Carl Mosler

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Mosler as Greifswalder Pommer, winter semester 1888/89

Carl Friedrich August Theodor Mosler (born January 15, 1869 in Greifswald , † May 30, 1905 in Karlsbad ) was a German administrative lawyer in the Kingdom of Prussia .


Mosler began studying law at the Royal University of Greifswald and was active in the Corps Pomerania Greifswald in 1888 . Received in 1889 , he proved himself as a sub- senior and senior . In the winter semester of 1889/90 he moved to the Georg-August University in Göttingen . He also joined the Corps Saxonia Göttingen and distinguished himself as a consenior . In 1892 he was awarded a doctorate in Greifswald. iur. PhD.

Afterwards he was an active officer for a while in the 1st Pomeranian Field Artillery Regiment No. 2 . After the legal clerkship and the assessor examination , he entered Prussia's internal administration in 1898. As a government assessor he came to the district offices of the Stolp and Wittmund districts as well as to the government in Opole . In 1905 he was appointed district administrator of the Schildberg district in the province of Poznan . Five months later, at the age of 36, he died after an appendectomy , presumably of perforated appendicitis . He left his wife Else geb. Becker .


  • 407. † Mosler, Carl Friedrich August Theodor . In: Hasso von Etzdorf , Wolfgang von der Groeben , Erik von Knorre: Directory of the members of the Corps Saxonia zu Göttingen and the Landsmannschaft Saxonia (1840–1844) as of February 13, 1972 , p. 69.

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 56 , 523; 47 , 417.
  2. Dissertation: Does the knowledge of the buyer's representative of the defects of the object of sale prevent the execution of the ädilicischen lawsuits?
  3. Landkreis Kempen (Wartheland) administrative history and district administrators on the website (Rolf Jehke)
  4. Wolfgang von der Groeben : Directory of the members of the Corps Saxonia zu Göttingen 1844 to 2006 and the Landsmannschaft Saxonia zu Göttingen 1840 to 1844. As of May 31, 2006 . Self-published, Düsseldorf 2006, p. 65.