Dérive - Urban Research Magazine

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dérive - magazine for urban research

description Trade journal
Area of ​​Expertise Urbanism
language German , English
publishing company dérive - Association for Urban Research ( Austria )
First edition 2000
Frequency of publication quarterly
Widespread edition 2200 copies
editor dérive - Urban Research Association
Web link www.derive.at
Article archive derive.at/zeitschrift (tables of contents; abstracts ; some articles are freely accessible)
ISSN (print)

Dérive - Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung is an interdisciplinary and independent journal for urban studies and has been published quarterly by dérive - Verein für Stadtforschung in Vienna since 2000 .

In addition to the publication of the magazine, the association is dedicated to conveying city-specific topics, including the design of “dérive - radio for urban research” and the organization of “urbanize! - International Festival for Urban Exploration ", which takes place annually in Vienna.

Orientation, structure and aspiration

Dérive is international, interdisciplinary and socially critical and approaches the subject of the city from different perspectives and disciplines. The fields covered range from architecture , urban and landscape planning , spatial planning and fine arts to geography , sociology , political and media studies and philosophy . Urban problems on different scales - from global to local - are discussed which should provide information about current urban developments. Examples of the topics dealt with in the magazine are housing, mobility, migration, upgrading, security, urban and climate change, art and urban development, work and production.

Most of the articles appear in German and some in English. The structure of the journal is divided into a focal section, which is usually designed by research teams in accordance with their research work. In the magazine section you will find articles and interviews on current city-specific topics and in the discussion section reviews on relevant and current publications, exhibitions and films. Another fixed component of every issue is a multi-page art insert by international artists who deal with issues of urban space in their work. The art inserts with their own content are curated by the architect Paul Rajakovics and the artist Barbara Holub, who also run the transparadiso platform together. The series “History of Urbanity” by the cultural and urban sociologist Manfred Russo is also an integral part of the dérive editions.

Dérive sees itself as an open platform for the exchange of urban knowledge. As an interdisciplinary medium, the magazine pursues the goal of crossing scientific disciplinary boundaries and stimulating discussion between different actors. The nearly 500 authors who have published in dérive since the magazine was founded include not only scientists but also activists from social urban movements. Research results and analyzes stand alongside concrete reports and complement each other.

In the field of urban sociology , for example, articles by Loïc Wacquant and Saskia Sassen have appeared . On the part of art history, Elke Krasny published among others . In addition, articles from geography (e.g. Erik Swyngedouw ) and political science (e.g. Roger Keil ) have appeared.


Dérive represents a concept of psychogeography and describes the unplanned, situationist procedure of wandering around through urban space. The name dérive means “drift” and was used by the Situationist International (SI) to describe an uncontrolled and unplanned method of exploring and experiencing the city. By roaming the familiar or unfamiliar urban environment, off the beaten track, with no purpose or defined goal, the practice of dérive should enable new perspectives and a different way of perceiving the urban. While dérive was initially practiced mainly by the SI, left-wing groups and artists, dérive as a method has become increasingly important in scientific urban research, especially in recent years.

Dérive - Urban Research Radio

Dérive - Association for Urban Research also uses other media to convey and discuss urban issues. Since June 2011, “dérive - Radio für Stadtforschung” has been broadcast monthly (1st Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm) on the Radio Orange 94.0 frequency , which is also included in the program by other German-speaking radio stations. The program consists of the “Dictionary: City”, in which experts explain key terms from urban research, the “History of Urbanity”, an abridged version of the series by Manfred Russo printed in the magazine and a current focus topic. All programs can be listened to in the Cultural Broadcasting Archive .


The magazine is a partner of the network of European cultural magazines Eurozine , the association of the same name as publisher of the urbanism magazine is a member of INURA - International Network of Urban Research and Action.

Web links