 2 mag on August 27th .


For the comet, due to the limited number of observations, only a parabolic orbit with limited precision could be determined, which is inclined by around 35 ° to the ecliptic . At the point of the orbit closest to the sun ( perihelion ), which the comet traversed on September 16, 1686, it was about 50.3 million km from the sun in the area of ​​the orbit of Mercury . By August 16, it had already approached the earth to around 0.32 AU / 47.3 million km. Around September 22nd it approached Venus up to about 69 million km and around November 19 it approached Mars up to 103 million km.

The comet is unlikely to return to the inner solar system , or will return many tens or hundreds of thousands of years .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gary W. Kronk : Cometography - A Catalog of Comets, Volume 1. Ancient - 1799 . Cambridge University Press, 1999, ISBN 978-0-521-58504-0 , pp. 380-381.
  2. ^ AG Pingré: Cométographie ou Traité historique et théorique des comètes . Tome II, Paris, 1784, pp. 28-29.
  3. ^ Donald K. Yeomans: NASA JPL Solar System Dynamics: Great Comets in History. Retrieved June 17, 2014 .
  4. C / 1686 R1 in the Small-Body Database of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (English).Template: JPL Small-Body Database Browser / Maintenance / Alt
  5. SOLEX 11.0 A. Vitagliano. Archived from the original on September 18, 2015 ; accessed on May 2, 2014 .