Carl E. Schorske

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Carl Emil Schorske (born March 15, 1915 in New York City , † September 13, 2015 in East Windsor , New Jersey ) was an American historian who taught in Berkeley and Princeton, among others.


Schorske was born in the Bronx to Theodore Schorske and Gertrude Goldsmith. He first studied at Columbia University in New York and received his doctorate from Harvard University in 1936 . During the Second World War he worked for the Office of Strategic Services , the forerunner of the CIA , as a specialist in Western Europe. After the Second World War, Schorske first taught European history at Wesleyan University (1946–1960), then at the University of California at Berkeley (1960–1969) and finally at Princeton University . In 1980 he retired.

The focus of his later interests was the Central European intellectual and cultural history after the crisis of classical liberalism , especially the time around 1900 and the birth of cultural and aesthetic modernism (especially using the example of Viennese modernism ). He received the Pulitzer Prize in 1981 for his comprehensive study Fin-de-Siècle Vienna (German: Vienna. Spirit and Society in the Fin de Siècle ) published in 1980 . In the same year, 25 years later than first publication in Harvard University Press, his classic party historiography The Great Split (of German Social Democracy 1905–1917), which former Chancellor Willy Brandt assessed as “very meritorious”.

Schorske was a corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and honorary member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of the Arts. In 1966 he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences . In 1981 he was a MacArthur Fellow . Since 2012 he has been an honorary citizen of the City of Vienna.



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Individual evidence

  1. Bruce Weber: Carl E. Schorske, Cultural Historian, Dies at 100. In: The New York Times , September 17, 2015 (English). Retrieved September 18, 2015.
  2. 1981 Winners and Finalists., accessed February 17, 2014 .
  3. List of all decorations awarded by the Federal President for services to the Republic of Austria from 1952 (PDF; 6.9 MB).
  4. ^ Announcement of the Rathauskorrespondenz, Vienna, from June 9, 2000 .
  5. ^ Announcement of the town hall correspondence, Vienna, November 2011 .
  6. ^ Announcement of April 20, 2012 on the website of the International Research Center for Cultural Studies IFK .
  7. - Carl E. Schorske receives the Great Gold Medal of Honor of the Republic . APA notification dated March 30, 2015, accessed March 30, 2015.