Chronicle of the Early Kings (ABC 20)

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Front of panel A

The Chronicle of the Early Kings (No. 20 in Grayson's Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles , JJ Augustin 1975 and No. 40 in Jean-Jacques Glassner's Chroniques mésopotamiennes ) is a fragmentary text of historical Babylonian historiography . The chronicle consists of two tables (A and B) that are more or less complete. Panel A is completely preserved, while panel B, in particular, has the reverse side badly damaged. The tablets describe the deeds of the early kings of Babylon , starting with Sargon of Akkad .


Panel A

1 " Sargon , King of Akkad , came to power during the reign of Ištar and"
2 “He had neither rivals nor equals. His fame in the countries "
3 “spread. He crossed the sea to the east. "
4 "In the 11th year he conquered the western country to the furthest point."
5 “He brought it under a rule. He erected his statues there "
6 "and crossed the western booty with barges."
7 "He stationed his court officers at intervals of five double hours and"
8 "ruled in unison with all the peoples of the countries."
9 "He marched into Kazallu and turned Kazallu into a heap of ruins,"
10 "so that there wasn't even a pole for a bird."
11 "Then, at an older age, all countries rebelled again and"
12 “surrounded him in Akkad . Sargon went out to a fight and caused their defeat. "
13 "He overthrew them and overpowered their huge army."
14 " Subartu then attacked Sargon with full force and called him to arms."
15 "Sargon set an ambush and defeated them completely."
16 "He overpowered its huge army"
17 "and brought their possessions to Akkad."
18 "He dug up the earth from the trench of Babylon and"
19 "made a counterpart to Babylon right next to Akkad."
20 "Because of what he did wrong, the Great Lord Marduk became angry and wiped out his family through starvation."
21 "From east to west [22], the subordinates rebelled against him"
22 [see 21]
23 "and Marduk tormented him with insomnia."
24 " Naram-Sin , son of Sargon, marched to Apišal ."
25 "He made a breakthrough in the city wall and Riš-Adad "
26 "He took the king of Apišal and the vizier of Apišal prisoner."
27 "He marched to Magan and took Mannu-dannu , king of Magan prisoner."
28 " Sulgi , the son of Ur-Nammu , offered plenty of food for Eridu , who is on the coast."
29 "But he had criminal inclinations and possessions of Esagila and Babylon"
30 “he took as booty. Bêl [= Marduk] caused that [...] devour his body and killed him. "
31 " Irra-imitti , the king appointed [32] Enlil-bani , the gardener"
32 "as a substitute king for his throne."
33 "He put the royal crown on his head."
34 "Irra-imitti died in his palace while eating hot soup."
35 "Enlil-bani, who took over the throne, did not relinquish it and"
36 "so he became ruler."
37 " Ilu-šumma was king of Assyria at the time of Su-abu."
38 "Fights."

Panel B


1–7 Identical to panel A, lines 31–36.
8 " Hammurabi , King of Babylon, gathered his army and"
9 "marched against Rim-Sin [I.] , King of Ur."
10 "Hammurabi conquered Ur and Larsa and"
11 "and brought its property to Babylon."
12 "He brought Rim-Sin to Babylon in a ki-is-kap ."
13 " Samsu-iluna , king of Babylon, son of Hammurabi the king"
14 "[...] he gathered and"
15 "[...] Rim-Sin [II.] Marched to [...]"
16 "[...] he conquered and"
17 "[...] in good health in his palace"
18 "[...] he went and surrounded [...]"
19 "[...] his people [...]"
20 "[...]"

Then a piece is missing.


The back starts with a missing piece. This is followed by the following lines.

1 "[…]"
2 "[...] Ili-ma-ilu [...]"
3 "[...] he made [...]"
4 "he fought against them [...]"
5 "their corpses [...] in the sea [...]"
6 "he repeated and Samsu-iluna [...]"
7 "Iluma-ilu attacked and caused the defeat of his army."
8 "Abi-ešuh, son of Samsu-iluna, set out to defeat Iluma-ilu."
9 "He decided to contain the Tigris ."
10 "He dammed the Tigris, but did not defeat Ili-ma-ilu."
11 "At the time of Samsuditana , the Hittites marched against Akkad."
12 " Ea-Gamil , the king of the sea ​​country , fled to Elam ."
13 "After he left, Ulam-Buriaš, brother of Kaštiliašu, the Kassite ,"
14 “gathered an army and conquered the seaside. He was ruler of the country. "
15 " Agum , the son of Kaštiliašu , gathered his army and"
16 "marched into the seaside."
17 "He took hold of major enlil and"
18 "destroyed Egalgašešna, Enlil's temple in Dur-Enlil."


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