Dieter Havemann

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Dieter Havemann

Dieter Havemann (born January 18, 1935 in Waren (Müritz) , † August 12, 2006 in Kiel ) was a German surgeon and university professor .


After attending school in Gotenhafen and Wismar , he began studying medicine at the University of Rostock in 1953 . After moving to West Germany, he continued at the University of Hamburg and passed the state examination there in 1959. In January 1960 he was promoted to Dr. med. doctorate and licensed as a doctor in 1961 .

From January 1, 1960 to June 30, 1963 he was a medical assistant and resident at the Eutin Hospital . He then worked in orthopedics at the Herford Clinic and in surgery at the Braunschweig Municipal Clinic . He began his academic career on April 1, 1967 when he joined the surgical university clinic in Kiel under Berthold Löhr . Since 1968 specialist in surgery and since 1969 trauma surgeon, he was appointed senior physician by Löhr and commissioned to set up a trauma surgery working group as the basis for a new department.

After completing his habilitation , Havemann became senior physician and head of the trauma surgery department. On August 9, 1978, the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel appointed him full professor and head of the newly founded department for traumatology . After moving from the venerable “surgery” to the new building, from 1986 onwards it had a modern treatment, teaching and research center.

As the heir of Gerhard Küntscher , Havemann worked intensively on the further development of intramedullary nailing . In 1990, in Kiel, he organized an osteosynthesis international conference in Küntscher's honor . Other research focuses were pelvic and foot fractures and injuries to the spine . He wrote 139 scientific publications , 25 book chapters and editions as well as two monographs . He gave 185 lectures at conferences and congresses.

In 1991 he was President of the German Society for Trauma Surgery and headed the German-Austrian-Swiss Accident Conference in Vienna with Heinz Kuderna and Jacques Meine (Switzerland) . In 1992 Havemann was chairman of the 149th meeting of the Association of Northwest German Surgeons .

Havemann's "Euro-Vision" (2000)

Like Küntscher, Havemann was a good observer and draftsman who aptly caricatured his professional environment and some of his colleagues - and himself. His drawings have been exhibited and awarded at congresses.

After a short, serious illness, he died at the age of 71 in Kiel University Hospital. Its ashes were given to the Baltic Sea.


Individual evidence

  1. Dissertation: Circulatory effects of purine bodies on non-anesthetized carotid sling dogs
  2. Habilitation thesis: Investigations on the pharmacokinetics of anti-inflammatory substances
  3. a b Personal communication Ursula Havemann (2012)
  4. Kuderna was President of the Austrian Society for Trauma Surgery
  5. Meine was President of the Swiss Society for Accident Medicine and Occupational Diseases
  6. ^ Heinz-Jürgen Egbers: For the 70th birthday of Prof. Dieter Havemann. In: Schleswig-Holsteinisches Ärzteblatt 03/2005, p. 18

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