The fiery red flower

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German title The fiery red flower
Original title Аленький цветочек
(Alenki zwetochek)
Country of production Soviet Union
original language Russian
Publishing year 1978
length 65 minutes
Age rating FSK 0
Director Irina Powolotskaya
script Natalia Ryazanzeva
production Gorky Film Studio
music Edisson Denisow
camera Alexander Antipenko
cut G. Sadovnikova

The fiery red flower (original title: Russian Аленький цветочек , Alenki zwetochek ) is a Soviet fairy tale film by Irina Powolotskaja from 1978 , based on themes from the fairy tale Beauty and the Beast .


Once upon a time there lived a prince in a country with whom a proud sorceress fell in love. She gave him a fiery red flower, but he just laughed at her. The heart of the beautiful sorceress froze from grief and anger and she transformed the prince into an ugly forest monster.

Many years later, a businessman is preparing for a long journey. He wants to bring his daughters presents and asks them what they would like to have. The eldest daughter Akulina wants a wreath of shining gemstones the color of her eyes. The middle daughter Arina wants a magnificent mirror made of crystal, mother-of-pearl and silver that will give her eternal youth and beauty. Aljona wants the fiery red flower. The merchant sets out with Jegorka. In the evening they were resting by a campfire when a magical grandfather appeared to them and was asked to stand by the fire. It disappears again immediately, but leaves the merchant a wreath of precious stones, as his Akulina had wished for it. The two continue looking for the fiery red flower until one day the merchant rides on alone and finally reaches the sea. There he meets the old man again, who is currently fishing and gives him a mirror made of crystal, mother-of-pearl and silver, just as his Arina had desired. The father sets off across the water in a rowboat.

On the other bank, he finds an enchanted castle and courageously enters it. Inside he gets lost and meets the mistress of the castle, the beautiful sorceress, who shows him the way to the fiery red flower. He finds the flower in the neighboring forest, plucks it and meets the monster who wants to capture him for stealing. He asks for mercy and promises to come back if he can travel home again to say goodbye to his daughters. The beast gives him three days and gives him a magic ring to make his return easier. After that he had to accept his sentence. Once in the village, the merchant distributes his presents to the daughters and they celebrate a festival. When it comes out that the father has to go again, the older daughters contemplate fooling the monster, but the father refuses. He had given his business word. Aljona, sad that her father should be punished by her wish, steals the ring from him and is teleported into the forest of the monster . She is frightened by this and flees, whereupon she meets the old man, who leads her to his mistress in the castle, where she gets shelter.

In the course of time, Aljona befriends the enchanted prince and begins to love him. The cold sorceress is angry because she does not grant anyone happiness, since it was denied herself, and seeks revenge. She sends Aljona a dream that arouses in her the longing for the home. Waking up, she promises the monster to stay away for only one day and goes back to her father with the help of the ring. However, her sisters stop the clock, making it late to return to the beast. Aljona then searches all over the forest for her lover, but he has died and she only finds his remains. So the sorceress had won, but she can't really be happy about it. She ponders what makes her love so different from Aljonas. It is so easy to understand - "where you love, you have to give more than a flower, namely your heart". Thanks to Aljona's strong love, the prince can finally be brought back to life and a wedding is arranged. Meanwhile, the sad sorceress embarks on a journey through the world to rediscover her belief in love and happiness.


The fiery red flower was created in 1977 and started on August 25, 1978 in the Soviet Union . On April 13, 1979 the film was shown in GDR cinemas and on May 18, 1985 it was shown for the first time on GDR 1 on GDR television. It ran on May 23, 1994 for the first time in the Federal Republic of Germany on ORB television and was released on video cassette in 1996 and on DVD in 2006 .


The dialogue of the DEFA - Synchronization wrote Hannelore Grünberg , the director took Peter Kreusel .

actor role German speaker
Marina Ilyichova Alyona Frauke Poolman
Lev Durov Merchant Walter Niklaus
Alla Demidova sorceress Christa Gottschalk
Alexei Chernov old man Werner Kamenik
Alexander Abdulov prince Gottfried Richter
Valentin Gneushev Yegorka Andreas Knaup
Olga Korytkovskaya Arina Christine Reinhold
Elena Vodolasova Akulina Ingrid Hille


"A Russian variant of the fairy tale motif" Beauty and the Beast ", staged with formal rigor and ingenious color dramaturgy, the film unfolds an idiosyncratic poetry that captivates. A film that needs no comparison. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Information on publication on
  2. a b The fiery red flower in the lexicon of international filmsTemplate: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used .
  3. Information on publication on and , accessed on November 21, 2012.
  4. The fiery red flower in the synchronous database, accessed on November 21, 2012.