Digimon Adventure: / Episode List

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This episode list contains all episodes of the Japanese anime series Digimon Adventure :, sorted by the Japanese first broadcast . The anime currently comprises 13 episodes and is designed to be 66 episodes.

Episode list

No. Original title First broadcast in Japan
1 東京 デ ジ タ ル ク ラ イ シ ス
Tōkyō Dejitaru Kuraishisu
Apr 5, 2020
Taichi Yagami is on the phone with his mother, who wants to change trains with his sister in Shibuya while he is putting his things together for the summer camp. Shortly thereafter, Koshiro Izumi, a fourth grader from the same apartment building, rings Taichi's door. Both learn of what appear to be cyber attacks that are taking place in and around Tokyo. This also affects the Yamanote Line train with Taichi's family, which threatens to run into another. Taichi runs with Koshiro to a nearby train station to catch the train, and Taichi is pulled into the network alone. There he meets Agumon, who has previously transformed and seems to know Taichi. Both are then attacked by other Digimon, Algomon, who can destroy them. Koshiro, who is in contact with Tachi, explains that with every Digimon destroyed, the disruption in Tokyo decreased. When there is only one Algomon left, it changes similarly to Agumon before, but twice, and increases its strength. Agumon assumes an equivalent form as Greymon with the help of a palm-sized device, a Digivice , which Taichi found on arrival on the network and defeats his opponent. This ends the disturbances in Japan and Taichi's family is not harmed. According to Koshiro, the disturbances are now continuing abroad. At the same moment Taichi and Greymon meet an unknown boy who is sitting on a Garurumon.
2 ウ ォ ー ・ ゲ ー ​​ム
Wō Gēmu
Apr 12, 2020
The unknown boy turns out to be Yamato Ishida, who also holds a digivice like Taichi and Koshiro; Garurumon and Greymon already seem to know each other. Yamato only becomes reluctant to cooperate with Taichi when Koshiro informs them that their opponents have hacked into the command center of the US armed forces, giving them access to nuclear weapons . Yamato now decides to work together, Koshiro points both of them to the responsible fault in the network. There, the Algomon steers a submarine that is supposed to shoot a nuclear missile on Tokyo. They destroy Algomon one after the other until only one more highly developed one remains, which in turn succeeds in two developmental steps and thus assumes a form that is superior to Greymon and Garurumon. Both together still manage to apparently defeat it. However, energy collects again in his apparently lifeless body, so that your opponent still achieves a development and can detonate the rocket in the human world. The developed Algomon strikes out for the last blow, since Greymon and Garurumon carry out a joint development on a significantly higher level to a single Digimon, Omegamon. In the human world, Hikari and an unknown boy find white feathers that they catch and each give them a symbol, as Koshiro, Taichi and Yamato have on their digivices.
3 そ し て デ ジ タ ル ワ ー ル ド へ
Soshite Dejitaru Wārudo e
Apr 19, 2020
The argument between Omegamon and Algomon is unequal, so that the latter is destroyed after some fighting. Meanwhile, the rocket is getting closer and closer to Tokyo, and Algomon's extinction does nothing to change that. Shortly before impact, Omegamon succeeds in disrupting the missile's trajectory and directing it into orbit , where it explodes, triggers an electromagnetic pulse and temporarily paralyzes electronic devices in the city. The explosion is enveloped by a mysterious, bright light that makes it disappear. In the network, Taichi and Yamato are simultaneously surrounded by a bright light and are drawn back into the human world, whereby Taichi finds himself on the platform where he entered the network - with the Digivice in his hand. A few days later, Koshiro and Taichi travel to the summer camp and meet Sora Takenouchi, who Taichi has known since early childhood. After the return of the children from the camp there are again disruptions in the network, this time the power fails in the Tokyo metropolitan area and there is a risk of a complete blackout in three days . During a conversation between Koshiro and Taichi, their digivices light up. Taichi rushes to Koshiro at the train station again, Sora, who meets him on the street, follows him. Taichi is pulled over the net to the home of Digimon, the "Digital World", where Agumon welcomes his partner; Instead, Koshiro gets online.
4th バ ー ド ラ モ ン 飛翔
Bādoramon hishō
June 28, 2020
Instead of Koshiro, whom he was expecting, Taichi meets Sora. Together with Agumon, they become aware of a stone tablet with symbols that Taichi deciphered with the help of his digivice. Then his digivice points to a mountain far away from you. The three set off because they hope there will be answers to the anomalies in the human world. Shortly afterwards, Sora is jumped out of the tall grass by her partner Piyomon, who is being chased by a Snimon. The latter attacks the group who are only able to escape to a cliff. After falling into the river there, they are driven far away, Snimon lets go of them. Back on land, they build a raft together to get to their destination faster across the river. A Coelamon approaches underwater and provokes a fight with Agumon. This evolves into Greymon and keeps Coelamon in check. Then Snimon returns, destroys the raft and threatens to eat Piyomon. Sora, who has climbed Snimon, and Piyomon break free and fall from him. Then Piyomon succeeds in developing Birdramon and is able to save Sora, who thereby also receives her Digivice. It and Greymon then defeat their respective opponents. Birdramon offers the group to fly to the mountain on his back. At the same time, Koshiro is still in the network and meets his partner Tentomon there. Both are trying to make the long journey into the digital world when a Whamon shows up and swallows them.
5 聖 な る デ ジ モ ン
Seinaru Dejimon
5th July 2020
On the mountain, the group discovers the ruined temple of the rulers of good , an association of highly developed Digimon. There the soul of a Valdurmon makes contact with them. It reports on a past war between the forces of light and darkness, which the former won, but the course of which left massive damage in the digital world. Valdurmon anticipates a new war that will be waged under the Dark Digimon . It asks the chosen children to travel to the continent of Cloud and seek Holy Digimon in order to save the digital world. During the conversation, the group is attacked by several docugumons who are controlled by a soundbirdmon and led by an ogremon. The group can free itself after a few fights, but has to flee if their opponents are overwhelming; Ogremon eventually orders his subordinates to follow the chosen children. The fighting is noticed further away by a girl who also holds a digivice and has a palmon as a partner. At the same time, Koshiro and Tentomon follow the events in the Digital World via broadcast when Tylomon, who was also influenced by a Soundbirdmon, attacked Whamon. They flee from Whamon's stomach and face their opponents. With Tentomon's development into Kabuterimon, both succeed in destroying Soundbirdmon, allowing the Tylomon to withdraw and continue their journey through the network.
6th 狙 わ れ た
王国 Nerawa reta ōkoku
July 12, 2020
Taichi, Sora and their Digimon find the sea to get to Cloud, to an orchard and hope to find food there. They are discovered by a group of Tanemon, tied up by a palmon and brought to their leader, who turns out to be the other chosen child Mimi Tachikawa. She and her Digimon partner protect the garden from possible enemies. Meanwhile, a group of Tuskmon is manipulated by a Soundbirdmon sent by Ogremon, so that they attack the garden. Despite the support of the Ogremons Coredramon and their numerical superiority, the evolved Greymon and Birdramon manage to defeat their enemies. Below the garden, Ogremon digs up to the left Mimi and Palmon with a Drimogemon and attacks them. During a rescue operation for Mimi, Palmon is critically injured. With Mimi's Digivice, Palmon succeeds in developing to Togemon, which allows it to defeat Drimogemon. At the same time, the other Digimon partners can cut off one of Ogremon's horns and force them to retreat. Mimi then sets off for the sea with the others. From the net, Koshiro reports to the others that there is a time difference between the human world, the net and the digital world, which gives them more time to stop the impending power outage in Tokyo.
7th そ の 男 、 城 戸 丈
Sono otoko, Kido Jō
19th July 2020
The group comes to a strait . From the beach there she wants to fly to Cloud on Birdramon, but is fetched from the sky by a Gesomon and chased back on land. Gomamon, who is also a partner Digimon, comes to your aid; that of Jo Kido. He also happened upon the Digital World by chance and turned away the group who asked for help crossing the strait, preferring to focus on exams to transition to middle school and return to the human world. Gomamon offers himself to fight against Gesomon with the group. It lures it to the beach, but is caught halfway by Gesomon and beaten on land. While Jo rushes to the injured Gomamon, Greymon and Togemon cannot fight off their opponent together. Only Jo's deeper affection for his partner enables Gomamon to develop into Ikkakumon, which Gesomon can face in the water. Together with the other two Digimon partners, he succeeds in defeating Gesomon and thus the group in a safe transfer on Ikkakumon's back to the continent. As Koshiro and Kabuterimon continue on their way into the digital world, the power outage is affecting more and more prefectures and cities around Tokyo. Taichi's mother and Hikari also become victims in their apartment, but their television continues to run independently.
8th 子 供 た ち の 攻城 戦
Kodomo-tachi no kōjō-sen
July 26, 2020
Cloud before their eyes, the group reaches the continent on a coast with a fortress, which is guarded by a Digimon army under a Gorimon and two Solarmon. While at sea, the army attacks the children and their Digimon, who save themselves on land but cannot withstand the continuous bombardment of several Tankmon there. Only when Yamato rushes to the group's aid with Gabumon can they safely retreat to a nearby cave. From there, Yamato and his partner want to storm the fortress alone; However, it quickly becomes clear to both of them through the subsequent bombardment that they have no chance on their own. The other children and their Digimon intervene in the fighting, drawing the attention of most of their enemies. A darktyranomon escapes from the fortress and turns out to be too strong an opponent. Taichi, Sora and their Digimon still manage to push it off a cliff into the sea. Meanwhile, Yamato and Garurumon succeed in taking the fortress after defeating Gorimon and the Solarmon. Inside, the group discovers another inscription that Taichi and Sora found after their arrival in the Digital World. It contains information about the sacred Digimon. Koshiro previously reported that the crisis in Tokyo was widening and that people there were buying out supermarkets. He and Kabuterimon, meanwhile, are making the last part of their journey through the net.
9 完全 体 ・ 襲来
Kanzen-tai shūrai
Aug 2, 2020
The children learn from the found plaque that Saint Digimon has been captured and is being held. Meanwhile, Ogremon's ruler informs Devimon, who wants the chosen children dead, to want to send new subordinates to complete the mission. Nevertheless, Ogremon Greymon faces a duel in the fortress and wants to take revenge for his severed horn and his injured pride. In addition to the Koshiro and Kabuterimon who had arrived, several Coredramon attack the children and their Digimon. As they intensify their attacks, Ogremon attacks them and gestures for them to withdraw. As the fight progresses, a victory in Greymon's favor is looming. But before it can defeat Ogremon, a Metal Tyranomon, a Digimon on the ultra level and thus completely superior to the children's Digimon, devastates the fortress and ends the fight. Though sent by Devimon, it pays no attention to Ogremon and tramples on it. Angered and seriously injured at his recognized disembarkation, it changes sides and enables Taichi, the defeated Agumon and the others to escape and thus a path to the holy Digimon. It faces the hopeless fight with Metal Tyranomon. Meanwhile, the power outage in Tokyo has spread to every part of the city, and only self-sufficient people still have energy.
10 鋼 鉄 の 超 進化
Kōtetsu no chō shinka
9 Aug 2020
Having fled from Metal Tyranomon in a forest, the group hides in a cave. There she takes care of the injured Agumon and finds a way to the whereabouts of the Holy Digimons using the data Koshiro has obtained from the fortress. However, the forest is being scoured by the Soundbirdmon, which means that they need a diversionary maneuver. So Taichi and Agumon split up from the others to get Metal Tyranomon's attention. Finally the two face their opponent at the edge of the forest. Although inferior in terms of strength, Koshiro has explained to both of them that they can only effectively attack Metal Tyranomon from close range when he changes attacks. However, this does not succeed in several attempts. As the fight progresses, it shifts to the group that actually fled and cannot cross an acidic miasma swamp . Taichi and Greymon still try to face Metal Tyranomon, although there is no chance and in a dead end. Due to their determination to absolutely win, Greymon succeeds in the ultra-development to Metal Greymon, which makes it up to its opponent. So it throws it into the miasma swamp and shoots its Giga Storm at Metal Tyranomon, whereby it dies. After the fight, and because the alternative access is unknown to them, the children and their Digimon decide to go their own way for the time being in order to get to the Holy Digimon from different sides, past the miasma swamp.
11 砂 漠 に 立 つ 狼
Sabaku ni tatsu ōkami
16 Aug 2020
Yamato, Sora and Jo with their Digimon set off south of the swamp into the desert. There they are first attacked by several Sand Yanmamon, some of whom are killed by a Scorpiomon infested with the miasma. It also threatens several kyaromons. Since Scorpiomon is on the ultra level, the only thing left for the children with the other Digimon is to flee. At a distant oasis they meet a group of Digimon around a Neamon who are hiding from Scorpiomon. When Sora suggests finding a way out together, Yamato, who is against it, isolates himself with his partner. Sora and Jo with their Digimon face their opponents in the desert. At the champion level, they can take out most of the Sand Yanmamon, but still threaten to lose. When Yamato returns and joins the fight with Garurumon, Scorpiomon traps it with one of his scissor arms. Yamato, who realizes that he cannot cope with the task of the chosen children with Gabumon alone, enables his partner to develop on the ultra-level to Were Garurumon. Equal to Scorpiomon, it dominates the fight, one after the other severing its limbs and killing it. In addition, Taichi, Koshiro and Mimi go with their partners on the other side of the swamp in a temple complex. During Koshiro's documentation of the inscriptions there, Mimi accidentally triggers a trap that plunges her and Palmon deep into the temple.
12 リ リ モ ン 開花
Ririmon kaika
23 Aug 2020
Separated from the others and almost unharmed, Mimi and Palmon look for a way out of the underground of the temple. You will come across many deactivated metal Digimon. Meanwhile, a soundbirdmon flies into the depths and lets the previously lifeless ultra-level Digimon Andromon become vicious. So it attacks Mimi and her partner. Togemon cannot stop Andromon and faints after being hit. Andromon now apparently surrendered, the Guardromon No. 2078, previously treated kindly by Mimi, interferes in the conflict and saves the two. Together they look for a way out of the temple and are provided by Andromon. No. 2078 stands up again for the two and is seriously injured. Taichi and Koshiro, who previously had to assert themselves against a large number of Hagurumon, rush over with their partners. In order to face Andrmon, Taichi's partner develops to the ultra level, but cannot decisively defeat his more agile opponent. Instead, Andromon approaches Mimi and wants to kill her for good. No. 2078 intervenes at the last moment and this time Andromon irrevocably deactivates it. Sensing pain and anger for this, Mimi's partner creates the ultra-development to Lillymon. To punish it for destroying No. 2078, Lillymon has both overgrown with plants and buried under them. Mimi feels deep sadness for what she has experienced. The group around Yamato, however, has left Neamon and his friends behind and continues on their way.
13 紅蓮 の 翼 ガ ル ダ モ ン
Guren no tsubasa Garudamon
Aug 30, 2020
The group reaches a forest on Birdramon, from which Fanbeemon flee from waspmon possessed by the miasma. These catch the fanbeemon in order to carry them inside a cannonbeemon. The group tries to free some of the Fanbeemon and is attacked by Cannonbeemon. In an evasive maneuver, they lose Jo and Gomamon, who are then caught and transported away by the Waspmon. Yamato, Sora and their partners learn from an escaped fanbeemon that the fanbeemon are to be made subservient to the darkness. You initiate a diversion to get inside Cannonbeemons. There they free Jo and Gomamon. They have to leave the large number of Fanbeemon behind for the time being so that they can attract the attention of their opponents from outside. From there, Sora wants to open Cannonbeemon's body on Birdramon as well. They narrowly avoid a heavy laser attack from their opponent, which lets Sora realize how much responsibility she bears for herself and others. With this your partner creates the development of Garudamon on the ultra level. It can use it to repel further attacks by Cannonbeemon, destroying its interior and freeing the Fanbeemon. On the other side of the miasma swamp, Koshiro's convertible is suffering from more and more connection problems , as a result of which his group goes to a higher point to alleviate them. Now knowing her way, she sets out into the canyon in front of her.
14th 激 突 昆虫 の 王者
Gekitotsu konchū no ōja
15th ズ ド モ ン 稲 妻 の 鉄 槌
Zudomon inazuma no tettsui


  1. The Scorpiomon shown in the series from 1999 is the anomalocarimon called in the Japanese original.

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