Christoph von Schmidt-Phiseldeck

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Christoph von Schmidt-Phiseldeck (also: Christoph Schmidt, called Phiseldek , born May 9, 1740 in Northeim ; died September 9, 1801 in Wolfenbüttel ) was a German lawyer, archivist and author of writings on Russia.


Christoph Schmidt was the son of Northeim's city treasurer Konrad Christoph Wiegman Schmidt and Clara Friederike Rumann. Since his father died early, his uncle Johann Levin Christoph Rumann, chief magistrate in Calenberg and Northeim, took care of his upbringing. From 1757 he studied law at the University of Göttingen with Georg Ludwig Böhmer , Johann Stephan Pütter and Gustav Bernhard Becmann. On Anton Friedrich Büsching's recommendation, in 1759 he became court master of the sons of the Russian politician Burkhard Christoph Graf von Münnich , who were exiled to Vologda at the time . With the again pardoned Münnich family, he stayed in St. Petersburg for another six months in 1762 . Schmidt learned the Russian language during this time.

Back in Göttingen he continued his law studies and received his doctorate in 1764 with the dissertation "De variis legum positivarum speciebus earum interpretatione et ad facta occurrentia adplicatione". In 1764 he lectured at the University of Helmstedt and in 1765 was appointed professor of constitutional law and history at the Collegium Carolinum in Braunschweig . At times he taught the young Duke Leopold . For a short time he was also involved in the publication of the newspaper Scholarly Contributions to the Braunschweigische advertisements .

In 1779 he moved to the Ducal State Archives in Wolfenbüttel as archivist and became the first archivist after the death of Siegmund Ludwig Woltereck (1725–1796). In 1784 he was appointed councilor . At times he also headed the ducal library in Wolfenbüttel.

On April 24, 1789, he was raised to the hereditary nobility by Emperor Joseph II . Among his children were the state officials Konrad von Schmidt-Phiseldeck (1770-1832) and Justus von Schmidt-Phiseldeck (1769-1851).

In 1770 Schmidt published the two-part Letters on Russia , in 1773 an attempt at a new introduction to Russian history and anonymous material on Russian history . On the history of science, he wrote a revision of Hederich's handbook of the noblest historical sciences (1782) and wrote a repertory of the history and state constitution of Germany based on the guidance of Häberlin's detailed history of the empire (Hall 1789-94). Schmidt also translated from French and wrote reviews for the Lemgoer Auserlesene Bibliothek of the latest German literature , for the Allgemeine Deutsche Bibliothek and for the Allgemeine Literaturzeitung .

Fonts (selection)

  • Joachim Dietze (Ed.): Christoph Schmidt, called Phiseldek: Short Russian-German and German-Russian dictionary . Halle (Saale): Scientific articles / Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, 1978


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. A Nordheim is given as the place of birth at ADB , which is not only unlikely because of the vita, which is located between Calenberg, Göttingen, Hanover and Wolfenbüttel, see also the note on the father.
  2. Senator Christoph Wiegman Conrad Schmidt is a council member in Northeim in 1740, see OF Reddersen (ed.), JW Grote: History of the City of Northeim, with some additions increased . Einbeck: Johann Jakob Feysel, 1807, p. 144. There in the list of council members no. 9 link
  3. see list of architectural monuments in Northeim
  4. Further information on his teachers in Schmidt's curriculum vitae in his dissertation, see Günther Wiegand: Rußland , 1972, p. 52