Dezső Lányi

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Dezső Lányi (born January 23, 1879 in Baán , Kingdom of Hungary , today Bánovce nad Bebravou , Slovakia ; † May 4, 1951 in Hollywood , California ) was a Hungarian sculptor who emigrated to the United States in 1937 .

life and work

Lányi attended a school for arts and crafts in Budapest and studied at the Academy of Applied Arts in Vienna , fought for penniless study visits to Venice and Rome through casual work, learned from Auguste Rodin in Paris and finally completed his studies in Brussels. After a first major exhibition in 1904 in the Kunsthalle Budapest (“Műcsarnok”) he received a number of private commissions, including a. for several grave sculptures. In 1907 he won a Franz Josef medal for sculpture and a gold medal in London. In the casino in Lipótváros, his animal figurative sculptures received another award. When in 1918 he participated with great success with a large number of his characteristic small sculptures of animals and caricatures in a group exhibition in the Budapest Ernst Museum founded in 1912 by the art collector Lajos Ernst, his bronze caricatures prompted a critic to compare them with Honoré Daumier's caricatures .

In the following years Lányi was invited to participate in the Venice Biennale in 1926 , and until he emigrated to the United States he received a number of commissions for sculptures for public spaces, especially in Budapest, for example. B. Leda with the swan in the Széchenyi bath (1916), the construction worker ( Építőmunkás , 1929), or children playing ( Játszó gyerekek , 1933). A pathetic grave monument for the Eckensberger family of officers (Colonel Artillery Nándor Eckensberger, d. 1923, and General György Eckensberger, d. 1927) in the Kerepesi cemetery in Budapest became one of his most monumental large-scale sculptures. His most monumental creation, however, is not in the Hungarian capital, but at the seat of the Primate of Hungary. In Esztergom , in June 1927 , in the presence of the Hungarian regent and imperial administrator Miklós Horthy , Lányi's ten-meter-high war memorial was unveiled on Heroes' Square ("Hősök tere") for the fallen of the First World War, an obelisk crowned by four eagles with a mourner on the foundation Sword and wreath, above a lion protecting the Stefan's crown and the Hungarian heraldic shield.

In Europe, however, Lányi was better known for his marble portrait busts of prominent figures in society such as Eduard, Duke of Windsor . He also made a bronze portrait panel (1930) of the then most popular Hungarian playwright and novelist Ferenc Herczeg .


Through the American magazines Esquire and Coronet , Lányi came to Los Angeles in 1937 and then lived and worked in Hollywood. He achieved considerable success there, especially after an exhibition with the California Art Club (CAC) in 1939, because the exhibition resulted in numerous commissions for his naturalistic-expressive caricature and portrait sculptures from authors, film actors and members of the film industry. Dezső Lányi's grave is in the Hollywood Forever cemetery .

Works (excerpt)


Web links

Commons : Dezső Lányi  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Révai nagy lexikona . Volume XII, p. 573
  2. iparművészeti iskolában . In: Peter Újvári (Ed.): Magyar Zsidó Lexicon (= Hungarian Jewish Encyclopedia) 1929, Internet version 2006, ISBN 963-200-519-8 , No. 12867: Lányi Dezső
  3. EPA Budapesti Negyed 25. (1999/3) Az adattárban szereplő síremlékek alkotóinak mutatója (= artist index)
  4. ^ Magyar Zsidó Lexicon . P. 528 (Hungarian).
    According to another source - AskArt - he received the Franz Josef Medal when he was eighteen,
    i.e. in 1897.
  5. Now the Duna Palota cultural center (“Danube Palace”) at the Széchenyi Chain Bridge
  6. Ernst Museum ( Memento of the original from November 22, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (English)  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  7. ^ Aladár Bálint: Az Ernst-múzeum csoportos kiállítása . Nyugat, 1918
  8. Hungarian Participants of Venice Biennales from 1895 to 2005 ( Memento of the original from August 26, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  9. 9 sculptures with dates SzoborLap
  10. Leda with the swan . Széchenyi bath, 1916, marble, approx. 200 cm, on a 30 cm stone base
  11. construction workers
  12. Children playing .
  13. Eckensberger
  14. Kerepesi Cemetery
  15. War memorial
  16. a b Dezso Lanyi (1879–1951). In: AskART
  17. Deszo Lanyi . ( Memento of the original from October 29, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. CAC @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  18. ^ Cemetery Records Online.