Communauté de communes du Val d'Eygues

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Communauté de communes du Val d'Eygues
Drôme ( Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - France )
Establishment date 5th December 1997
Dissolution date January 1, 2017
legal form Communauté de communes
Seat Nyons
Communities 20th
president Thierry Dayre
SIREN number 242 600 591
surface 337.9 km²
Residents 13,717 (2013)
Population density 41 people / km²
Location of the CC du Val d'Eygues in the Drôme department
Location of the CC du Val d'Eygues in the Drôme department

The Communauté de communes du Val d'Eygues is a former French association of municipalities with the legal form of a Communauté de communes in the Département Drôme , the administrative seat of which was located in Nyons . It is named after the valley ( French val ) of the River Eygues and was founded on the same day after a decree of December 5, 1997. The community association consisted of 20 communities on an area of ​​337.9 km 2 .


The competencies required included the development and promotion of economic activities and tourism as well as spatial planning based on a Schéma de Cohérence Territoriale . The municipal association determined the housing policy. In the areas of infrastructure and the environment, he ran the road maintenance service, water supply, sewage disposal, and garbage collection and disposal.

Historical development

The community association merged with effect from January 1, 2017

and thus formed the successor organization Communauté de communes des Baronnies en Drôme Provençale .

Former member parishes

The following 20 municipalities belonged to the Communauté de communes du Val d'Eygues:

local community Residents
January 1, 2017
Density of
population / km²
Post Code
Arpavon 000000000000077.000000000077 13.4 000000000000006.00000000006th 26013 26110
Aubres 000000000000421.0000000000421 20.3 000000000000021.000000000021st 26016 26110
Châteauneuf-de-Bordette 000000000000096.000000000096 15.3 000000000000006.00000000006th 26082 26110
Chaudebonne 000000000000056.000000000056 20.8 000000000000003.00000000003 26089 26110
Condorcet 000000000000486.0000000000486 22.4 000000000000022.000000000022nd 26103 26110
Curnier 000000000000181.0000000000181 8.0 000000000000023.000000000023 26112 26110
Eyroles 000000000000028.000000000028 8.8 000000000000003.00000000003 26130 26110
Le Poët Sigillat 000000000000121.0000000000121 15.4 000000000000008.00000000008th 26244 26110
Les Pilles 000000000000246.0000000000246 5.8 000000000000042.000000000042 26238 26110
Mirabel-aux-Baronnies 000000000001620.00000000001,620 22.6 000000000000072.000000000072 26182 26110
Montaulieu 000000000000083.000000000083 13.1 000000000000006.00000000006th 26190 26110
Nyons 000000000006793.00000000006,793 23.4 000000000000290.0000000000290 26220 26110
Piégon 000000000000260.0000000000260 10.2 000000000000025.000000000025th 26233 26110
Sahune 000000000000313.0000000000313 16.6 000000000000019.000000000019th 26288 26510
Sainte-Jalle 000000000000308.0000000000308 18.2 000000000000017.000000000017th 26306 26110
Saint-Ferréol-Trente-Pas 000000000000258.0000000000258 21.5 000000000000012.000000000012 26304 26110
Saint-Maurice-sur-Eygues 000000000000781.0000000000781 8.8 000000000000089.000000000089 26317 26110
Valouse 000000000000036.000000000036 6.3 000000000000006.00000000006th 26363 26110
Venterol 000000000000699.0000000000699 31.7 000000000000022.000000000022nd 26367 26110
Vinsobres 000000000001115.00000000001,115 35.4 000000000000031.000000000031 26377 26110