Interior jade

The Inner Jade is a lake near Wilhelmshaven that begins in the south on the Wilhelmshaven– Eckwarderhörne line at km 2 of the Jade federal waterway and ends in the north at km 25 on the Schillig - Mellum line . The beginning of the federal waterway Km 0 is at the level of the former first entrance and thus already at the Jade Bay , which connects to the Inner Jade in the south. The area of the Inner Jade is bounded in the west by the dike line of the East Frisian peninsula and in the east by the dike line of the Butjadingen peninsula and the wadden sheath of the Hohe Weg Watts, at the northern end of which is the bird island Mellum.
The continuation of the water towards the north is called the outer jade . Inner and outer jade are often referred to collectively as “ jade ”, whereby the Jade Bay is included in this name when not only the Jade fairway but also the entire marine area is mentioned. In these cases, the Jade region is also used. The term “Jade” is derived from the Jade River of the same name, which is only 22 kilometers long and flows into the Jade Bay east of Varel .
In the middle of the Innenjade extends Jadefahrwasser . At JadeWeserPort, this borders directly on the mainland. Otherwise there are tidal areas between this and the fairway.
River or creek?
Occasionally the inner jade - analogous to the eponymous river jade - is referred to as a river . In the case of rivers, however, as is the case with jade, it is mostly fresh water bodies ( salinity <0.1%); on the other hand, the salinity of the Jade Bay in front of the Inner Jade is already 3.0% near the mouth of the Jade, i.e. well in the salt water area , and thus only 0.5 percentage points below the salinity of the open North Sea (3.5%). Even more so , the Inner Jade , which is located further away than the Jade Bay (which is categorized as a sea bay ), must be classified as sea waters , which is why the categorization as a (large) tidal creek is far more appropriate for it.
Use of the inner jade
The total depth of the waterway of the Innenjade has since 1989 Km 6 18 meters and at Km 25 19.2 meters respectively. This depth can only be maintained by regular dredging of the fairway and dumping of the dredged material. There are two folding points between the Outer Jade and Outer Weser north of Wangerooge, one near the Mellumplate and two in the north of the Jade Bay.
Only a guaranteed depth of 18 meters allows ships with up to 250,000 dwt and a draft of up to 20 meters to enter the Jade at high tide. It is also a prerequisite for operating the JadeWeserPort.
The amount of water in the Jade Bay, which flows through the Inner Jade every time the tide changes , keep the fairway largely free of silting up and silting up. Therefore, the maintenance of the Jade fairway rarely has to be reworked with (suction) excavators. This is a great advantage of the deep water port Wilhelmshaven. B. Hamburg or Bremerhaven can not have. Only a cross current between the East Frisian mainland and the chain of islands of the East Frisian islands would regularly wash sand in the direction of the fairway. On the other hand, a dam was built on the Olde Oog from 1906 to keep this flow out. The inner jade was freed of ingots essentially by 1939, in particular by removing the genius bench previously in the Jade fairway (see map on the right), which had reduced the depth of the fairway at this point to less than ten meters. During the First World War, such shallows made it impossible for large battleships to leave when the water was low.
The approaches to the Jade fairway from the smaller ports of the Sielorte and the ports themselves have to be freed of sediment relatively often by suction dredgers.
Today, the inner jade is used not only by merchant ships and the ships of the German Navy that head for the Heppenser Groden naval base , but also by the Wilhelmshaven seaside resort service and by watercraft that are used privately. In addition, fishing boats from the ports of Varel , Dangast , Hooksiel and Horumersiel as well as from the Weser region navigate the inner jade .
On both sides of the Inner Jade, leading lights show ships the way to the ports of Wilhelmshaven and the Jade Bay. At Voslapper Groden there is the Voslapp top fire . The concrete tower, built in 1961, is one of the highest lighthouses in Germany at 61 m. The associated lower fire is a few kilometers further north. The Tossens sub-fire from 1973 is in sight northwest of it in the mudflats. Further south on the beach of Eckwarderhörne is the Eckwarden headlight, a 37 m high four-legged steel construction built in 1961 with a spiral staircase and a funnel-shaped lantern housing. The associated lower light is to the northwest of it a few hundred meters away in the mudflats. In June 2012 the new "Jappensand" towers in the Jade Bay took over the function of the tower in Eckwarden to create a leading light line to mark the fairway that was laid due to the operation of the JadeWeserPort.
The old under fire Schillig (1998), the old upper fire Schillig (1987) and the cross- brand fire Hooksielplate (1998) were decommissioned .
Shellfish farming and fishing
In the inner jade there are mussel cultivation areas in the baljen between Butjadingen and Mellum and in front of the Voslapper Groden. In the context of inshore fishing, mussels are harvested from a mussel cutter on the inner jade and crabs , eels and flatfish are caught by fishing cutters .
On the Wilhelmshaven side of the Inner Jade there are five transshipment facilities that go directly to the fairway:
- Bridge of the north-west oil pipeline (NWO)
- the Lower Saxony Bridge
- the container cranes and storage areas of the JadeWeserPort
- the bridge of the Wilhelmshavener Raffineriegesellschaft (WRG)
- the former ICI bridge, now INEOS
A considerable part of Germany's crude oil supply is secured via the bridge over the north-west oil pipeline . At the Lower Saxony Bridge, hard coal is mainly handled for the neighboring coal-fired power station .
Chemical industry
Three chemical industry plants are located on Voslapper Groden :
- The chlor-alkali electrolysis of Ineos Chlor Atlantik GmbH , aided by the salt deposits in the caverns (closed since 2013)
- The production of vinyl chloride and PVC by Vynova (former operators: EVC and INEOS) in the chemical plant Voslapp
- A HES International terminal on the site of the former Wilhelmshaven refinery
Saline sewage discharge
The K + S AG is planning a nationwide disposal of saline waste from the potash mining , to reduce the environmental impact from the potash mining in particular in the Werra and Weser. Two alternative locations on the Inner Jade fairway north of the JadeWeserPort are planned as discharge points. It is planned to channel up to 1500 m³ / h (approx. 0.42 m³ / s) salt waste water (brine) as a permanent load into the inner jade. The salinity of the wastewater is given as 39% and the density as 1.25 g / cm³.
The beaches of the municipalities of Wangerland in the north-west and Butjadingen in the east are the main tourist attractions on the Inner Jade. Hooksiel is classified as a coastal resort, Horumersiel-Schillig as a North Sea spa . In 2010, 283,672 guests with almost 1.853 million overnight stays were counted in the municipality of Wangerland. In the municipality of Butjadingen there were 149,838 guests with 939,529 overnight stays in 2010.
Nature reserve

The western and eastern edges of the Inner Jade belong to the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Park, founded in 1986 . The Jade region is part of a landscape called "Wadden in the Elbe-Weser Triangle Jadebusen", which the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation identifies.
The nature reserves Voslapper Groden-Nord and Voslapper Groden-Süd border directly on the inner jade in the area of the city of Wilhelmshaven .
Part of the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Park since 1986 are the former nature reserves "Hohe-Weg-Watt" and "Mellum" east of the Jade navigation area. The "Hohe-Weg-Watt" nature reserve covered an area of 24,700 hectares. It was placed under nature protection under the designation WE 148 on January 22, 1985 and comprised the foreland of the dike upstream of the Butjadinger Land as well as the ridge between the inner jade and the outer Weser up to the southeast border of the "Mellum" nature reserve. About half of the mudflat was assigned to the Jade region, the other half to the Weser region. The “Mellum” nature reserve followed in the north-west. It was 6,500 hectares and was placed under the designation WE 67 on September 8, 1983 under nature protection.
See also
- A. Hops: The development of the Jade fairway into a large shipping route . In: Hansa , issue 11/1966, pp. 926-928
Web links
- Franzius Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Coastal Engineering: tides, swell, currents and sediment transport in the jade (PDF; 894 kB)
- Lighthouse Atlas: Lighthouses in the Jade
Individual evidence
- ↑ IBL UmweltPlanung / City of Wilhelmshaven: Potentials for the use of cooling water at the Wilhelmshaven power station. Aquatic ecology report , 2007, p. 62
- ↑ a b Federal Institute for Hydrology / Waterways and Shipping Office Wilhelmshaven: excavator and dump point investigations in the Jade ( Memento of the original from May 5, 2005 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 10.5 MB) Koblenz / Wilhelmshaven 2003, p. 5
- ↑ Günther Lang: A contribution to the tidal dynamics of the inner jade and the jade buss . In: Bulletin of the Federal Institute for Hydraulic Engineering No. 86. 2003, pp. 33–42
- ↑ Department of Biosciences at J. W. Goethe University : Marine Biological Excursion Wilhelmshaven and Helgoland¹ Summer 2006. ( Memento of the original from February 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 2.3 MB), p. 17.
- ↑ Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde / Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt Wilhelmshaven: Excavator and dump point investigations in the Jade ( Memento of the original from May 5, 2005 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 10.5 MB) Koblenz / Wilhelmshaven 2003, p. 7f.
- ↑ Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde / Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt Wilhelmshaven: Excavator and dump point investigations in the Jade ( Memento of the original from May 5, 2005 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 10.5 MB) Koblenz / Wilhelmshaven 2003, p. 79
- ↑ Bernd and Sabine Junge: Lighthouses on the Jade ( Memento of the original from May 5, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.
- ↑ Archive link ( Memento of the original from March 10, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. BfS 36/12, WSA Wilhelmshaven from June 5, 2012
- ↑ Maike and Malte Werning: Germany <Ems, Ostfriesland
- ↑ Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde / Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt Wilhelmshaven: Excavator and dump point investigations in the Jade ( Memento of the original from May 5, 2005 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 10.5 MB) Koblenz / Wilhelmshaven 2003, p. 80
- ^ Federal Institute for Hydraulic Engineering: Discharge of saline wastewater from potash production into the inner jade. Opinion on the spread of the brine . Karlsruhe / Hamburg / Ilmenau 2010, p. 1
- ↑ Wangerland: Overnight numbers ok - despite bad weather . Wilhelmshavener Zeitung , January 10, 2012
- ↑ In 2010 there was a slight decrease in guests and overnight stays ( page no longer available , search in web archives ) Info: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . Nordwestzeitung , May 30, 2011
- ↑ Federal Agency for Nature Conservation: Landscape profile: "Wadden in the Elbe-Weser Triangle Jadebusen" ( Memento of the original from September 16, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.
- ↑ Klaus Taux: The Oldenburg nature reserves . Oldenburg. Heinz Holzberg Publishing House. 1986, pp. 250-256
- ↑ Klaus Taux: The Oldenburg nature reserves . Oldenburg. Heinz Holzberg Publishing House. 1986, pp. 264-274