Camilla Lucerna

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Camilla Lucerna (also Kamila Lucerna, pseudonyms : Camilla Leonhard, Camilla Milović; born  June 24, 1868 in Riva del Garda ; † June 15, 1963 in Zagreb ) was an Austrian educator , philologist , translator and writer .


The daughter of the kk auditor and court counselor Johann Lucerna and his wife Maria geb. Scheuchenstuel spent her youth at Falkenburg Castle / Wolfnitzhal . In her youth she traveled to Croatia ( Dalmatian coast , Plitvice Lakes ), Germany and France . From 1876 to 1889 she first attended elementary school and then the teacher training college in Klagenfurt , where in 1889 she passed the matriculation examination for elementary schools as a private studentdropped. In 1892 she became a teacher of German and French at the private language and education institute in Zagreb , then from 1894 at the girls' secondary school in Gospić . There she associated with the poet Bude Budisavljević and improved her knowledge of the Croatian language under his influence . From 1895 to 1919 she was a teacher (later a school councilor) for the German language at the Girls Lycéum in Zagreb. In addition, she studied German and Slavic studies in Vienna and Zagreb from 1889 to 1907 . She was retired in 1919 and was then a private scholar in Zagreb.

During her teaching career, she did research as a philologist and was active as a writer in both the German and Croatian languages, and after her retirement she worked as a private scholar, translator and writer.

Her brother Eduard Lucerna set her lyric drama Zlatorog to music .

Most of Lucerna's writings are preserved in the National and University Library in Zagreb and in the library of the Department of German Studies at the Philosophical Faculty in Zagreb.

Works (selection)

  • Zlatorog: Lyric drama in 3 acts. Music by Eudard Lucerna . Klagenfurt 1900.
  • The South Slavic ballad by Asan Aga's wife and its reproduction by Goethe . Munich 1905.
  • Study sheets on Croatian and Serbian literature . Zagreb November 1909.
  • The fairy tale: Goethe's natural philosophy as a work of art . Leipzig 1910.
  • The last Empress of Trebizond in South Slav poetry . Sarajevo 1912.
  • Asseneth . Vienna 1921.
  • The ballad drama of the southern slaves . Leipzig 1923.
  • Ballads of the "Unknowns": Study papers on Croatian folk poetry . Matica hrvatska, Zagreb 1943.


  • Julius Franz Schütz , Elza Kučera (Ed.): Camilla Lucerna: 1868 - 24. VI. - 1938 . Stiasny, Graz 1938 (Festschrift).
  • Inst. F. Slavic d. Univ. Graz (Ed.): Camilla Lucerna: Bibliography of the works 1938 - 1958 . Bibliografija radova Camille Lucerna 1938 - 1958. Graz 1958.
  • H. Giebisch, L. Pichler: Small Austrian Literature Lexicon . Ed .: A. Vancsa. Hollinek brothers, Vienna 1948.
  • Dunja Detoni Dujmić: Kamila Lucerna 1868-1963. Dama sa svjetiljkom. In: this: Ljepša polovica književnosti . Zagreb 1998, p. 121-126 .
  • Birgit Buchegger: Quiet job or subversive rebellion? Austrian Translators in the 19th Century: A Search for Traces . Graz 2002, p. 87 f .
  • Svjetlan Lacko Vidulić: Camilla Lucerna (1868-1963): A Case for Cultural Transfer Research . In: ders .: Highlights of Modernity. Studies of Austrian literature in the long 20th century . Zagreb 2018, p. 205-236 .
  • Vesela Tutavac: The storm always tears away bridges. They are beaten again and again. Camilla Lucerna - A life between the German-speaking and the Slavic cultural area. In: "We want to serve justice and human love ..." Women's education and emancipation in the Habsburg monarchy - the South Slavic area and its interactions with Vienna, Prague and Budapest. Ed .: V. Tutavac, I. Korotin. Vienna 2016, p. 53-79 .


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