The Charité - medicine under the swastika

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Original title The Charité - medicine under the swastika
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2019
length 45 minutes
Director Dagmar Wittmers
script Dagmar Wittmers
production Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg ,
Rainer Baumert ,
Tatjana Willms
music Doris Renneberg
camera Stefan Logemann
Jan Urbanski
, Friedemann Rehse
, Jörg Johow
cut Manon Kitter

The Charité - Medicine under the Swastika is a German documentary film from 2019 by Dagmar Wittmers about the 12 years of the Berlin Charité Hospital during the Third Reich .


The topics covered are: eugenics , the law to prevent hereditary offspring , the hereditary health court , old prison in Brandenburg an der Havel , municipal mental hospital for children and adolescents Wiesengrund , anesthetic Luminal , sulfonamides ,

and the people: Wolfgang Heubner , Ferdinand Sauerbruch , Karl Brandt , Georg Bessau , Karl Bonhoeffer , Walter Stoeckel , Gerhard Kujath , Max de Crinis , Ernst Hefter , Maria Fritsch , Fritz Kolbe , Horst Fischer , Josef Mengele , Wednesday Society , Ludwig Beck , Ulrich von Hassell , Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg , Robert Havemann , Georg Groscurth , Hermann Stieve .

Jewish lecturers are discriminated against by staunch nationalist medical students , and all Jewish doctors are dismissed by the law for the restoration of the civil service of April 7, 1933. According to new instructions, young doctors must be offered posts at all clinics in the German Reich. There are occasional leaflets against the Nazis and occasionally, the z. B. was punished with dismissal for a nurse.

In 1933 Otto Krayer from the Pharmacological Institute is supposed to take over the chair of a colleague Philipp Ellinger , who was dismissed by the National Socialist government for racist reasons, at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf , but he refuses for moral reasons. He will remain the only German scientist who takes this opinion publicly and aggressively, whereupon he is excluded from all German universities, emigrates and later makes a career at Harvard University .

With the beginning of the war, medicine was given a new status and new directives. After the end of the war, the reconstruction is quickly taken care of - there is no real denazification , otherwise Germany's clinics would have had to be closed. Medical students were enrolled as early as 1946, while at the Nuremberg Medical Trial, seven of the 20 doctors were from Berlin university doctors, including doctors from the Charité.


Of the 20 doctors who were indicted in the Nuremberg doctors' trial after the war, seven were Berlin university doctors, including doctors from the Charité.

None of the internationally respected professors at the Charité such as Ferdinand Sauerbruch , Walter Stoeckel or Georg Bessau were members of the NSDAP .

In the film, topics and / or people are commented on by medical historians Udo Schagen , Thomas Schnalke , and Thomas Beddies .

Publication and audience numbers

The documentary was broadcast in Das Erste following the first two episodes of the second season of the Charité television series on Tuesday, February 19, 2019, and was seen by 3.82 million viewers, which corresponded to a market share of 14.4%.

Movie quotes

"All the gentlemen know very well that they also have an appendix."

- Attributed to Ferdinand Sauerbruch , min. 2:14

"We have conquered the streets, we also have to conquer science."

- The slogan of the National Socialist young doctors, min 5:25

Oath of service

which all German public officials and also the doctors of the Charité had to swear:

"I swear: I will be loyal and obedient to the leader of the German Reich and the people, Adolf Hitler, observe the laws and conscientiously fulfill my official duties, so help me God."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Charité - medicine under the swastika. In: ARD. Retrieved March 25, 2020 .
  2. The Charité - medicine under the swastika. Retrieved March 25, 2020 .
  3. Charité. P. 33. the first, accessed on March 25, 2020 .
  4. Veit-Luca Roth: Primetime Check: Tuesday, February 19, , February 19, 2019, accessed on February 20, 2019 : “How many viewers tuned in to the double episode“ Charité ”? [...] "