Curt Asche from Marenholtz

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Curt Asche von Marenholtz also Carl Ascher von Mahrenholz , baron since 1667 , (* October 25, 1619 , † October 29, 1674 in Regensburg ) was a Brandenburg councilor and diplomat.


Origin and family

Curt Asche von Marenholtz came from the Brunswick line of the old Lüneburg noble family Marenholtz . His father was Curt von Marenholz.


Marenholtz was a half-town councilor , treasurer and captain of Gatersleben and Krottorf . After all, he was president of the government of the Halberstadt diocese . Marenholz became a real secret council on August 31, 1661 and thus a member of the Brandenburg government under Elector Friedrich Wilhelm (1640–1688). From 1662 to 1674 he was the Kurbrandenburg envoy to the Perpetual Reichstag in Regensburg. On June 26, 1667, the emperor raised him to the status of imperial baron . Marenholtz was erbehrr on Nienhagen and Schmatzfeld .


An epitaph in the envoys' cemetery at the Trinity Church in Regensburg shows the deceased in full armor with an allonge wig as a full figure. In the inscription, the deceased is portrayed as a dignified, lovable man who was peaceful in life and loved the peace in the state and in his own home.

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Individual evidence

  1. Christian August Ludwig Klaproth, Immanuel Karl Wilhelm Cosmar: The king. Prussian and Churfürstl. Brandenburg Really Secret State Council on its bicentenary foundation day on January 5th, 1805. Berlin 1805, p. 361, no. 71.
  2. ^ Leopold von Zedlitz-Neukirch : New Prussian Adelslexicon , Volume 3, Leipzig 1837, p. 338.
  3. a b Friedrich Ludwig Joseph Fischbach : Historical political, geographic, statistical and military contributions concerning the Royal Prussian and neighboring states. 2nd part, 2nd volume. Johann Friedrich Unger, Berlin 1783, p. 505, no. 49.
  4. ^ Albrecht Klose and Klaus-Peter Rueß: The grave inscriptions on the ambassador's cemetery in Regensburg . In: Regensburger Studien, Volume 22, City Archives Regensburg 2015, p. 61.