Tafí Viejo Department

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Tafí Viejo
Tafí Viejo Department (Tucumán - Argentina) .png
Location of Tafí Viejo in Tucumán (Argentina)
Capital Tafí Viejo
population 108.017 (2001, INDEC)
surface 1,210 km²
Population density 89.3 inhabitants / km²

The Tafí Viejo Department is located in the northern part of the Tucumán Province in northwest Argentina and is one of 17 administrative units in the province. It borders on the Trancas Department to the north, the Burruyacú and Cruz Alta departments to the east, the Capital , Yerba Buena and Lules departments to the south and the Tafí del Valle department to the west . The capital of the department is the city of the same name, Tafí Viejo .


The historical origins of Tafí Viejo can be traced back to colonial times. The lands had been given to Melián de Leguizamón y Guevara as an encomienda. 1781 , the sale of land with the name Tafí Viejo by Catalina de Aráoz de Facundo Tejerina y Barrera to Juan Clemente Méndez and José Martín Méndez recorded. Later, in 1782, they passed to María Juliana Alzogaray . Until 1888, the municipality of San Miguel de Tucumán extended from the province of Catamarca to the province of Santiago del Estero . Then a territorial redistribution is carried out, dividing the area into the departments of Tafí and Cruz Alta. The Tafí Viejo department as it is today was created in 1907 through a reform of the constitution of the Tucumán province, which split it into the Tafí Viejo and Tafí del Valle departments .


The economic activity in the Tafí Viejo department focuses on the production and processing of citrus fruits, especially the lemon . There are two citrus factories and several packaging plants in Tafí Viejo . In the shadow of the citrus industry, plastic manufacturing companies also settled.


The Tafí Viejo department has two major population centers: the capital Tafí Viejo itself and the recently created municipality of Las Talitas , which is growing rapidly northwards in continuation of the provincial capital of San Miguel de Tucumán . Tafí Viejo is the third largest city in the Tucumán province after San Miguel de Tucumán and Concepción .

cities and communes

The Tafí Viejo department is divided into the following municipalities:

Coordinates: 26 ° 42 ′  S , 65 ° 18 ′  W