The Fortress II: The Return

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German title The Fortress II: The Return
Original title Fortress 2: Re-Entry
Country of production USA
original language English
Publishing year 2000
length 92 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Geoff Murphy
script John Flock,
Peter Doyle
production John Flock
music Christopher Franke
camera Hiro Narita
cut James R. Symons

Fortress II: The Return (original title: Fortress 2: Re-Entry, reference titles Fortress 2 - The Fortress ) is an American science fiction thriller from director Geoff Murphy from the year 2000 . The action film is a sequel to Fortress from 1993 and takes place ten years after the events of the 1st part. The film was released in Germany on August 8, 2000 on VHS .


The indomitable escaped prisoner John Brennick, a former resistance fighter, lives in a totalitarian, perfectly monitored terror regime in the near future and has been hiding in the woods with his wife and son for years. When a couple of former like-minded comrades visit him to persuade him to attempt an attack on a power station, they are tracked down by security forces. The group is arrested and transferred to a futuristic high-security prison for violating the “de-individualization regulations” - an intergalactic high-tech prison in the depths of space, the “fortress”. His family, however, remains hidden.

Inhumane conditions prevail here. The inmates of the prison are implanted with probes with which the prison administration can induce certain behavioral modifications and thus control them. The inmates are also forced to do physical labor and are harassed by sadistic guards. As inmate 27609, Brennick is also provided with the same implant and shipped to the modern super prison, which is in orbit of the earth. Escape seems impossible, but thoughts of escape and an enormous will to survive drive him.

His first attempt failed miserably, which resulted in difficult prison conditions. Little by little, however, he found like-minded people, with whose help he convicted the corrupt and sadistic prison administration and finally escaped from the floating prison camp with a small group of like-minded people. He returns to his family at the end of the film.


“Effective mixture of action and science fiction elements, the criticism of totalitarian forms of government formulated cursory at best, but relies on tension without too sensational hardship. Actually and creatively uninteresting, the film offers ready-made genre entertainment for fans. "

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Individual evidence

  1. The Fortress II: The Return. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used