Christian Truchseß von Wetzhausen

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Christian Truchseß von Wetzhausen

Christian Truchseß von Wetzhausen zu Bettenburg (born June 21, 1755 in Bundorf Palace ; † February 19, 1826 at Bettenburg Palace ) was a major in the Hesse-Kassler Guard, well-known cherry grower and initiator of the Bettenburg Round Table , to which Friedrich Rückert (1788– 1866) also men like Jean Paul (1763–1825), Heinrich Voss the Elder. J. (1779–1822), Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué (1777–1843) and Gustav Schwab (1792–1850) felt they belonged.


Christian Truchseß was born in Bundorf Palace in 1755. After the early death of his father, his mother and his brother Adam, thank God, let him be tutored by private tutors. On February 12, 1773 she was enrolled at the University of Leipzig . At the university they met their cousin Ferdinand Truchseß, accompanied by Hofmeister Cramer, who later became the bailiff at the Bettenburg , "who exerted a significant influence on the refinement of their manners, their intellectual and heart formation." Accompanied by the court master, the two young barons embarked on the cavalier tour , the customary educational trip for young people from the state. This took them to Berlin , Dresden , Prague , Vienna and Hungary , then back via Regensburg , the city of the Perpetual Reichstag . The two Junkers were introduced to both the Prussian King Frederick the Great and Emperor Joseph II in Vienna.

While the brother Adam Gottlob was preparing to take over the headquarters in Bundorf , Christian joined the Landgrave Guard in Kassel as an officer, where his sister Charlotte was married. As a cuirassier officer he is said to have been a dazzling figure in the regiment. Because of his open-mindedness and erudition, Christian was also a welcome guest in educated circles in the royal seat.


Christian Truchseß was also a well-known pomologist . The so-called cherry weeks go back to him, which he determined based on the ripeness of the cherry variety Earliest of the Mark . He also published a systematic work on cherry varieties.

See also


  • Christian Truchseß von Wetzhausen: Systematic classification and description of cherry varieties , published by Friedrich Timotheus Heim, Stuttgart 1819
  • Liselotte Sörglein-Füglein: The Bettenburg landmark of Hofheim . Holl-Druck GmbH, Hofheim 1998
  • Abraham Voss: Letters from Heinrich Voss to Christian von Truchsess , EF Winter, Heidelberg 1834
  • Georg Schneider: The round table on the Bettenburg . Glock and Lutz, Nuremberg 1969
  • Philipp Butz: The knight of the bed castle . Petters, Heidelberg 1906
  • Franz Xaver von WegeleTruchseß, Christian, Freiherr von Wetzhausen . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 38, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1894, pp. 679-682.
  • Oskar Krenzer: Truchseß von Wetzhausen, Baron Christian . In: Anton Chroust (ed.): CVs from Franconia . Volume 4, Duncker & Humblot [ao], Munich [ao] 1930