Chiem van Houweninge

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Chiem van Houweninge (2012)

Joachimus Johannes (Chiem) van Houweninge (born November 20, 1940 in The Hague , Netherlands ) is a Dutch screenwriter and actor .


Chiem van Houweninge became known as Hänschen (Hans Scherpenzeel van Maaskant-Schoutens) alongside Schimanski and Thanner ( crime scene ) as investigators in the crime scene of Duisburg. He starred in 27 Tatort episodes from 1982 to 1991 and since 1999 in ten Schimanski episodes. He also worked as a screenwriter for both series, mainly in the episodes that were partly set in the Netherlands or had Dutch supporting characters. He deliberately used the German-Dutch resentment as a dramatic or comic element.

In the episode Moltke from 1988 , Hänschen answered Schimanski's question about how Dutch people celebrate Christmas: “On Christmas Eve they put a wooden shoe in front of the windmill, and in the morning there is a herring in it. On the first holiday, the family gathers on the canal around an Edam restaurant decorated with tulips. Then they smoke kilos of hash from long white clay pipes. "

However, the focus of his work is in the Netherlands, where he has worked as a screenwriter, director and producer since 1972 . With Alexander Pola he wrote Zeg 'ns Aaa , one of the longest running Dutch sitcoms .

He lives with his wife in Vlaardingen (near Rotterdam) and in Provence ( France ). He was made Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion by Queen Beatrix .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Schimmi: Götz George., accessed on May 25, 2014 .
  2. Stern, April 25, 2013, p. 146.
  3. accessed on December 15, 2013
  4. Helen Dorn - Under Control ( Memento from November 13, 2014 in the web archive )