Clericus Cup

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The Clericus Cup ( German  "Kleriker-Pokal" ) is the football championship of the Vatican . In the competition, which was held for the first time in 2007, 16 teams compete against each other. A player is entitled to play as a religious or novice from a papal recognized religious establishment located in Rome or as a graduate or seminarist of the Roman Pontifical Seminary or another papal priestly college in Rome. At the beginning there was also a team from the Swiss Guard . Slightly adapted soccer rules apply : The playing time is two times 30 minutes. In addition to the yellow and red card, there is a blue card for moderate offenses, which results in a five-minute time penalty .

The competition was initiated by the former Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone , who is a big football fan .

The game has been played in four groups of four teams each since 2011. Sunday games are prohibited. The final of the Clericus Cup will be held in the Olympic Stadium in Rome.

In spring 2020, the 14th edition of the Clericus Cup was postponed indefinitely due to the coronavirus epidemic .

Participating teams in 2015

The ninth edition of the cup took place from March 3 to May 23, 2015. Participants were:

Cup winners

  • 2007: Redemptoris Mater (1-0 Lateranense )
  • 2008: Mater Ecclesiae (2-1 Redemptoris Mater)
  • 2009: Redemptoris Mater (1-0 North American Martyrs)
  • 2010: Redemptoris Mater (1-0 North American Martyrs)
  • 2011: Gregoriana (3-1 Angelicum )
  • 2012: North American Martyrs (3-0 Gregoriana)
  • 2013: North American Martyrs (1-0 Mater Ecclesiae)
  • 2014: Urbaniana (1-0 Redemptoris Mater)
  • 2015: Urbaniana (2-1 Mater Ecclesiae)
  • 2016: Mater Ecclesiae (4-3 i. E. Urbaniana)
  • 2017: Urbaniana (2-0 Gregoriana)
  • 2018: North American Martyrs (4-2 i. E. Urbaniana)

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Vatican launches Clergy Cup. In: Focus , January 20, 207, accessed October 17, 2017.
  2. Julius Müller-Meiningen: Anyone who scolds gets the blue card. In: Die Zeit , May 18, 2011, accessed October 17, 2017.
  3. ^ Simon Pausch: A soccer world championship in the garden of the Pope. In: Die Welt , March 17, 2013, accessed October 17, 2017.
  4. "Modern Errors": Unpublished encyclical from Pius XII. discovered. In: , March 10, 2020, accessed on the same day.
  5. Website of the institute , accessed on October 17, 2017 (Italian).
  7. ^ Clericus Cup under the sign of Pope Francis . In: Rheinische Post , March 8, 2014, accessed on March 8, 2019.
  8. North Americans are cleric football champions. In: ORF , May 27, 2018, accessed on June 6, 2018.