Cookeina speciosa

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Cookeina speciosa
Cookeina speciosa from India

Cookeina speciosa from India

Subdivision : Real ascent mushrooms (Pezizomycotina)
Class : Pezizomycetes
Order : Cuplets (Pezizales)
Family : Chalice relatives (Sarcoscyphaceae)
Genre : Cookeina
Type : Cookeina speciosa
Scientific name
Cookeina speciosa
( Fr. ) Dennis

Cookeina speciosa is a hose fungus from the family of the cup-cup relatives .


Macroscopic features

The mostly centrally stalked, deeply bowl-shaped to goblet-shaped fruiting bodies , the apothecia , are leathery and become wrinkled with age. They are 12-80 millimeters tall and 10-50 millimeters wide. The actual fruiting body without a stalk, the receptaculum, varies greatly in its colors, from light brown, light yellow, yellowish beige, geb, yellowish brown to ocher yellow, orange to white and brown. In the fresh state it is 16-50 millimeters in diameter and 8-20 millimeters in size, in the dry state it is 6-25 millimeters in diameter and 6-14 millimeters in size. The stalk is elongated round or compressed, sometimes also grooved, slender, hollow, and often forms a disc-shaped adhesive organ at the bottom. It is the same color as the receptacle or paler than it. The rim of the cup is not curled when ripe. Around the edge there is a concentric arrangement of hairs that cannot be dyed with Congo red . They are less than 3 millimeters long.

Microscopic features

The fruit layer becomes 200-390 micrometers thick with several setae scattered in between . The setae are sometimes dark, winding, thick-walled and protrude 22-40 micrometers above the fruit layer. The tubes are long, cylindrical, 250-430 × 10-30 micrometers in size, thick-walled with 2 micrometer thick cell walls and each have 8 spores arranged in a row , which are located in the upper two thirds of the tubes. The tubes are rounded at the base and have a hyphae appendage . The spores are elliptical to spindle-shaped, often asymmetrical with one side rather pointed, the other rather rounded, almost transparent , thick-walled, with 0-2 oil drops, often several smaller ones are also present. They will be 20-36 × 10-18 micrometers in size. The paraphyses are thread-like, simple or branched, with cross-connecting ( anastomosing ) and septate .

Species delimitation

Cookeina speciosa differs from most of the other species of the genus by its clear but short hairs arranged in concentric rings.

Ecology and diffusion

Cookeina speciosa lives on fallen tree trunks, twigs and branches. It is widespread worldwide in the tropics, both in the Paleotropic and the Neotropical . In China it occurs in the provinces of Yunnan and Hainan , among others .

A yellowish variant of Cookeina speciosa in Palenque National Park , Chiapas


In parts of Mexico, Cookeina speciosa, like Cookeina tricholoma, is consumed as an edible mushroom . In Cameroon it is used for medical purposes against earache, whereby no distinction is made between Cookeina sulcipes and Cookeina tricholoma .

Systematics and taxonomy

Cookeina speciosa was first described by Elias Magnus Fries as Peziza speciosa in 1822 . Dennis placed the species in the genus Cookeina in 1994 . The still partly widespread name Cookeina sulcipes is only seen as a synonym in the monograph by Iturriaga and Pfister (2006). Phylogenetic studies showed the monophyly of Cookeina speciosa with all its color variants (including Cookeina sulcipes ).



  • Iturriaga, T .; Pfister, DH A monograph of the genus Cookeina (Ascomycota, Pezizales, Sarcoscyphaceae). Mycotaxon 95 (2006), pp. 137-180. ISSN  0093-4666

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Iturriaga, T .; Pfister, DH: A monograph of the genus Cookeina (Ascomycota, Pezizales, Sarcoscyphaceae) . In: Mycotaxon . tape 95 , 2006, ISSN  0093-4666 , p. 137-180 ( online ).
  2. a b c Wang, Z .: Taxonomy of Cookeina in China. In: Mycotaxon . tape 62 , 1997, pp. 289-298 ( online ).
  3. ^ H. Van Dijk, N. Awana-Onguene, TW Kuyper: Knowledge and Utilization of Edible Mushrooms by Local Populations of the Rain Forest of South Cameroon . In: Ambio . tape 32 , 2003, p. 19-23 , doi : 10.1579 / 0044-7447-32.1.19 ( online ).
  4. Cookeina speciosa . In: Mycobank . Retrieved November 29, 2016 .
  5. ^ Richard N. Weinstein, Donald H. Pfister, Teresa Iturriaga: A phylogenetic study of the genus Cookeina . In: Mycologia . tape 94 , 2002, ISSN  0027-5514 , p. 673-682 ( online ).

Web links

Commons : Cookeina speciosa  - collection of images, videos and audio files