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Chemnitzbach, confluence with the Freiberg Mulde

Chemnitzbach, confluence with the Freiberg Mulde

Water code DE : 54212
location Saxony
River system Elbe
Drain over Freiberger Mulde  → Mulde  → Elbe  → North Sea
origin in Friedebach (Sayda)
50 ° 43 ′ 1 "  N , 13 ° 25 ′ 56"  E
Source height about  656  m above sea level NN
muzzle in Mulda / Sa. in the Freiberg Mulde Coordinates: 50 ° 36 '14 "  N , 12 ° 39" 42 "  E 50 ° 36' 14"  N , 12 ° 39 '42 "  E
Mouth height about  421  m above sea level NN
Height difference about 235 m
Bottom slope about 15 ‰
length 16 km
Catchment area 48 km²
Discharge at the Wolfsgrund
A Eo gauge : 35.84 km²
Location: 5.4 km above the mouth
NNQ (01/25/1964)
MNQ 1921/2010
MQ 1921/2010
Mq 1921/2010
MHQ 1921/2010
HHQ (08/13/2002)
0 l / s
154 l / s
665 l / s
18.6 l / (s km²)
6.56 m³ / s
29.9 m³ / s

The Chemnitzbach is an approximately 16 km long left tributary of the Freiberg Mulde in the Saxon Ore Mountains .


The stream rises at the western end of Friedebach , just before Sayda , and flows through this place in full length. Then he turns north towards Dorfchemnitz . Halfway through it, the Voigtsdorfer Bach flows towards it from the left. Like Friedebach, Dorfchemnitz was also laid out as a row village along the stream. In Mulda / Sa. it then flows into the Freiberg Mulde.


The Eisenhammer Dorfchemnitz used the Chemnitzbach as impact water

In Dorfchemnitz the iron hammer Dorfchemnitz , which processed magnetitic iron ores, used the Chemnitzbach as impact water .

The valley meadows between Dorfchemnitz and Mulda are part of the FFH area Oberes Freiberg Mulde valley . The swamp and fen areas are characterized by a great diversity of species. Here come Columbine-Meadow Rue , Avens , Oxlip , Bogbean , Little valerian and marsh cinquefoil ago. Cuckoo's light carnation , meadow knotweed , different-leaved thistle , sharp buttercup and swamp thistle can be seen on the managed dry meadows . The hazel root and the perennial ringelkraut should also be mentioned .

Noteworthy are the occurrences of Westgroppe and brook lamprey , which depend on clean water and little developed flowing water. The crayfish and otters, which are threatened with extinction in Saxony , can also be observed.

The Chemnitzbach valley is also accessible for transport. The Mulda – Sayda narrow-gauge railway ran here between 1897 and 1966 and crossed the stream several times. The entire length of the stream is accompanied by a road.

Due to recurring floods in Mulda, it is planned to build a “green” flood retention basin that will only be dammed during floods.


  • Natural history hiking destinations in the Eastern Ore Mountains . In: Green League (Hrsg.): Naturführer Ost-Erzgebirge . tape 3 . Sandstein Verlag, Dresden 2007, p. 141–143, 148 ( [PDF; 14.6 MB ]).

See also

Web links

Commons : Chemnitzbach  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Hydrological Handbook. (PDF; 637 kB) Part 3 - Main aquatic values. Free State of Saxony - State Office for Environment and Geology, p. 85 , accessed on December 25, 2017 .
  2. Mulda flood retention basin with transfer tunnel