Crildum Bay

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The Crildumer Bay is a former bay in the Wangerland on the west side of today's Jade Estuary . The branched bay was formed in the last centuries before Christ and existed until the 13th century.


The bay was on the northeastern edge of the East Frisian peninsula . It extended on the west side of the Jade between the present-day places Horumersiel in the north and Hooksiel in the south. The bay reached deep to the west as far as a line between Hohenkirchen Oldorf and Waddewarden, and occasional offshoots even further. The Crildumer Tief , Wüppelser Tief , Poggenburger Leide and Hohenstief are the remaining drainage points of this bay.


The branched bay was formed in the last centuries before Christ and separated the districts of Wanga and Östringen from each other in the Middle Ages . The foothills of the bay were kept open by the waters flowing in from the west. With the sea ingress of the Harle Bay around 800 AD, these tributaries were interrupted and now drained through the Harle Bay into the North Sea . Without the flushing effect of the tributaries, the Crildum Bay quickly silted up and was diked in several steps from the 11th century onwards with side turns and dikes parallel to the coast . There is evidence of a ring dike around the villages of Oldorf and Neuwarfen, which were located on a peninsula protruding into the bay . Most of the other dikes were built in the 12th century, until the entire bay with the old dike was finally diked in the course of today's state road L 810.

The diked land of the former Crildumer Bay was drained by the sluice at Rüschestede near Hooksiel, by Maihausen at Crildumer Tief, by the St. Jooster Siel at Altebrücke at Hohenstief and a sluice at the Stumpenser Mühle at Horumer Tief. With the construction of the dyke in 1542, the entire Altendeich was moved forward a further piece. The Crildumer Siel and the Hohenstiefersiel emerged. With further embankments in 1568, 1591, 1625 and finally in 1995, today's coastline between Horumersiel and Hooksiel was reached.


  • Karl-Ernst Behre: The history of the landscape around the Jade Bay , Brune-Mettcker, Wilhelmshaven 2012, ISBN 978-3-941929-02-9

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Karl-Ernst Behre: The history of the landscape around the Jade Bay , Brune-Mettcker, Wilhelmshaven 2012, ISBN 978-3-941929-02-9 , page 107 ff.