Clemens von Boeselager

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Clemens Freiherr von Boeselager (born July 9, 1907 in Eggermühlen , † March 27, 1981 in Ankum , Bersenbrück district ) was a German politician ( CDU ) and a member of the Appointed State Parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia .


Growing up with his older twin brother Maximilian and his sister Maria-Regina (Ina) on Gut Eggermühlen near Ankum, he attended the monastery school in Ettal . After the marriage, he left the parental home and in August 1940, his wife moved into the Marbeck house (near Borken ), where they ran a small gardening and farming business. Six children were born here.

The farmer and forester Clemens Freiherr von Boeselager married Bertha Countess of Marchant and Ansembourg on July 26, 1939 (* August 21, 1914 in Bonn; † May 16, 2004 in Eggermühlen). From this marriage there were twelve children.

According to tradition, the twin brother Maximilian should take over the family property as the eldest son. In preparation for this he did an agricultural training and learned a. a. with Berentzen in Haselünne and with Baron von Reden in Hastenbeck . Since his father died in 1917, Maximilian had great responsibility for the large agricultural and forestry business very early on.

On November 27, 1941 Maximilian Mariaschnee married Countess von Galen, a niece of the Bishop of Münster and later Cardinal Clemens August Graf von Galen . When Maximilian repeatedly refused to let himself be captured by the Nazi ideology due to his denominational attitude and ethical convictions, he was called up for military service in October 1944, which as a landowner he was actually not obliged to do. The 37-year-old died on January 30, 1945 at Friedeberg , Neumark , when he was first deployed to the front . News of his death did not reach the family until February 1947. According to the inheritance contract, which stated that Eggermühlen, the family's ancestral home, should always remain with a male heir (name bearer), the younger twin brother took over the management of the Boeselager property. Maximilian's widow moved with her three daughters to her parents Count and Countess Franz von Galen in Westphalia in 1948.

After his brother's death, Clemens and his family moved to Eggermühlen in 1948 and took over the family property, which he had managed from 1930 to 1939 for his older brother as an agricultural manager.

A few days before the start of the Second World War , on August 26, 1939, he was drafted into the Wehrmacht . From August 1940 to April 10, 1943, he was uk -gestellt to manage the knowledge acquired by him home Marbeck. After two more years of military service, he was taken prisoner of war in April 1945 (2228 Prisoner of War Camp, Belgium ), from which he was released on June 16 to Marbeck. He was committed to a new political beginning and, out of conviction, joined the CDU in the same year , of which he was a co-founder in Westphalia . As a representative of the Borken district , he was a member of the Provincial Landtag (April 30, 1946) of Westphalia and the first and second appointed Landtag of North Rhine-Westphalia in Düsseldorf from October 2, 1946 until its dissolution on April 19, 1947 . During this time he became friends with the later Chancellor Konrad Adenauer . From 1948 to 1972 he was a CDU council member in Eggermühlen, from 1968 to 1972 a member of the Bersenbrück district council .

Federal President Gustav Heinemann awarded him the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon on August 21, 1973 .

The devout Catholic was involved in the local church council and parish council and was a member of the family association of German Catholics in the Osnabrück diocese . Here he temporarily presided over.

In 1955 he was accepted into the Knightly Order of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem in Cologne Cathedral and since then has been a member of the Osnabrück-Vechta Commandery. In 1979 he was awarded the Commander's Cross of the Order.

Boeselager was a co-founder of the local riding and driving association as well as the home and tourist association. After rescuing a car driver who had had an accident one night, the passionate car driver was recognized by the ADAC as a gentleman of the road .

Web links

Clemens von Boeselager at the North Rhine-Westphalia state parliament

Individual evidence

  1. Database of the bearers of the Federal Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, Federal President's Office