Christoph Scheibler

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Christoph Scheibler

Christoph Scheibler (born December 6, 1589 in Armsfeld near Bad Wildungen , † November 10, 1653 in Dortmund ) was a German philosopher and Protestant theologian , classical philologist and metaphysician .


Christoph Scheibler's father was the Lutheran preacher and Magister Johannes Scheibler (1553–1597) from Gemünden an der Wohra . Christoph's parents died of the plague in 1597. Well-to-do relatives in Gemünden took in the orphan. He revealed an extraordinary talent at an early stage. After attending the Marburg pedagogy , Christoph Scheibler attended philosophical, philological and theological lectures in Marburg from 1603 . In 1606 he continued his studies in Giessen, where on October 8, 1607, as a pupil of Nicolaus Braun and Caspar Fink , he obtained his master's degree in philosophy in the presence of the university's founder, Landgrave Ludwig V. Scheibler's Liber sententiarum established his early scientific fame. Philosophical core principles are explained here, the objects of metaphysics are in the foreground.

From 1610 he worked in Giessen as a professor of logic and metaphysics. On May 25, 1624, the graduate of the first Gießen master's degree completed the last Gießen master's degree before the university was first abolished. Then he moved to Marburg and became a professor of theology . In 1625 Christoph Scheibler was appointed superintendent and director of the Archigymnasium in Dortmund . During this teaching activity he dealt intensively with Catholicism and emerged as an advocate of Lutherans in theological tasks.

The scientist Christoph Scheibler became known for his independent exposition of metaphysics based on the Aristotelian school philosophy. In 1617 his most important work was published, the two-volume Opus metaphysicum , which was strongly influenced by Jakob Martini . In it he presented metaphysics as opposed to the Wittenberg theologians, who understood them as a pure doctrine of being. In contrast to these, he added theological terms such as God , angel and soul to metaphysics .


Christoph Scheibler, an ancestor of later in space Monschau and Krefeld renowned textile manufacturer Scheibler family , was married to Ursula Ross cup (1588-1632). She bore him six sons and three daughters. Three of his sons, like most of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren later, also decided on a theological career, including his son Johannes Scheibler (1628–1689), who was a well-known church historian , pastor in Remscheid-Lennep , general superintendent and general inspector of the Lutheran church Church in the Duchy of Jülich-Berg . His daughter Barbara Katharina (born May 13, 1617 in Gießen; † unknown) was married to the theologian and professor at the University of Marburg, Johann Konrad Schragmüller .

Works (selection)

  • Faith sample / which is the right old Christian Catholic faith and religion? : Therein thoroughly proven / That the papists / in the disputed points, the same ancient faith / which Christ / his prophets / apostles and evangelists taught / do not have ...; As also in particular / two Cöllnian scribes, Hermannus Fley / genandt Stangenfoll / Rector there: And Reinerus Mercator, to be refuted / by Christophorum Scheiblerum, Bey of the H. Reichs Stadt Dortmund superintendent. Released after its blissful death / and published by some lovers of truth , 1683
  • Philosophia compendiosa: exhibens 1. logicæ, 2. metaphysicæ, 3. physicæ, 4. geometriæ, 5. astronomiæ, 6. opticæ, 7. ethicæ, 8. politicæ & 9. oeconomicæ compendium methodicum , 1671
  • Metaphysica dvobvs libris universum bujus scientiæ systema comprehendens: opus, tvm omnium facultatum tùm inprimis philosophiæ & theologiæ studiosis utile & necessarium / Christophori Scheibleri, antehac in academia Giessena professoris , 1655
  • Liber commentariorum topicorvm, hoc est, De locis sive argumemtis logicis: additi sunt duo indices, alter capitum, generalium titulorum, & quæstionum, in initio, alter rerum in fine , 1653
  • Antehac in Academia Gissena professoris, et pædagogiarchæ, nunc tremoniæ in ecclesia superintendentis, e in gymnasio rectoris metaphysica , 1637
  • Metaphysica duobus libris universum huius scientiae systema comprehendens , 1636
  • Opus metaphysicum , 1617
  • Introductio logicae , 1618
  • Epitome logica , 1624
  • Liber Sententiarum , 1624
  • Liber de anima , 1627


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