Design management

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Design management is the business side of design . Design managers should speak both the company's language and the language of design.

Design management [ dɪˈzaɪnˈmænɪdʒmənt ] is a management discipline that focuses on a company's design resources and activities. It uses project management , design, strategy and supply chain techniques to steer a creative process, support a creativity culture and build an organizational structure for design. The aim is the integrated direction of design on the levels of management, organization and strategy, as well as the administration of the company's design system.

The goal of design management is to develop and maintain a suitable business environment in which the company can achieve its strategic goals and mission through design. This can be achieved by setting up and organizing an efficient and effective system. Design management is a comprehensive activity on all levels of entrepreneurial activity (operational to strategic), from early preliminary development to design implementation. “Simply put, design management is the business side of design. Design management encompasses the ongoing processes, business decisions and strategies that enable innovation and create effectively designed products, services, communications, environments and brands to improve our quality of life and organizational success. "The discipline of design management overlaps with the adjacent management areas: Marketing Management , Operation Management and Strategic Management .

Traditionally, design management has been limited to managing design projects, over time it has evolved into other areas of the organization, on a functional and strategic level. A current debate deals with the integration of design thinking into strategic management, as a cross-disciplinary and humanistic approach to management. This approach also focuses on a collaborative and iterative style of work and an abductive mindset as compared to approaches associated with the more traditional management paradigm.

In recent years design has become a strategic component of brand equity , differentiation and product quality in many companies. More and more organizations are using design management in order to improve design-relevant activities and to achieve a better link between design and business processes.

Extended definition

Design management plays three integrative key roles in the interface between design, organization and market.

The term design management contains a semantic contradiction and can be interpreted in two different ways: (1) management of design and (2) design of management. This distinction relates to the traditional understanding of design management at the operational level, as well as to a relatively new approach, the integration of design thinking as a mental concept in various business functions (e.g. use of design thinking at the top management level or in the Framework of innovation management).

Design management is diverse, as are the different opinions about it. Depending on a large number of factors (such as industry, company size, design focus, market situation and position and the role of design in the company), design managers cover a wide range of job profiles with very different roles, activities and responsibilities. It is therefore difficult to give a general definition of design management. On an abstract level, design management plays three integrative key roles in the interface between design, organization and market. These three key roles are:

  1. The alignment of the design strategy with the corporate and / or brand strategy
  2. The management of the quality and consistency of the design results within and between different design disciplines (design classes)
  3. The expansion of new ways of user experience and improvement of the differentiation from competitors

With this role definition, design management is not (necessarily) limited to a single design discipline and is not independent of the organizational and product-situational environment.

Defining quotes

Design management is the effective deployment by line managers of the design resources available to an organization in the pursuance of its corporate objectives. It is therefore directly concerned with the organizational place of design, with the identification with specific design disciplines which are relevant to the resolution of key management issues, and with the training of managers to use design effectively.

“Design management is the effective use by the managers of the design resources available to a company to meet the company's goals. It is therefore directly affected by the place of design in the company, with the identification of specific design disciplines that are relevant for solving key management problems, and with the training of managers to use design effectively. "

- Peter Gorb

Design management is a complex and multi-faceted activity that goes right to the heart of what a company is or does […] it is not something susceptible to pat formulas, a few bullet points or a manual. Every company's structure and internal culture is different; design management is no exception. But the fact that every firm is different does not diminish the importance of managing design tightly and effectively.

"Design management is a complex and multi-faceted activity that works exactly at the core of what a company is or does [...] it is not easy to change superficial formulas, a few bullet points or a manual. The structure and culture of every company is different and design management is no exception. But the fact that every company is different doesn't diminish the importance of managing design tightly and effectively. "

- John Thackara

Definition of related terms


Design is a subject, but also perspective and activity. The historical beginnings of design are complex. The design theory has so far only offered few concrete indications that can be used in practice, so that the operative designer can work independently of the design theory. In addition, there are decisions in design practice that are intuitive in character. A practical perspective on design helps to understand the framework of design management, so the theoretical perspective is beyond the scope of this article. In his classification of design (1976) Gorb divides design into three different classes; Design management works in and between all three categories: product (e.g. industrial design, packaging design, service design ), information (e.g. graphic design, branding, media design, web design) and environment (e.g. retail design, Exhibition design, interior design).


Management - in all business areas and organizational activities - is the act of bringing people together in order to achieve desired goals efficiently and effectively. Management comprises the planning , organization , personnel management , leadership and control of an organization (a group of one or more people or entities). Resourcing includes the provision and processing of human resources, financial resources, technological resources and natural resources. Towards the end of the 20th century, business management was divided into six separate subject areas: human resource management, operations management or production management, strategic management, marketing management, financial management and information technology management (responsible for managing information systems). Although it is becoming more and more difficult to divide management into functional categories in this way, it helps in navigating the various management disciplines. Design management mainly overlaps with the fields of marketing management, operations management and strategic management.


The historical review of design management proves difficult. Although design management was first mentioned as a term in the literature in 1965, previous contributions created an environment in which design management could arise. In the course of its history, design management has been influenced by a number of different disciplines (including architecture , industrial design , management , software development , engineering ) and trends (including systems theory , design methodologies) and its understanding can neither be traced back directly to design nor to management become.

Business world

Managing product aesthetics and corporate design (first contributions)

Peter Behrens (around 1913) is one of the first to contribute to design management.

The first contributions to design management show how different design disciplines were coordinated in order to achieve business goals at the company level and illustrate the early understanding of design as a competitive factor at the national level. In this context, design was understood as a purely aesthetic function and the management of design was used at the project planning level. Artists and designers gradually adapted to the industrial change by producing small series of their designs. Managing design at the project level is an integral part of the industrial design process.

The practice of managing design across multiple design disciplines to achieve a business goal was first documented in 1907. The German Werkbund was established in Munich by twelve architects and twelve commercial enterprises. It was a government sponsored effort to better compete with the UK and the US through the integration of traditional handicrafts and industrial mass production techniques. The German designer and architect Peter Behrens designed the entire corporate identity (logo, product design, advertising, etc.) of the Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft ( AEG ) as an external consultant and is referred to as the first industrial designer in history. His work for the AEG was the first large-scale demonstration of the profitability and viability of the Werkbund initiatives and goals. This can be seen as the first contribution to design management.

In the years that followed, companies applied the principles of corporate identity and corporate design to increase consumer awareness and recognition and to set them apart from competitors. The Olivetti company became known for its attention to design through its corporate design activities. In 1936, Olivetti hired Giovanni Pintori (Public Relations Department) and promoted Marcello Nizzoli (Product Design Department) to develop design into a comprehensive corporate philosophy.

Until the 1960s, debates in the design community were focused on ergonomics, functionality and corporate design, while debates in management focused on just in time, TQM and product specifications. The main actors in design management at this time were AEG , Bauhaus , British Design Council, Deutscher Werkbund , Olivetti , Peter Behrens and Walter Paepcke.

Systematic management of design (1960s to 1970s)

Industrialization influenced the work of designers in the 1960s, and the debate about design shifted from “design as an aesthetic function” to how to improve collaboration with industry. Designers had to work on a team with engineers and marketers, and design was perceived as part of product development.

In the first years of design management, the discipline was strongly influenced by systems science and the emergence of design science (including the heyday of design methodologies in Germany , USA and Great Britain ); important contributions also came from the architecture discipline . In particular in the Anglo-Saxon literature, in methodology research (including HfG Ulm , Christopher Alexander ) and the theories of management research, two main questions were dealt with, which characterize this period of time:

  • How can a business system of planning goals be developed?
  • How can problems of methodical information processing be solved?

Instruments and checklists were developed to structure the processes and decisions of companies for successful company development. Christopher Alexander's work plays an important role in the development of the design methodologies, he devoted his attention to the problem of form and context and the dismantling of complex design challenges into individual components in order to approach a concrete solution. His intention was to bring more rationalism and structure into solving design problems, an intention that is fundamental to design management.

During this period, the main actors in design management were Michael Farr , Horst Rittel , HfG Ulm , Christopher Alexander , London Business School , Peter Gorb, the Design Management Institute and the Royal Society of Arts. Debates in the design discipline covered topics such as design science, design methodology, wicked problems, Ulm methodology, new German design, semiotics and scenario techniques.

Managing design as a strategic component (1980s and 1990s)

In the 1980s, managers increasingly realized the economic effects of design , which increased the demand for design management. As companies were unsure how exactly design should be managed, a market for several specialized consulting firms arose. These specialist consultancies in the field of design management helped companies manage the product development process with the services of market research , conception , project development, communication and market launch , as well as the positioning of products and companies.

Two major publications were published in 1990: the Publication of Design Management - A Handbook of Issues and Methods by Mark Oakley (editor) and Publication of Design Management - Papers from the London Business School by Peter Gorb (editor). The method-driven design management approach described, which originated in the 1970s, helped to improve communication with other specialist departments (including construction and marketing) and gave design a more communicative and central role in the company. The new methods included trend research , product-effect triad, style mapping, milieus and product screenings.

At Philips , Senior Design Director Robert Blaich introduced a design management system in 1980 that viewed design, production and marketing as one unit. This was an important contribution to defining design as a core element in business. In the design department of Phillips, Stefano Marzano becomes CEO and CD in 1991. He continues the work of his predecessor Robert Blaich to adapt design processes to business processes and to implement the design strategy as an important element of the business strategy.

During this time, the management community discussed management theory, positioning strategy, brand management, strategic management, advertisement, competitive strategy, leadership, business ethics, mass customization, core competencies, strategic intent, reputation management and systems theory / science. The most important topics and debates in design management were operational, tactical and strategic design management, design leadership, design thinking and corporate identity.

Managing Design for Innovation (2000s and 2010s)

With the beginning of the 21st century, design management takes on a more strategic role in business processes and academic programs for design management are increasingly being established in companies and design universities. At the same time, design management is recognized and subsidized at the European Union level as a function of competitive advantage for companies and nations. The most important topics and debates during this time are strategic design management, design leadership and product service systems. Design management is influenced by the following trends in the design discipline: sustainable design, inclusive design, interactive design, design probes, product clinics and co-design. From management it is influenced by the following trends: Open Innovation and Design Thinking.

Mention of the term design management

The architects Brunton, Baden Hellard and Boobyer formulated the term architecture management in 1964 and emphasize the tension and synergy between the management of individual projects (job management) and the management of the business (office management). Although they do not use the term design management, they highlighted identical issues.

In 1965, the term design management was first published in a series of articles in the Design Journal magazine. This series includes a pre-publication of the first chapter of the book Design Management by Michael Farr, which is considered to be the first comprehensive literary contribution on design management. His thoughts on systems theory and project management resulted in a framework for dealing with design as a business function at the corporate management level by setting out the language and methods of effective management.

Politics (until 2000s)

The British Design Council was founded in 1944 to promote design in British industry.

Design policies have a long history, dating back to the late 19th century when design programs with their roots in craftsmanship were initiated in Sweden (1845) and Finland (1875). In 1907 the German Werkbund was founded by twelve architects and twelve commercial enterprises in Munich . It was a government sponsored project to better compete with the UK and US in integrating traditional handicrafts into industrial mass production techniques. The success of the Deutscher Werkbund inspired a group of British designers, industrialists and business people (who saw the organization at the Werkbund exhibition in Cologne in 1914) to found the Design and Industries Association and to encourage greater government involvement in promoting good design to use. In 1944, design management was appointed by the British government to manage design policies . The British Design Council was founded in 1944 by the British wartime government as the Council for Industrial Design with the aim of promoting, by all practical means, the improvement of design in British industrial products .

Germany realized the national importance of design during the Second World War. Between 1933 and 1945, Adolf Hitler instrumentalized design , architecture and propaganda to stage his power, best demonstrated by the annual Nazi party rallies in Nuremberg on September 5th. Heinrich Himmler coordinated various design activities for Hitler, including the completely black SS uniform (designed by Prof. Karl Diebitsch and Walter Heck in 1933), the Dachau concentration camp (designed by Theodor Eicke and a prototype for other Nazi concentration camps) and the Wewelsburg (redesign commissioned by Heinrich Himmler 1944).

Since the 1990s, the trend of design promotion has accelerated, and governments have used design as part of their efforts to advance technology, manufacturing and innovation. A very comprehensive analysis of the situation of design at the national level in Great Britain is the Cox Review. Design Council Chairman Sir George Cox publishes the Cox Review of Creativity in Business (2005) to communicate the competitive advantage of design to UK industry.

Doctorate and conferences (until 2000s)

The Royal Society of Arts in London is one of the first institutions to support design management. It presented the first presidential award for design management in 1964.
The 15th European International Design Management Conference , organized by the Design Management Institute.

In the USA , the Chicago industrialist Walter Paepcke, of the Container Corporation of America, founded the Aspen Design Conference to bring managers and designers closer together (for the benefit of both). In 1951, design as a function of management was chosen as the first conference title to ensure the participation of the management society. After several years, managers stopped participating as the growing involvement of designers changed the dialogue, shifting from focus to collaboration between management and design and rather to the failure of the management community to understand the value of design.

The Royal Society of Arts President Medals for Design Management were introduced in June 1964 to recognize outstanding examples of design policies in organizations that maintained a consistently high standard in all areas of design management, across all industries and disciplines. With this award, the RSA introduced the term design management. In 1965, the first medals were awarded to four companies (Conran & Co Ltd., Jaeger & Co Ltd., S. Hille & Co Ltd. and W. & A. Gilbey Ltd.) in the current performance category and two companies ( London Transport and Heal and Son Ltd.) in the long pioneering design management category . The jury included representatives from the RSA Council and the faculty of the Royal Designers for Industry .

The Design Management Institute was founded in 1975 at the Massachusetts College of Art in Boston . Since the mid-1980s, the Design Management Institute has been an international non-profit organization that tries to raise awareness of design as an essential part of corporate strategy. The first conference was organized a year later. The Design Management Institute increases its international presence and establishes the European International Conference on Design Management in 1997 and a professional training program in design management. Today the DMI is a leading body and international authority in the field of design management.

In 2007 the European Commission financed the ADMIRE project (Award for Design Management Innovating and Reinforcing Enterprises) for a period of two years as part of the Pro Inno Europe Initiative (contact point for innovation policy analysis and development). A particular focus of the project was the promotion of SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises). The aim was to encourage companies to introduce design management procedures in order to improve their competitiveness, promote innovation, establish a European knowledge exchange platform, organize a European Design Management Award and promote design management.

Education (up to 2000s)

Design management was first taught at the London Business School in 1976.

The path to teaching design to managers was paved at the London Business School in 1976 and has been taught on a full-time basis since 1982. Peter Gorb, a Life Fellow of the Design Management Institute and a Long Life Fellow of the RSA has led the design management department for more than 20 years and is seen as the foster father of design management. He defined the classification of design in 1976 and published his book Design and its use by managers two years later. The first design management program at a design college began in the 1980s at the Royal College of Art, DeMontfort and Middlesex Staffordshire. However, in the UK many of the courses were unsustainable, for example the course at the RSA was closed, as was the MBA in Westminster. However, other courses came through and continue training, such as Brunel, Salford and Lancaster.

In 1991, the University of Art and Design Helsinki founded the Institute for Design Leadership and Management and offered an international training program. The International Design Management Conference was organized by the University of Art and Design Helsinki that same year. A few years later, in 1995, the Helsinki School of Economics (HSE), University of Art and Design Helsinki (TaiK) and University of Technology (TKK) cooperate in the creation of the International Design Business Management Program (IDBM), which is the goal employs experts from different areas in design business management to bring together.

In 1995 the University of Oxford offered a Design Leadership Scholarship and Stanford University established the Institute of Design, the D-school. Since 2006, the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences has been the first university in Switzerland and as part of the Art and Design Faculty to offer a fully English-language program at the Bachelor's level. Aalto University in Finland will become active in January 2010 and is an amalgamation of the three established Finnish universities that have been cooperating in a design management program since 1995: Helsinki School of Economics (HSE), University of Art and Design Helsinki (TaiK) and University of Technology ( TKK).


The first international research project in design management (TRIAD) was initiated by the Design Management Institute and the Harvard Business School in 1989. In the same year the Design Management Review is published by the Design Management Institute, as the first (and to date only) magazine that focuses exclusively on design management.

The design management research literature is divided into two different types of studies:

  • Organizational studies: design in the business sector or design in large companies such as Philips or Olivetti
  • Descriptive studies for special methods in design management

Design and design management have seen different generations of theories. In its first generation, design focused on the object, in the second on the process and in the third on the user. There are similar shifts in management and design management in almost parallel steps. Brigitte Borja de Mozota presented this for design management with Findeli's Bremen model as a theoretical framework. It is difficult to predict which direction design management research will take, but there are still some blank areas on the map of design management research.

Different types

Different types of design management exist, depending on the type and strategic orientation of the company:

Product design management

Product design management helps to create a distinctive design. The picture shows the Saab hockey stick as an automotive design feature.

In product development-focused companies, the focus of design management is mainly on product design management, including a strong exchange with product design, product marketing, R&D and new product developments. This perspective of design management is primarily based on aesthetics, semiotics and ergonomic aspects of the product in order to express the product quality and to manage various product groups and product design platforms.

Brand design management

Brand design management works either for corporate brands or for product brands. The brand is the core, design management then focuses on brand experience, customer touchpoints, reliability, recognition and relationships of trust. The design, like all elements of the brand, is strongly driven by the brand vision and strategy.

Corporate brand design management

Market and brand-focused companies deal with the expression and perception of the corporate brand. Corporate brand design management implements, develops and maintains the corporate identity and brand. This type of brand management is strongly anchored in the organization in order to control and influence corporate design activities. The design program takes on the role of quality programs in many areas of the organization ( internal branding ). It is strongly linked to strategy, corporate culture , product development, marketing, organization and technological development. In order to maintain a consistent corporate brand, it is important to involve silent designers (design decision-makers without design training) and to promote design awareness among employees. A creative culture, knowledge exchange processes, a strong vision, design leadership and good working relationships support the work of the corporate brand design manager.

Product brand design management

The focus of product brand design management is not on the company level, but on the level of individual products or product families. Product brand design management is linked to R&D, marketing and brand management and is strongly represented in the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry. It is responsible for the visual forms of expression of the individual product brands, with its diverse customer-brand points of contact and the execution of the brand through the design.

Service design management

Service design management deals with the emerging discipline of service design. The picture shows the Car2Go concept from Daimler in Austin, Texas.

Service design management deals with the emerging discipline of service design. It is the activity of planning and organizing people, infrastructure, communication and material components of a service to improve its quality, the interaction between service provider and customer, and the customer's world of experience. The increasing importance and size of the service sector, both in terms of employees and economic importance, makes it necessary to design services accurately in order to remain competitive and to remain attractive to customers. Design management traditionally focuses on the design and development of industrial products. Service design managers can use many theoretical and methodological approaches to product design management. The systematic and strategic management of service design helps companies gain competitive advantages and conquer new markets. Companies that proactively identify the interests of their customers open up new and profitable opportunities if they design service offers that offer the customer good and pleasant experiences.

Service companies are innovating by addressing the IHIP challenge:

  • Services are intangible ( I ntangible), they have no physical form and can not be considered before purchasing or taken home.
  • Services are heterogeneous ( H eterogen), because unlike physical products, no two service experiences are the same.
  • Services are inseparable ( I nseparable), because the act of providing a service is inseparable from the act of consuming.
  • Services are perishable ( P erishable), they can not be inventoried.

Due to the specific characteristics of services, service design management differs from product design management in several ways. For example, the application of international trading strategies for services poses major problems, since the development of the service “from a craft attitude towards the industrialization of services” requires the development of new tools, concepts and strategies. While goods are manufactured centrally and shipped around the globe, services have to be performed at the point of consumption, making it difficult not only for global quality consistency, but also for effective cost control.

Business design management

Business design management deals with a. with the development of business models. The picture shows the business model template by Alexander Osterwalder.

Business design management deals with the emerging area of ​​integrating design thinking in management. In organizational and management theory, design thinking forms part of the architecture / design / anthropology (A / D / A) paradigm, which is characterized by innovative, people-centered companies. This paradigm also focuses on a collaborative and iterative style of work and an adductive mindset, compared to practices associated with the more traditional Mathematics / Economics / Psychology (M / E / P) management paradigms. The term business design has been trademarked by the Rotman School of Management since 2006 ; they define business design as the application of design thinking principles in operational practice. The designer way of solving problems is an integrative way of thinking, which is characterized by a deep understanding of the user, creative solution, collaborative prototyping and continuous improvement of ideas and solutions. This approach to problem solving can be applied to all components of the business and the management of this is understood as business design management. Although the Rotman School of Management has protected the term Business Design, other universities offer similar academic training concepts, such as Aalto University in Finland with the International Design Business Management (IDBM) program (since 1995).

Urban design management

Urban design management contributes to the development of urban districts. The picture shows the new development of the Hafencity in Hamburg, Germany.

Urban design management is involved in mediating between different interest groups that are involved in the development and implementation of construction projects. Such mediation can encourage a common search for mutually beneficial results, as well as integrative development. This links actors at different levels and contexts and aims at a sustainable solution by increasing stakeholder satisfaction.

Conventional real estate development and urban planning activities are surrounded by conflicting interests and haggling over positions. Integrative negotiation approaches with mutual benefits have so far been used in spatial planning and environmental management, but not at the interface between real estate development, urban design and urban planning. Urban design management involves rearranging the chain of events in the production of the built environment according to the principles of integrative negotiation. This factual negotiation can be used in urban development and planning activities in order to reach agreements more efficiently. The urban design management approach aims to increase stakeholder satisfaction, both in the process and with the content of urban development. This leads to integrative developments and more sustainable options for implementing the construction project.

Urban-Designmanagement offers prescriptive advice for practitioners who wish to implement urban planning activities in a way that increases stakeholder satisfaction through sustainability. Real estate development and urban planning often occur at very different decision-making levels and the practitioners involved can have diverse educational and professional backgrounds, often with conflicting interests. Providing prescriptive counseling to diverse and conflicting groups requires developing a framework that encompasses all of their daily activities and responsibilities. Urban design management offers a common framework to bring together the usual practices of urban and regional planning, real estate development and urban design.

The work on Integrative Negotiation Consensus Building and Mutual Gains Approach provides a helpful theoretical framework for the theoretical development of urban planning management. Negotiation theories provide a useful framework for bringing together the various perspectives of urban planning, urban design and real estate project proposals for the development of the built environment. Interests, a key role in negotiation theory, is an important variable that enables integrated development, as defined above, to occur. The work of Roger Fisher and William Ury (1981) Getting to YES! recommends that stakeholders focus on common interests and mutual gains instead of haggling over subjective positions.

Architecture management

Architectural Design Management contributed to the development of Heathrow Terminal 5 and Heathrow Express by managing the design development and applying visionary leadership.

Architectural management can be defined as an orderly way of thinking that helps to realize a quality building at acceptable costs or as a process function with the aim of providing greater architectural value for the customer and society. A research project by Kiran Gandhi describes architectural management as the subject of the practical aspects for an architect to work successfully in his practice. The term architecture management has been used since the 1960s. The development of the field of architecture management has not proceeded smoothly. Architectural firms were not considered a business until after World War II, and even then practitioners were preoccupied with the conflict between art and commerce and the indifference of management. There was an obvious conflict between the image of an architect and the need for professional management of the architecture business. The reluctance to manage and business as an integral part of architectural practice was also reflected in architectural education programs and publications. It seems that the management of architectural design, as well as architecture management in general, is not yet given enough importance. Architecture management is divided into two different parts: office or practice management and project management. Office management creates a general framework in which many individual projects are started, managed and completed. Architecture management extends from the management of the design process, construction and project management to the facility management of buildings in use. It is a powerful tool for the benefit of professional service companies and the entire construction process, but it still receives too little attention, both in theory and in practice.

Business world

Value to the business community

Design plays a crucial role in product and brand development and is of great economic importance for organizations and companies. Creativity and design in particular (as an activity: design knowledge, methods and processes) play a growing role in the creation of products and services with high added value for consumers. Within the global exports of all creative industries products (goods and services), design generates 50% of the revenue in the creative industries (creative employees account for 3.1% of total employment in the EU and generate a turnover of 2.6% of EU gross value added with an unprecedented level average annual growth rate of 8.7 percent between 2000 and 2005). The growing importance of the creative industries (and especially design) in knowledge-intensive industries is reflected not only in politics and studies at the EU level, but has initiated design and creative measures and programs in most advanced economies. Design and creativity has proven to be a driving force for competitiveness, economic growth, job engine and citizen satisfaction at regional and local level. Investing in the cultural and creative industries is an essential component in EU growth in the Lisbon Strategy and the Europe 2020 Strategy. Designers are increasingly involved in innovation issues. To better understand the value of design and its role in innovation, the EU held a public consultation based on its publication Design as a driver of user-centered innovation and published the mini-study Design as a tool for innovation . The report underlines the importance of design in user-centered innovation and recommends the integration of design into the EU's innovation policy. In addition to the design share in the export of all creative industry products, design can also have a positive influence on all business areas of performance indicators, from sales and profits to market shares and competitiveness. Design management research results can be classified as follows:

  • Design improves the performance of the company's innovation and communication strategy
  • Design improves overall company performance; it's a worthwhile investment
  • Design is a profession that creates value on a macroeconomic level
  • Design improves the competitiveness of a country in international competition; it develops export
  • Design can help restructure an economic sector in regional economic policy

Whether and how design management is applied in a company often depends on the importance and integration of design in the company, but also depends on the industry, company size, responsibility for the design and the type of competition. A study by the Danish Design Center (DDC) - which led to the Danish design manager - effectively shows how companies are already interpreting and applying design at different levels:

  1. No design: Companies that do not use design (15% 2007).
  2. Design as styling: Companies that use design as a means of style (17% 2007).
  3. Design as a process: companies that incorporate design into the development process (45% 2007).
  4. Design as innovation: Companies that see design as a key strategic element (21% 2007).

Research shows that companies that see design at a higher level on the ladder are growing steadily. In addition, the Danish Design Center published an assessment of the importance of design in 2006, with the result that most companies design as a promoter for innovation (71%), as a growth potential for the company (79%) and as a method to make products more user-friendly develop (71%). With the increasing importance of design for the company, design management is also becoming increasingly important.

The value of design can be multiplied when it is well managed. Research by Chiva and Alegre shows that there is no link between design investments and business success, but there is a strong correlation between design management skills and business success. This means efficient and effective design management is critical to maximizing the value of design. Effective design management increases the efficiency of operations management and process management, has a significant positive influence on process management, quality performance (internal and external quality) and operational performance. To measure and convey the added value of design management, Borja de Mozota suggests using the balanced score card model and structuring the value according to the following four categories:

  • Internal business processes: design management as an innovation process. Design management offers improvements in company performance and processes, this type of innovation and process being completely invisible to outsiders.
  • Learn and Grow: Advanced Design Management. Design explicit knowledge is applied as a strategic focus and improves employee quality.
  • Customers and brands: design management as perception and brand. Design knowledge is applied to the company and its strategic positioning.
  • Financial: The historical economic design management model. Design management offers explicit and measurable added value for the company's reputation and stock market development.

Relationship to other disciplines and departments

Three different basic orientations of design management can be identified in companies. These orientations influence the perception of management and the responsibility of the design manager in the organization. These strategic orientations have a market, product or brand focus:

  • In product-oriented companies, design responsibility often rests with the research and development department.
  • In market-oriented companies, design responsibility often rests with the marketing departments.
  • In brand-oriented companies, design responsibility often lies in corporate communication.

Depending on the strategic direction of the company, design management overlaps with other management disciplines to varying degrees:

  • Marketing Management: The concepts and elements of marketing management overlap with those of design management. In practice, design management can be part of a marketing manager's job profile, although the discipline includes aspects that are outside the scope of marketing management. This overlap is known as brand design management and consists of the elements positioning, personality, purpose, personnel, project and practice, with the aim of increasing the brand value.
  • Operations Management : At the operational level, design management deals with the management of design projects. Operations management processes and tools can be used in design management when executing design projects.
  • Strategic management : Due to the increasing importance of design as a differentiating feature and as a support for brand value, design management deals with strategic design issues and supports the strategic direction of the company. The design thinking debate suggests the integration of a new problem-solving approach into strategic management. Designer thinking and strategic thinking have some similarities in their properties, both are synthetic, adductive, hypothesis-driven, opportunistic, dialectical, inquisitive and value-oriented.
  • Innovation management : The value of the coordinating role of design in new product development is well documented. Design management can help improve innovation management, this can be measured by three variables: (1) Design management reduces time-to-market by improving source and communication skills and developing cross-functional innovations. (2) It stimulates innovation by networking product and customer information flows with internal (e.g. teams) and external (e.g. suppliers, society) actors. (3) Design management improves the learning process by promoting a continuous learning process.


As with strategy management, design can be managed on three levels: strategic (company level), tactical (business level or individual business areas) and operational (individual project level). Over the past 50 years these three levels have been given different names by different authors.

Terms used to describe levels of strategy management and design management
Strategic level Tactical level Operational level Author / source
Corporate strategy Business strategy Functional strategy Haberberg and Rieple, 2001
Corporate strategy Business strategy Operational strategy Johnson and Scholes, 1999
Business management / office management Individual project / job management Brunton, 1964
Corporate / innovation design management Design agency management Design project management Topalian, 1980
Design Policy Management - Operational design management Oakley, 1984
Strategic design management - Operational design management Olins, 1985
Strategy (macro) Organization (meso) Team / Individual (Micro) Francis and Fischbacher, 1996
Corporate design management Design organization management Design project management Chung, 1998
Anticipatives / Strategic Design Management Functional design management Operational design management de Mozota, 1998
Strategic design management Tactical design management Operational design management Joziasse, 2000
Board / top function Middle / business function Design activity function Cooper, 2005
Design strategy management Design resource management Design project management Kootstra, 2006

Operational design management

Operational design management deals, among other things, with individual design projects and teams. The photo shows the design center of the John Hardy Jewelry company in Bali , Indonesia .

Operational design management deals with the management of individual design projects and design teams. Its job is to achieve the goals of strategic design management. The success of good design management can be made tangible by specifically measuring the quality of the operational design management results. It includes the selection and management of design suppliers and includes the documentation, monitoring and evaluation of the design processes and results. It deals with personal leadership, emotional intelligence and working with / managing internal communication. Regular management functions, tools and concepts can often be applied to the management of design at the operational level. It is implemented to achieve specific design goals and manage the assessment of design proposals. It can help build brand equity through the consistent creation and execution of high quality design solutions that best fit the brand identity and desired consumer experience, in the most efficient way. Depending on the type of company and industry, the following job titles are associated: operational design manager, senior designer, team leader, visual communication manager, corporate design coordinator

Tactical design management

Tactical design management deals, among other things, with creating awareness for design in the company, such as sustainable design . The photo shows a training meeting with factory workers in a stainless steel ecodesign company in Rio de Janeiro , Brazil .

Tactical design management is aimed at organizing design resources and design processes. His goal is to create a structure for design in the company and to bridge the gap between the goals set by strategic design management and the implementation of design on an operational level. It defines how design is organized in the company. This also includes the coordination of the various design projects and activities from a central point. It includes defining activities, developing design skills and competencies, managing processes, systems and procedures, assigning roles and responsibilities, developing innovative products and service concepts and researching new market opportunities. Results of tactical design management relate to the creation of a structure for design within the company in order to build up (internal) resources and competencies for the implementation of design. Depending on the type of company and industry, the following job titles are associated: Tactical Design Manager, Design Director, Design & Innovation Manager, Brand Design Manager, New Product Development (NPD) Manager, Visual Identity Manager

Strategic design management

Strategic design management deals, among other things, with visualizing the future. The photo shows the visionary BMW GINA automobile concept in the BMW Museum in Munich , Germany .

Strategic design management includes the creation of the strategic, long-term vision & planning for design and deals with the definition of the role of design in the company. The goal of strategic design management is to support and strengthen the corporate vision by creating a relationship between the design and corporate strategy. It involves creating design, branding and product strategies to ensure that design management becomes a central element of the corporate strategy formulation process. Strategic design management is responsible for developing and implementing a corporate design program that influences the design vision, mission and positioning. It allows design to interact with corporate governance needs and focuses on the long term possibilities of design. Where strategic design management is applied, there is often a strong belief in the potential of design to differentiate and create a competitive advantage. As a result, design thinking is integrated into the corporate culture. Depending on the type of company and industry, the following job titles are associated: Strategic Design Manager, Chief Design Officer, Vice President Design & Innovation, Chief Creative Officer, Innovation Design Director

Roles and responsibilities

Design management is not a model that can be projected onto every company , not an application with linear functions and not a special path that leads to success. Rather, design management processes are carried out by people with different authorities and training who work in different areas of companies that have different sizes, traditions and industry characteristics and serve different target groups and markets. Design management is multi-faceted and so are the uses of and views on design management. The functions of design management in the company depend on the tasks, responsibilities and practice.


Similar tasks can be grouped into categories to describe the job description of the design manager. Different categories for the subdivision of design management tasks were identified by different authors on the strategic, tactical and operational level.

Terms used to define categories of tasks for design managers
Strategy and purpose Personnel and organization Organizational culture and presence Projects Practice and process Author / source
Strategy and purpose - - Projects - Topalian, 1980
Strategy and Policy Human Resources - Projects - Oakley, 1984
- - - - process Hetzel, 1998
Strategy and Policy Human and Material Resources - - - Blaich, 1998
strategy Organization and human resources Information resources Projects - Chung, 1998
Strategy and purpose Human Resources Organizational culture Projects Processes, Practice and Support Powell, 1998
Strategy and vision Human resources, organizational structure Organizational culture - Process, tools and methods Joziasse, 2000
Strategy, planning Structure, finance, human resources Information and communication, link to R&D, link to branding Project management Evaluation de Mozota, 2003
Strategy and policy formation, goals, specifications People and structure, investment and finance, training and learning, resource planning communication Projects, planning and scheduling, implementation, monitoring, documentation Process planning, evaluation Cooper, 2005

Responsibility & position

The responsibility and position of the design management function has a major impact on what design managers do in their day-to-day work. Kootstra (2006) differentiates between design management types based on their organizational function: Design management as a line function is directly responsible for the implementation of the design in the primary organizational process and can take place at all levels of the design management hierarchy. The essential characteristics of the design manager in the line are comprehensive authority and immediate responsibility for the result. Design management as a staff function is not directly responsible for the implementation of the design in the primary organizational process, but advises as a specialist on all levels of the design management hierarchy. The essential characteristics of design managers in this role are their limited authority and their role in advising executives and employees. If the design process is defined as a secondary organizational process, design management is seen as a support function . In this role, the design manager only has a supportive character and is employed as a creative specialist in the areas of product management, brand management, marketing, R&D and communication.

Terms used to describe categories of position and authority in design management
Organizational structure & decision-making Leadership / management style Cooperation / internal group conflicts Process integration Author / source
  • Centralization vs. decentralization
  • Design in top-level management
  • Flexibility vs. consistency
  • Autonomy vs. control
  • Grouping of activities
  • Pre-development activities
  • Product development and testing
  • marketing
Cooper, 2005
- -
  • Design is made without inter-company cooperation (subcontract)
  • Design is done with inter-company cooperation (company-wide design culture)
  • Design is done together (network)
  • Design is done alone (internalization, sale of design competence)
- Mozota, 2003
  • Staff function
  • Line function
  • Support function
- - - Kootstra, 2006
  • Functional structure (basic structure)
  • Independent project organization (self-sustaining group)
  • Matrix organization
  • Design champion
  • Design policy
  • Design program
  • Design as a function (like a design department)
  • Design as an infusion (everyone concerns design, silent designers)
- Trunk, 2005
- - -
  • Fuzzy Front End (FFE)
  • Product development process (PEP)
  • Market Operation (MO)
Buckler, 1997

Politics (from 2010s)

Today almost every developed country has some type of design promotion program, and the Design Management Institute has three magazine issues dedicated to design policy development. Although initiatives promote design in various complexities, scopes and focuses, the specific objectives tend to achieve more general or economic goals:

  • Business support: Increased use of design by businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises ( SMEs ), and the growth of the design industry (usage dimension);
  • Promotion to the public: Increase in exports of design and the design sector and attractiveness for international investment (international dimension);
  • Designer Education: Improved design education and research (academic dimension).

Innovation policies have over-focused on technology development and neglected the demand side (the user). Several European Commission initiatives have been launched in recent years to support and research design and design management. However, a Europe-wide policy for design support was never planned due to the inconsistency and diversity of the national design policies. Against this background it is interesting to see that there are plans to integrate design into the EU innovation policy.

Training (from 2010s)

Every year BusinessWeek publishes a list of the best and most promising study programs that combine design thinking with business thinking ( D-schools 2009 and D-school programs 2009, which one should keep an eye on ). The article Finland - world's innovation hot spot in the Harvard Business Review shows the growing interest of companies in linking design and management education. Many management universities saw the need and developed new academic curricula (e.g. Rotman School of Management, Wharton University of Pennsylvania, and MIT Sloan Executive Education). These training models are often integrated training concepts, which are referred to as T-shaped and π-shaped training. T-shaped professionals are trained by imparting general knowledge in some disciplines (e.g. management and engineering) and specific, in-depth knowledge in a single discipline (e.g. design). This model also applies to companies if they shift their focus from small T innovations (innovations in only one discipline, such as chemistry) to large T innovations (innovations across several disciplines, such as design, ethnography, management, etc.). As in training, this shift makes it necessary to tear down silos of departments and knowledge disciplines. On the basis of these thinking models, there are also more and more courses that offer a sound education in the field of design management. The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland, for example, offers a comprehensive course in design management at bachelor level (design management, international).

See also

Wiktionary: Design  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
Wikiquote: Design  - Quotes
Wiktionary: Management  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations



  • Margaret Bruce, Rachel Cooper: Marketing and Design Management. International Thomson Business Press, London a. a. 1997, ISBN 1-86152-173-1 .
  • Margaret Bruce, John Bessant: Design in Business. Strategic innovation through design. Financial Times Prentice Hall, Harlow et al. a. 2002, ISBN 0-273-64374-6 .
  • Scott M. Davis: Brand Asset Management. Driving profitable growth through your brands. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco CA 2000, ISBN 0-7879-5077-7 .
  • DMI: 18 Views on the Definition of Design Management In: Design Management Journal. Vol. 9, No. 3, 1998, pp. 14-19, doi: 10.1111 / j.1948-7169.1998.tb00211.x .
  • Michael Farr: Design Management. Hodder & Stoughton, London 1966.
  • Norbert Hammer (ed.): The silent designer, manager of design (= milestones. 1). Design Center North Rhine-Westphalia, Essen 1994, ISBN 3-929227-12-6 .
  • Holger Hase, Katrin Hinz, Hanna Schnackenberg (eds.): Design Management. 3 volumes. FHTW - University of Applied Sciences for Technology and Economics Berlin u. a., Berlin 2006-2007;
  • Frans Joziasse: Bringing design management into the fold. In: Design Management Journal. Vol. 11, No. 4, 2000, pp. 36-41, doi: 10.1111 / j.1948-7169.2000.tb00146.x .
  • Frans Joziasse, Tim Selders, James Woudhuysen: Innovation, Branding and Organization: What International Design Managers think about their Performance. In: Design Management Journal. Vol. 3, No. 1, 2008, pp. 38-45, doi: 10.1111 / j.1948-7177.2008.tb00005.x .
  • Tom Kelley, Jonathan Littman: The Art of Innovation. Lessons in Creativity from IDEO, America's Leading Design Firm. Currency / Doubleday, New York NY u. a. 2001, ISBN 0-385-49984-1 .
  • W. Chan Kim , Renée Mauborgne : Blue Ocean Strategy. How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant. Harvard Business School Press, Boston MA 2005, ISBN 1-59139-619-0 .
  • Udo Koppelmann: Product Marketing. Decision-making bases for product managers. 6., revised. and exp. Edition. Springer, Berlin a. a. 2000, ISBN 3-540-67147-1 .
  • Dirk Meyer: Design management in medium-sized companies. Development of a model for the implementation of design management in medium-sized companies. Mönnig, Iserlohn 1994, ISBN 3-922885-71-3 (also: Hagen, Fernuniversität, diploma thesis, 1994).
  • Brigitte Borja de Mozota: Design management. Using design to built brand value and corporate innovation. Allworth Press, New York NY 2003, ISBN 1-58115-283-3 .
  • Jeremy Myerson: Ideo. Masters of Innovation. te Neues Publishing Company, Kempen 2001, ISBN 3-8238-5485-2 .
  • Mark Oakley: Managing Product Design. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London 1984, ISBN 0-297-78427-7 .
  • Heinrich Spies: Integrated design management (= contributions to product marketing. Vol. 23). Fördergesellschaft Produktmarketing, Cologne 1993, ISBN 3-922292-28-3 .
  • Brigitte Wolf (ed.): Design management in the industry. Anabas-Verlag, Giessen 1993, ISBN 3-87038-247-3 .

Web links





  1. With this award, London Transport was recognized as one of the first large commercial organizations to use design as a major factor in all activities.
  2. This article discusses the history of Heal's from its beginnings as a small company to its current position as a large business with a high reputation.
  3. 2nd conference 1992: "Qualities of success", 3rd conference 1995: "The challenge of complexity"
  4. Design research is carried out with organizational studies, such as research on design in the economic field. The following studies support this claim:
    • Hetzel, Patrick. 1993. “Design management et constitution de l'offre,” Thése Doctorat Sciences de Gestion, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3.
    • Evans, Bill. 1985. “Japanese-Style Management, Product Design and Corporate Strategy,” Design Studies, vol. 6, no. 1, January, 25–32.
    • Brun, Monique. 1994. “Pratiques de creation de packaging pour le marché européen: Le cas du secteur alimentaire,” Sixth International Forum on Design Management Research & Education, Paris.
  5. Design research is carried out with organizational studies such as research on design in large companies, etc. a. Philips or Olivetti. The following studies support this claim:
    • Heskett, John. 1989. Philips, Trefoil Publications, London.
    • Kicherer, S. 1990. Olivetti: A Study of the Corporate Management of Design, Trefoil Publications.
  6. Design research is carried out with descriptive studies of special design management methods. The following studies support this claim:
    • Topalian, Alan. 1980. The Management of Design Projects. Associated Business Press.
    • Mark Oakley: Managing Product Design . Littlehampton Book Services Ltd, London 1984, ISBN 978-0-297-78442-5 , pp. 8 ff.
    • Vitrac, Jean-Pierre. 1994. Comment gagner de nouveaux marchés par le design industriel, Paris, Editions l'Usine Nouvelle.
    • Oakley, Ed. 1990. Design Management: A Handbook of Issues and Methods, Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
    • Hollins, Gillian, and Bill Hollins. 1991. Total Design: Managing the Design Process in the Service Sector, London, Pitman.
    • Bauhain – Roux, Dominique. 1992. Gestion du Design and Management d'Entreprise, Chotard.
    • Blaich, Robert, and Janet Blaich. 1993, Product Design and Corporate Strategy: Managing the Connection for Competitive Advantage, New York: McGraw-Hill.
    • Cooper, Rachel, and Mike Press. 1995. The Design Agenda, John Wiley & Sons.
  7. There are 5.885 million workers in the EU in the cultural and creative sector or 3.1% of total employment in the EU. These employees generate a turnover of 654 billion EUR, which is 2.6% of the EU gross value added. The creative industries are in 3rd place among the EU economic sectors and international trade in creative goods and services. Between 2000 and 2005, the creative sector had an unprecedented annual average growth rate of 8.7 percent. (See below: EU study "The Economy of Culture in Europe", 2009)
  8. Design improves the performance of the company's innovation policy and communication policy. The following references support the argument:
    • Brigitte Borja de Mozota: Essai sur la fonction du Design et son rôle dans la Stratégie marketing de l'Entreprise . In: Université De Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, Juin. (Ed.): Thèse de Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion . , Paris 1985.
    • Roch Landry: Contributions du design industriel au processus d'innovation et de communication dans l'entreprise . In: Université d'Aix-Marseille (ed.): Thèse pour le Doctorat és Sciences de Gestion . , Marseille 3. May 1987.
    • Monique Brun: Le design: un outil au service de la stratégie . In: Revue Française du Marketing . 4, No. 129, 1990, pp. 13-38.
    • Triad Design Project, 1989, Designing for Product Success. Design Management Institute, Boston International Exhibition.
    • Hetzel, Patrick. 1994. “Design management, constitution de l'offre et“ neo-marketing ”: the contributions du design au renouvellement de la“ construction ”des processus d'innovation en entreprise,” Sixth International Forum on Design Management Research & Education, Paris.
    • Hertenstein, Julie H., and Marjorie B. Platt, 1997. “Developing a Strategic Design Culture,” Design Management Journal, Spring, vol. 8, no. 2, 10-19.
  9. Design improves overall company performance; it's a worthwhile investment. The following references support the argument:
    • Design Council: Design Fact Finder . Design Council. Archived from the original on August 11, 2010. Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved January 23, 2011. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
    • Rothwell, Roy, and Paul Gardiner. 1983. The Role of Design in Product and Process Change, “Design Studies,” vol. 4, no. 3, July, 161–169.
    • Roy, Robin, G. Salaman, and Vivien Walsh. 1986. Research Grant Final Report, Design-Based Innovation in Manufacturing Industry. Principles and Practices for Successful Design and Production, "Report Dig-02, Design Innovation Group, Open University, Milton Keynes.
    • Hart, Susan J., Linda M. Service, and Michael J. Baker. 1989. “Design Orientation and Market Success,” Design Studies, vol. 10, no. 2, April, 103-108.
    • Potter, Stephen, Robin; Roy, et al. 1991. “The Benefits and Costs of Investment in Design,” The Open University UMIST Report Dig-03 Design Innovation Group, September.
  10. Design is a profession that creates value on a macroeconomic level. The following references support the argument:
    • HEC Etudes. 1987. “Le poids économique du design français,” Etude réalisée à la demande de l'UFDI.Ministère de l'Industrie.
    • Ministere de l'Industrie. 1995. Les PMI Françaises et le Design, Etude de la Direction de l'Action Régionale et de la Petite et Moyenne Industrie, October.
    • Design Business Association, 1990–1991, “Why It Pays to Invest in Good Design,” by Vicky Sargent, Chief Executive DBA, Marketing Director International.
  11. Design improves the competitiveness of a country in international competition; it develops export. The following references support the argument:
    • Corfield, KG 1979. Report on Product Design, National Economic Development Council.
    • Rothwell, Roy, and Paul Gardiner. 1983. The Role of Design in Product and Process Change, “Design Studies,” vol. 4, no. 3, July, 161–169.
    • Ughanwa, Davidson Oyemeka. 1988. “In Search of Design Excellence,” Design Studies, vol. 9, no. 4, October, 219–222.
    • Walsh, Vivien, Robin Roy, Margaret Bruce, and Stephen Potter. 1992 Winning by Design, Basil Blackwell.
    • Riedel, Johann, Robin Roy, and Stephen Potter. 1996. “Market Demands that Reward Investment in Design,” 8th International Forum On Design Management Research And Education, Barcelona.
    • Sentance, Andrew, and James Clarke. 1997. The Contribution of Design to the UK Economy, Design Council, Research Program, Center for Economic Forecasting, London Business School, 1-44.
    • Ayral, Suzanne. 1990. “Le design et le processus de choix des matériaux,” Actes du Colloque Recherches sur le Design, Compiègne Octobre 1990, 243.
  12. Design can help in the restructuring of an economic sector in regional economic policy. Following references are proofing this argument:
    • Piau, Veronique. 1990. “The nouveaux enjeux de la conception in the structure industrial des années 1990,” Actes du Colloque recherches sur le Design, Octobre, Compiegne, 157.
    • Lovering, Tim. 1995, “Corporate Design Management as an Aid to Regional Development,” 7th International Forum on Design Management Research & Education, Stanford University.
    • Cooper, Rachel, and Mike Press. 1995. The Design Agenda, John Wiley & Sons.
    • Mannervik, Ulf. 1995. “Industrial Design Culture and Its Milieu — A Regional Network Perspective,” 7th International Forum on Design Management Research & Education, Stanford University.
    • Guimaraes, Luiz, John Penny, and Stanley Moody. 1996. “Product Design and Social Needs: The Case of North East Brazil,” International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 12, No. 7.8, 849-86.
  13. The elements of design management are: purpose, personnel, presence, project and practice. The elements of brand management are identity, positioning, personality, system and equity. The elements of brand design management are positioning, personality (personality and presence), purpose (identity and purpose), personnel, project and practice, with the aim of increasing brand value.
  14. The initiative PRO INNO Europe (the EU "Contact Point for Innovation Policy Analysis, Learning and Development") received the highest attention in the design management community, as it financed the ADMIRE project (Award for Design Management Innovating and Reinforcing Enterprises). The aim of the project was to stimulate companies to invest in design management and to use it as an important driving force for innovation and competitiveness (e.g. through the Design Management Award, the DME library and the DME self-assessment tool).
  15. In 2004 a representative of the EU indicated that the EU would never pursue a design policy on a European level until the national design policies within Europe become more efficient and consistent (January 2004 at the APCI conference in Paris).

Individual evidence


  1. a b Design Management Institute: Design Management Definition . Design Management Institute. Retrieved April 24, 2010.
  2. ^ A b Andrew Jones: The Innovation Acid Test . Triarchy Press, Axminster 2008, p. 20.
  3. ^ Richard J. Boland, Fred Collopy: Managing as designing . Stanford University Press, Stanford, California 2004, ISBN 0-8047-4674-5 . Archived from the original on June 12, 2010 Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Accessed December 25, 2009).  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. Udo Koppelmann: Product marketing: decision-making basis for product managers . Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1993, ISBN 978-0-387-55986-5 , p. 65.
  5. ^ Peter Gorb: The design management interface . The Association of Registered Graphic Designers. Pp. 1-13. October 19, 2001. Archived from the original on February 15, 2011. Retrieved on January 23, 2011.
  6. GL Kootstra: Design Management. Design effectief used om ondernemingenssucces te creëren . Pearson Education, Amsterdam 2006, ISBN 90-430-1172-X , pp. 426 ??? .
  7. a b Michael Farr: Design Management - Why is it needed now? . In: Council of Industrial Design (Ed.): Design Journal . 8, No. 200, Glasgow, August 1965, pp. 38-39. Retrieved March 15, 2013.
  8. Frederic J. Schwartz (1996). The Werkbund: Design Theory and Mass Culture Before the First World War . New Haven, Conn .: Yale University Press. ISBN 0-300-06898-0
  9. a b Bernhard E. Bürdek: Design - History, Theory and Practice in Product Design , 3rd. Edition, Birkhäuser - Verlag für Architektur, Berlin 2005, ISBN 3-7643-7028-9 , p. 358 ff.
  10. Jonathan Woodham: Twentieth Century Design. Oxford University Press, Oxford 1997, ISBN 0-19-284204-8 , p. 160.
  11. Erich Geyer, Bernhard E. Bürdek: Design Management - catchphrase or extended way of thinking and acting . In: Verband Deutscher Industriedesigner (Ed.): Form . 3, No. 51, March 1970, pp. 35-38. Accessed September 2009.
  12. ^ Sibylle Kicherer: Industrial design as a performance area of ​​companies , dissertation, Volume 2 of the series product research and industrial design. Edition, GBI, Munich 1987, ISBN 978-3-89003-202-3 , p. 361.
  13. ^ Heinrich Spieß: Integrated Design Management . Fördergesellschaft Produktmarketing, Cologne 1993, ISBN 3-922292-28-3 .
  14. ^ Carlo Rummel: Design management , dissertation. Edition, DUV, Dt. Univ.-Verl., Wiesbaden 1995, ISBN 978-3-8244-0253-3 .
  15. Hans Jörg Meier-Kortwig: Design management as a consulting offer . 1st edition. Statement Verlag, Cologne 1997, ISBN 3-932690-29-X , p. 120 .
  16. Oakley, M. (1990). Design management: A handbook of issues and methods. Basil Blackwell.
  17. Gorb, P. (1990). Design management: papers from the London Business School. Design Management Review (Vol. 20, p. Viii, 184 p.). Architecture Design And Technology Press.
  18. Red Dot: Robert Ian Blaich . Red Dot. Archived from the original on September 30, 2011. Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved May 31, 2011. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  19. Michael Farr: Design Management . Hodder & Stoughton, London 1966, p. 162 (4ff.).
  20. ^ Bernhard E. Bürdek: Design Management in the Federal Republic of Germany: Renaissance after years of stagnation . In: FAZ (Hrsg.): FAZ view through the economy . 1989.
  21. a b c Design and National Policy . In: Design Management Institute (Ed.): Design Management Journal . , Boston Summer 1993.
  22. ^ Andrew Jackson: From Solving Problems to Selling Product; The Changing Role of Designers in Post-War Britain . University of Brighton, Design History Research Center, Brighton 2013-03-15.
  23. ^ G. Cox: Cox Review of Creativity in Business: Building on the UK's strengths. The Stationary Office. Design Council. Retrieved from ( Memento of the original from April 7, 2010) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. 2005. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  24., accessed February 20, 2011
  25. ^ Dennis Cheetham: Design Management - Four views on design decision making . In: Council of Industrial Design (Ed.): Design Journal . 6, No. 198, Glasgow, June 1965, pp. 62-69. Retrieved March 15, 2013.
  26. ^ Corin Hughes-Stanton: Design Management - Pioneering policies . In: Council of Industrial Design (Ed.): Design Journal . 5, No. 197, Glasgow, May 1965, pp. 36-47. Retrieved March 15, 2013.
  27. ^ Corin Hughes-Stanton: Design Management - A shop with high standards . In: Council of Industrial Design (Ed.): Design Journal . 7, No. 199, Glasgow, July 1965, pp. 42-47. Retrieved March 15, 2013.
  28. a b EU Commission: Design as a driver of user-centered innovation (PDF; 403 kB) Commission of the European Communities, Brussels. P. 70. April 7, 2009. Archived from the original on January 4, 2012. Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved May 18, 2011. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  29. ^ Peter Gorb: Projects, not cases. How to teach about design to managers . In: The Design Management Unit at London Business School (Ed.): Temes de disseny . No. 6 , 1991, ISSN  2385-7951 , pp. 126-128 ( - Information Leaflet).
  30. ^ A b University of Art and Design Helsinki: 125 years history of TAIK . University of Art and Design Helsinki. Retrieved April 24, 2010.
  31. a b Toni-Matti Karjalainen, Mikko Koria, Markku Salimäki: Do offerings meet requirements? Educating T-shaped professionals in strategic design management . In: Design Thinking: New Challenges for Designers, Managers and Organizations (PDF), DMI conference, ESSEC Business School, Cergy-Pointoise, France April 14–15, 2008. Archived from the original on July 17, 2011 Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Accessed January 23, 2011).  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  32. ^ Triad Design Project, 1989, Designing for Product Success. Design Management Institute, Boston International Exhibition.
  33. a b Brigitte Borja de Mozota: Design and competitive edge: A model for design management excellence in European SMEs . In: Design Management Institute (Ed.): Design Management Journal . 2, No. Academic Review, Boston, 2003.
  34. Alain Findeli: The eclipse of the product in design theory . In: Design system evolution, key note lecture . European Academy of Design conference EAD6, Bremen March 29–31, 2005.
  35. a b Borja de Mozota: A theoretical model for design in management science according to the paradigm shift of the design profession: from management as a constraint to management science as an opportunity . In: 1st International Design Management Symposium D2B March 16–19, 2006.
  36. Ulla Johansson, Jill Woodilla: Towards a better paradigmatic partnership between design and management 2008.
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