Christian Ludovici

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Christian Ludovici (born January 6, 1663 in Landeshut / Silesia ; † January 15, 1732 in Leipzig ) was a German classical philologist , theologian , orientalist and rector .


Ludovici was born in 1663 in the Silesian state hat as the son of the chief baker Georg Ludovici and his wife Rosina Pohl. He had attended the Roman Catholic school in his hometown and at the age of sixteen moved to the St. Elisabeth high school in Breslau . After the death of his father, he began studying at the University of Leipzig , mainly studying the oriental languages ​​with August Pfeiffer . In addition, he attended the lectures in philosophy with Valentin Alberti and Johann Schmid, astrology and nature studies he had been taught by Johann Gottlieb Hardt , history by Christian Friedrich Franckenstein and geography by Johannes Günther. In 1687 he was promoted to Dr. phil. PhD.

His endeavors to study culminated in the acquisition of the academic degree of a master's degree in philosophy, he became a private tutor for a citizen of Leipzig and continued his theological studies during that time in Leipzig. For this he attended the lectures of Johannes Günther (1660-1714), Johann Benedict Carpzov II , Valentin Alberti , Johann Schmid and Johannes Olearius . In 1693 he was admitted as an assessor at the Philosophical Faculty of the Leipzig University, in 1697 he became vice rector of the Thomasschule in Leipzig , in 1698 a member of the women's college , in 1699 extraordinary professor of oriental languages ​​and the Talmud and finally in 1700 full professor of the so-called Organi Aristotelici (logic according to Aristotle ) .

In addition, he mainly pursued his theological studies. In 1701 he became a licentiate in theology and received his doctorate in 1724 with the thesis De Spiritu Mosis in LXX. Seniores posito, pro Doctoratu to doctorate in theology and resigned from the vice-rector's council at the Thomas School in the same year due to health problems. In 1726 he became the curator of the Pauliner Fiscal and College, in 1730 he became a senior of the Polish nation, soon afterwards a senior of the women's college and decemvir of the university. Ludovici also took part in the organizational tasks of the Leipzig University. In the years 1703, 1709, 1713, 1715, 1719, 1725 and 1732 he was dean of the faculty of philosophy seven times , procurator three times and rector of the alma mater in 1724 and 1730 .


From his marriage to Christine Sophie († June 10, 1731 in Leipzig), the daughter of Professor of Law Gottfried Nikolaus Ittig , on August 16, 1700 , ten children were born. Of these, however, only four children reached adulthood.

  • Gottfried Thomas Ludovici Mag. Phil and Dr. jur. mated with Erdmund Rosina Reichel (* Kamenz)
  • Gertraud Sophia Ludovici married 1725 with the upper court and consistory advocate Johann Gottlieb Reichel (a daughter Sophia Regina († young))
  • Carl Günther Ludovici (1707–1778) philosopher, lexicographer and economist
  • Johanna Rosina Ludovici married with the Dr. med., member of the women's college and member of the Imperial Society Curiosum naturae Christian Michael Adolphi


  • as a doctoral supervisor
    • Diss. De officio delinquentium intuitu poenarum. 1687
    • Diss. De praecipuis jurisjurandi formulis Hebraeis, Graecis & Latinis. 1692
    • Diss. De Atheorum poenis. 1693
    • Diss. De festivitate sive tribus Judaeorum festis solennioribus. 1696
    • Diss. De stutis. 1696
    • Diss. R. Levi Ben Gerson commentarium Rabbinicum in Hiobum. 1700, 1705
    • Diss. De doctrinae traditae probatione per ignem ecclesiae doctribus expectanda, ad I, Cor. III. 10-15, per Licenta. 1701
    • Diss. De formulis quibusdam circa doctrinam de principio & principiato suspectis. 1717
  • Diss. Quod omnipraesentia Dei substantialis non inferat ejus cum rebus mistionem, pro loco. 1691
  • Diss. De transitu copiarum per territorium nostrum, altera per loco. 1693
  • Diss. De Spiritu Mosis in LXX. Seniores posito, pro doctoratu. 1724
  • Logicae Peripateticae vestigial a Theologis orthodoxies in scriptis suis pressa. 1705-1726
  • Compendium Logicum lectionibus publicis confecratum, aliorumque maxime recentiorum placitis illustratum. Leipzig 1694
  • Isagoge in accentuationem utramque prosaicam et metricam non minus a priori, quam a posteriori instituendam, in usum auditorum suorum methodo maxime perspicua concinnata. Leipzig 1695
  • Hebraism, Chaldaism, Targumico - Talmudico - Rabbinicus & Syriasmus ad harmonium atque compendium redactus cum praecipuis linguae sancte idiotismis, e Glassio in tabulam digestis. Leipzig 1699
  • Tractatus Talmudici Biccurim, Chagiga & Horagot. Leipzig 1712
  • R. Levi Ben Gerson Commentarius Rabbinicus in Hiobum, latinitate donatus. Leipzig 1703


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