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The Suco Caibada is located in the north of the Baucau administrative office.
surface 10.10 km²
population 1,984  (2015)
Chefe de Suco José FA Soares Iong
(election 2016)
Aldeias Population  (2015)
Ana-Uaro 943
Boru Baha 24
Caiobilale 168
Data-Ua 430
Haurobu 99
Maulame 128
Uani-Uma 192
Haurobu (East Timor)
Coordinates: 8 ° 28 ′  S , 126 ° 28 ′  E

Caibada ( Caibada Uaimua ) is an East Timorese Suco in the Baucau administrative office ( Baucau municipality ).


places position height
Ana-Uaro 8 ° 27 '  S , 126 ° 26'  E 324  m
Uaicainaro 8 ° 28 ′  S , 126 ° 29 ′  E 248  m
Caiobilale 8 ° 28 ′  S , 126 ° 28 ′  E 288  m
Data-Ua 8 ° 28 ′  S , 126 ° 28 ′  E 288  m

The Suco is to the north of the Baucau administrative office, on the coast of the Wetar Strait . The territory is divided into two parts by the Sucos Bahu , Buruma and Tirilolo . The western part borders on the Suco Tirilolo in the west and on Bahu in the south and east. The eastern part is a small enclave surrounded by Tirilolo and Buruma. Some suburbs of the municipal capital Baucau are in the enclave.

Before the 2015 territorial reform, Caibada had an area of ​​30.99 km². Now it is 10.10 km². The Eastern Territory shrank to Buruma, Tirilolo, Bahu and Buibau . And in the west too, areas went to Bahu and Tirilolo.

The west is sparsely populated. The largest settlement is Ana-Uaro ( Ana Uaro , Anawaro ), in the southeast of the western part. In the east are Baucaus suburbs Baucaus Caiobilale ( Caiobilalei ), Data-Ua ( Datawa ) and Uaicainaro ( German  Langer Wasserbaum ). Schools in Suco are the Escola Pre-Primaria Caibada-Uaimua and the Escola Primaria Katolika Caibada .

In the Suco there are the seven Aldeias Ana-Uaro , Boru-Baha , Caiobilale , Data-Ua , Haurobu , Maulame and Uani-Uma .


1984 people live in the Suco (2015), 982 of them are men and 1002 are women. The population density is 196.5 inhabitants / km². There are 318 households in the Suco. About 50% of the population name Makasae as their mother tongue. About 25% each speak Tetum Prasa and the “coastal dialect” of Waimaha , which is one of the Kawaimina languages. Both languages ​​are recognized as the national languages ​​of East Timor . Young people are increasingly adopting the official language Tetum as their first language.


In the elections of 2004/2005 was Geraldo da Costa elected Chefe de Suco. José António da Costa won the elections in 2009 and José FA Soares Iong in 2016 .

Web links

Commons : Caibada  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Direcção-Geral de Estatística : Results of the 2015 census , accessed on November 23, 2016.
  2. Directory of Cities, Towns, and Regions in East Timor
  3. a b c Map of the Baucau Administrative Office from the Direcção-Geral de Estatística (2015).
  4. ^ A b Timor-Leste GIS-Portal ( Memento from June 30, 2007 in the Internet Archive ).
  5. Direcção Nacional de Estatística: Population Distribution by Administrative Areas Volume 2 English ( Memento from January 5, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) (Census 2010; PDF; 22.6 MB).
  6. Juliette Huber: Linguistic archeology in Timor ( memento of January 26, 2017 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on January 26, 2017.
  7. UNMIT: Timor-Leste District Atlas version 02, August 2008 ( Memento from December 3, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 499 kB)
  8. List of polling stations for the parliamentary elections in East Timor 2007 (PDF file; 118 kB)
  9. Jornal da Républica with the Diploma Ministerial n. 199/09 ( Memento of February 3, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) (Portuguese; PDF; 323 kB)
  10. John Bowden and Tatiana Romanovsky: Assessing the degree of language endangerment using Rapid Rural Appraisal techniques (PDF; 165 kB)
  11. Results of the 2010 census for the Suco Caibada ( tetum ; PDF; 8.7 MB)
  12. Secretariado Técnico de Administração Eleitoral STAE: Eleições para Liderança Comunitária 2004/2005 - Resultados ( Memento of August 4, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  13. Secretariado Técnico de Administração Eleitoral STAE: Eleições para Liderança Comunitária 2009 - Resultados ( Memento of August 4, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  14. Jornal da República: Lista Naran Xefe Suku Eleito 2016 , December 2, 2016 , accessed on June 17, 2020.

f1Georeferencing Map with all coordinates: OSM | WikiMap