Media design

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Media design is understood as a subordinate term to media design . Further areas are media consulting, media operating and media technology. As designers of media communication, media designers must have both artistic and technical skills and be able to manage the design and production processes in both areas.

In addition to film , television , video , games and the World Wide Web , all print media ( newspapers , magazines , posters , packaging, etc.) are also included in the media design.


Media design is represented as an academic discipline in the tertiary education sector . Original university courses with diploma or bachelor / master degrees in media design are offered by some universities. Depending on their orientation, the courses include the aspects necessary for management tasks: management and business subjects, communication and design theory , conceptual methodology and project management, etc. as well as scientific methodology. They are often more broadly based than design courses, which mostly specialize in particular directions, and differ significantly from the training concept for media designer.

A media design degree offers concept-oriented training. The training spectrum ranges from print and web design on interaction design and interface design , editorial design , corporate design , photography , audiovisual media to information visualization . In addition, cross-media functionalities such as B. Interaction or User Experience Design and their contextual content are taught. The design training is embedded with topics on analysis and strategy development such as design methodology , design theory , usability, project management and marketing .

In contrast to courses of study for communication design or visual communication , a media design course already indicates in the name that it basically deals with all variants of analogue and digital media and that its teaching does not only focus on visualization and communication with media, but also the design and the theoretical discussion of information and interaction. Communication design focuses on the external impact, analyzing the user reaction in order to e.g. B. to optimize the advertising effect and orientate itself more strongly to the interests of the client. Media design, on the other hand, is geared towards the user, the end consumer, and enables the client to achieve the desired success through the quality that the user can feel. Media design also includes the inclusion of interaction and current usability strategies, as well as the consideration of the product experience in order to create user experience design and service design .


In Germany, Austria and Switzerland, university courses in media design are offered at various locations. Several German universities offer media design as an undergraduate as well as a postgraduate course .

In-company and school training

The apprenticeship ( IHK exam), which is usually 3 years (but under certain conditions also shortened to 2.5 or 2 years), assigned to the specialist field of media design, is called " media designer digital and print ". This profession is trained in companies in the media and communication industry in the following fields: consulting and planning, conception and visualization, as well as design and technology. The main work equipment is a computer with graphics , layout and image processing software . The job title after completing training is “Media Designer Digital and Print” in the “Media Design” department.

There are also vocational schools that train to become certified or state-recognized media designers.

An upgrading training to become a certified designers / designer specializing in media design can be completed at a state school.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Hochschulkompass: Studies - Search - Professional Search - Hit List. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on November 16, 2016 ; accessed on January 20, 2011 : "Study type: basic - subject search: media design"
  2. Hochschulkompass: Studies - Search - Professional Search - Hit List. (No longer available online.) Formerly in the original ; accessed on January 20, 2011 : "Study type: advanced - subject search: media design"

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