Christian Schicha

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Christian Schicha (born July 14, 1964 in Mülheim an der Ruhr ) is a German media scientist and professor of media ethics at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg in Erlangen .


Christian Schicha studied communication science, German studies and philosophy at the University of Duisburg-Essen , where he also obtained his doctorate. He worked at the University of Dortmund in the DFG priority program " Theatricality " in the subject of political science and received a grant from the German Research Foundation . He obtained his habilitation at the University of Marburg in media studies with a thesis on the theatricality of media discourses in the context of political communication. From 2008 he was professor in media management at the Mediadesign Hochschule in Düsseldorf.

Schicha was the first spokesman for the “Communication and Media Ethics” section at the DGPUK ( German Society for Media and Communication Studies ), is active in the Media Ethics Network , board spokesman for the Institute for Information and Communication Ecology, editor in charge of the journal for Communication Ecology and Media Ethics (ZfKM ), in the association for the promotion of journalistic self-regulation , member of the German University Association as well as in the scientific advisory board of Lap Concepts and in the advisory board of Erfurt Netcode

Schicha continues to work as a speaker for the Federal Agency for Political Education , the Youth Media Days , the Cologne School of Journalism and the Hamburg Media School as well as an interviewee and others. a. for the programs Kulturzeit in 3sat , Nachtmagazin in the ARD , Zapp (magazine) in the NDR and the current hour in the WDR , ARD, the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung and Leonardo in the WDR5 .

Christian Schicha is married, has two children and lives in Duisburg and Erlangen. He is the brother of the actor and psychologist Ralph Schicha .


His work focuses on media ethics and political communication. Here he is engaged in a. with forms and characteristics of political staging , self-control of the media and photo manipulation . He published journal articles a. a. for politics and communication, Berlin journalists (magazine) , Communicatio Socialis, ethics and teaching, forum media ethics, psychosocial, media impulses and media journal. His reviews include a. published in the journals Publizistik, H-Soz-u-Kult , Medien und Kommunikationwissenschaft, Medienwissenschaft and Message. He is a member of the advisory group of the specialist journal Media and Communication Studies published by the Hans Bredow Institute .

Publications (selection)

  • Election advertisements for the 2017 Bundestag election: analyzes and follow-up discourses on party-political short films in Germany Wiesbaden 2019 (editor)
  • Media ethics. Basics - Applications - Resources Munich 2019
  • Re-measurement of media ethics in Weinheim and Basel 2015 (editor with Marlis Prinzing, Matthias Rath and Ingrid Stapf)
  • Yearbook Media and Communication Management 2014 Munich 2015 (editor with Helmar Baum and Roland Frank)
  • Media Management Yearbook 2013 Munich 2013 (editor with Helmar Baum and Saskia Valeska-Bruckner)
  • Media and civil society Weinheim and Basel 2012 (editor with Alexander Filipović and Michael Jäckel)
  • Yearbook Media Management 2011 Munich 2011 (editor with Alexander Moutchnik )
  • Handbook Media Ethics - Wiesbaden 2010 (editor with Carsten Brosda)
  • Manual Media Management Berlin 2009 (editor with Thomas Dreiskämper and Olaf Hoffjann)
  • Politics in spot format. On the semantics, pragmatics and aesthetics of political advertising in Germany - Wiesbaden 2008 (editor with Andreas Dörner)
  • Legitimate theater? Staged policy communication for the media public using the example of the "Immigration Debate" - Berlin 2007
  • Handbook of media self-control - Wiesbaden 2005 (editor with Achim Baum, Wolfgang Langenbucher and Horst Pöttker )
  • The theatricality of political communication. Media productions using the example of the federal election campaign in 2002 - Münster a. a. 2003
  • The private in public communication. "Big Brother" and the consequences - Cologne 2002 (editor with Martin KW Schweer and Jörg-Uwe Nieland)
  • Talk on all channels. Offers, actors and users of televised talk shows - Wiesbaden 2002 (editor with Jens Tenscher)
  • Media and terrorism. Reactions to September 11, 2001 - Münster u. a. 2002 (editor with Carsten Brosda)
  • Communicating politics in entertainment formats. Media stagings between popularity and populism - Münster u. a. 2002 (editor with Carsten Brosda)
  • Discourse stagings. On the structure of political mediation processes using the example of the "ecological tax reform" - Wiesbaden 2001 (with Thomas Meyer and Carsten Brosda)
  • Media ethics between theory and practice. Standards for the communication society - Münster u. a. 2001 (editor with Carsten Brosda)
  • The staging of the political. On the theatricality of media discourses - Wiesbaden 2001 (with Thomas Meyer and Rüdiger Ontrup)
  • Media staging in transition - interdisciplinary approaches - Münster 1999 (editor with Rüdiger Ontrup)

Web links

Individual evidence
