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introduction 2005
CIMACT users Germany , France , Georgia , the Netherlands , Norway , Poland , Portugal , Russia , Turkey and the NATO CAI
CIMACT test Serbia and Slovenia
CIMACT requirement Bulgaria , Romania and Great Britain
interest Alaska (US) and Brazil

Cimact ( Ci VIL M ilitary A ir Traffic Management C o-ordination T ool ) and is a software that is available for authorities and organizations with security contract for the coordination and control of air traffic.

The requirement to coordinate the number of military flights in the civilly controlled air traffic environment across Europe is a constant challenge to the safe and efficient use of the limited resource airspace . The closest civil / military cooperation and direct coordination are imperative in order to fulfill the mission with efficient use of the airspace and at the same time the greatest possible protection of the environment. To support this objective, CIMACT was procured in Germany. In addition, CIMACT is used by Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Norway, Portugal, the Russian Federation, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Turkey and NATO . The use of CIMACT offers further opportunities and possibilities for flexible use of airspace (FUA, Level 3) in accordance with Article 6.2 of the European Commission (EC) No. 2150/2005.


CIMACT was developed by EUROCONTROL on behalf of the BMVg under the names ADMAR 2000 , ADKAR and GAME since the 1980s to support air surveillance , air policing , QRA etc. Today, EUROCONTROL supports CIMACT as a software tool throughout Europe. The model change of the German Air Force from ADMAR 2000 to CIMACT took place in 2005. Software maintenance and software changes are carried out on behalf of all user states, with EUROCONTROL holding the copyrights. The German rights to this software are regulated separately in accordance with the BMVg / EUROCONTROL contract (A / 13 / D / HG / 82, Article 8) of April 18, 1983. The CIMACT software runs on commercially available hardware that meets the specified minimum technical requirements and is available free of charge to the member states of EUROCONTROL and ECAC . The hardware is usually procured under national responsibility. EUROCONTROL can provide support on the basis of bilateral agreements or at the request of the CIMACT user concerned. For reasons of availability and to improve survivability, important system components are designed redundantly.


  • ADKAR - Remote display of KARLDAP radar data
  • KARLDAP - Karlsruhe Automatic Data Processing System
  • GAME - GEADGE / ADKAR Message Exchange
  • GEADGE - German Air Defense Ground Environment

Use in Germany

In Germany, the system is used in addition to stationary and relocatable use in the EinsFüDst Lw in the LWA , NLFZ SiLuRa , AFSBw , PPC and in the area of ​​local air traffic control of the fighter squadrons . With CIMACT, the EinsFüDstLw has a second air situation that is independent of combat control systems and can be used as a backup system for the control of aircraft as part of flight safety. Other users include a. the Defense and the Interior Ministry as part of the fight against terrorism, the SAR -Leitstelle Munster for situation awareness and to determine the Initial Point Search And Rescue and GFD -Leitstelle scorn for simulation / target representation. In Germany, CIMACT is generally available for BOS .

CIMACT usage in the CRC

CIMACT is suitable to support Tactical Air Command and Control (TACC) missions in the NATO Control and Reporting Center (CRC) with a co-primary Recognized Air Picture (AP) at the following workplaces (Working Positions - WP) :

CIMACT workstations in the CRC
WP 1 WP 2 - 5 WP 6 WP 7 WP 8 WP 9 WP 10 WP 11 WP 12
Senior Ops
Briefing Room
CIMACT support in the NATO-assigned Air Force Association, ATC area Radar Approach (APP)
CIMACT support in the NATO-assigned Air Force Association, ATC Tower area (TWR)

CIMACT use in the fighter squadron

In the fighter squadron / fighter squadron area, CIMACT can be used as follows:

CIMACT jobs (WP) in the squadron
WP 1 WP 2 - 3 WP 4
Approach (APP)
Radar APP
Wing- / Squadron OPS
Briefing Room
Remote Access Capability (RAC)

SATCO - Senior Air Traffic Contro Officer
TWR - Air Traffic Control Tower


CIMACT can record all RADAR track data, position data and flight plans from various data sources available in the area of ​​responsibility of EUROCONTROL, process them in an IT-based manner, combine them into an air situation picture and display them with all the usual air traffic control functions. In addition, the flight plans of the aircraft can be made available to the combat management systems and linked to the tracks of the military air situation image. It is possible to feed air defense sensor data and data from military air traffic control sensors. Proprietary sensor data formats must first be converted into the ASTERIX data format (CAT ***) that is common throughout Europe. In this regard, the Air Force has an Advanced Security Gate Way ( ASGW ) certified by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI ) with a radar data converter (RACO) function.

Information relevant to flight safety

Examples of CIMACT information relevant to flight safety
Requested Flight Level
(requested FL)
Climb Indicator (CI IND) /
Descent Indicator (DES IND)
Voice Call Sign
( callsign )

Flight history information

Examples of CIMACT flight history information
Overflight point Beacon name Altitude Graphic representation of
the flight route

Further functionalities

As part of the Europe-wide introduction of the secondary radar query European Mode S (24 bit 16,777,216 codes) in the area of ​​civil air traffic control, CIMACT was adapted accordingly to process the additional data. Another feature "CIMACT Remote Access Capability" (video conference capability via ISDN ) enables users to carry out the preparation and follow-up of air force exercises "face-to-face / pilot-to-operator" using the CIMACT image. To support the NATO project Co-operative Air Space Initiative (CAI) / Renegade Aircraft Investigation with the Russian Federation, CIMACT was expanded accordingly.

Since 2010, CIMACT has had an internal, automated interface to the "EUROCONTROL Local And sub-Regional Air space management support system - LARA". This system opens up further possibilities for more efficient use of the airspace.


CIMACT can process the following ASTERIX (ATC standard) categories (CAT):

  • 000 - Time Synchronization Messages (reserved for MADAP)
  • 001 - Monoradar Data Target Reports, from a Radar Surveillance System to an SDRS (replaced by CAT048)
  • 002 - Mono Radar Service Message (replaced by CAT034)
  • 003 - Distribution of Synthetic Air Traffic Data (reserved for MADAP)
  • 004 - Safety Nets Messages (Safety Nets Server)
  • 008 - Mono-Radar Derived Weather Information (Mono-Radar)
  • 009 - Multi-Sensor Derived Weather Information (reserved for MADAP)
  • 021 - Automatic Dependent Surveillance-B Messages (ADS-B Ground Station)
  • 030 - Exchange of Air Situation Pictures (reserved for ARTAS)
  • 034 - Next version of CAT002 (PSR Radar, SSR Radar, M-SSR Radar and MODE-S Stations)
  • 048 - Next version of CAT001 (PSR Radar, SSR Radar, M-SSR Radar and MODE-S Stations)
  • 062 - v 0.19 & v 1.3 System Track Data - Surveillance Data processing System (SDPS)
  • 065 - SDPC Service Status Messages (Surveillance Data processing System (SDPS))
  • 142 - Track Highlight Messages (used by NATO / CAI)
  • 149 - Exported Track Messages (used by PCC ban)
  • 150 - Flight Data Message (used by MADAP)
  • 152 - Time Stamp Messages (used by MADAP)
  • 252 - Session and Service control messages (used by ARTAS)


- CAT063 - SDPS structure messages (are NOT supported by CIMACT)
- ASTERIX - All Purpose Structured Eurocontrol Surveillance Information Exchange

Data transfer

The data transfer to the stationary CIMACT applications takes place directly via EUROCONTROL MAASTRICHT UACC or direct data connection to the next DFS location . In mobile use, on the other hand, the CIMACT data connection is preferably implemented using 256 kbit / s time switches, UMTS or DSL . In order to display a regionally limited CIMACT air situation picture, for example up to 30 NM to support the local air traffic control, data filtering can take place, with lower data transfer bandwidths being sufficient here. For reasons of availability and to improve survivability, the data transfer of sensor data and flight plan data to the EinsFüDstLw takes place separately via separate data connections.

IT security

For security reasons, CIMACT data is only available to authorities and organizations with security mandates. The confidentiality of this data is classified . If CIMACT systems are classified higher than VS-NfD, are part of higher-ranking IT architectures, are connected to such architectures or have interfaces to higher-ranking IT architectures, the security gradient becomes high-to-low / red-to-black appropriately secured. If CIMACT is used in IT security areas from ZONE II, the location, location and use-related conditions of use are taken into account. As a rule, case-based security operating procedures and IT security concepts are created with the support of the private sector.

Further development

The project is continuously updated and further developed in accordance with the requirements of the CIMACT users. The responsible decision-making body is the EUROCONTROL Multinational User Group CIMACT (MNUG). The necessary decisions are made by mutual agreement. The respective competent national sovereigns and NATO are entitled to vote. MNUG meetings take place regularly at the EUROCONTROL headquarters in Brussels, or are carried out in the user country concerned at the suggestion of a CIMACT user. For example, the seventh meeting in 2006 in CRC DRACHEBRONN (France) and the ninth meeting in 2007 in CRC MESSSTETTEN (Germany). The dates of the MNUG meetings are set promptly via the CIMACT user portal / EUROCONTROL OneSky Team (see web links). Generally accessible CIMACT publications are available via this portal. Air force users can propose changes through the National User Group CIMACT (NUG).

Responsibilities in Germany

Air force:

  • Operational requirements, operator training
Air Force Command (KdoLw)
  • In-service support management, configuration control
Air Force Support Units Command (KdoUstgVbdeLw)

BMVg and BMI take care of their interests independently via IT-AmtBw .


  • CIMACT Project Management
Headquarters EUROCONTROL Brussels
  • Software maintenance, software changes, help desk
CIMACT Development Team


The use of CIMACT offers further opportunities and possibilities for flexible use of the airspace (FUA) in accordance with Article 6.2 of the European Commission (EC) No. 2150/2005.

Web links