Ditzel's rose apple

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Ditzel's rose apple
Art Cultivated apple ( Malus domestica )
origin Eckartshausen near Büdingen
List of apple varieties

Ditzel's rose apple is a cultivar of the cultivated apple ( Malus domestica). The variety originated near Eckartshausen in the old district of Büdingen , as a selection from a group of seedlings in the Seng tree nursery.

Breeding and History

Around 1890, some apple trees were sown by Mrs. Marie Ditzel (née Bopp). These were planted in 1892 on a piece of land called "am Köhlerwald". One tree in this group stood out because it grew up without cancer or other diseases. After this tree bore the first fruit in 1901, it was bought by Mr. Ditzel further refined under the name "am Köhlerwald". Since the Ditzel family continued the former Seng tree nursery, the apple variety cannot be regarded as a pure chance seedling ; rather, a breeding experiment took place here, although it was extremely small.

The tree nursery Seum (Hofgut Herrnhaag) later produced this variety under the name "Herrnapfel".

In the work “Fruit varieties for the province of Upper Hesse” from 1911, a “Herrapfel, Syn. Rosenapfel” was recommended for parts of the Wetterau. A horticultural inspector Metternich later named this variety after the breeder ´Ditzels Rosenapfel´.


The variety 'Ditzels Rosenapfel' is currently on the red list of endangered indigenous crops in Germany . This red list includes all species groups of indigenous useful plants and their varieties, local varieties and varieties that were adapted to local conditions in Germany and were of importance.


Tree and cut

The rose apple is characterized by its strong growth. In old age an overhanging, highly pyramidal crown is formed. Since the flowers prefer to appear on the long fruit wood, occasional thinning is necessary.

Flowers and propagation

Flowering and fertilization conditions have not yet been investigated.

Fruit properties

It is ready for picking in mid-October, it is ready for consumption from December to March, and the individual fruits are very stuck. The variety is characterized by regular, good yields, although there is a tendency to alternate . An early onset of the yield is observed.

Shape and color

The medium-sized, fragrant apple has an irregular, rounded and somewhat angular shape. The halves are unequal in size and somewhat flattened at the stem and calyx ends. The skin of the apple has a green-yellow basic color, which can also change to lemon yellow on the sunny side. The surface color of the sunny side is a washed-out rose-red. The only isolated lenticels are light, and only a few show a slight russeting . The surface of the fruit is shiny and smooth, the initially waxy surface appearance ("handle"), can later change to a greasy handle.

Texture and taste

The juicy apple has no special aroma and is somewhat tartarous. The medium firm pulp shows a color from green to yellowish white,


The commercial apple is mainly suitable for making juice and cider .


Location requirements

The demands on soil and climate are very low. It is not sensitive to frost and can therefore be cultivated at medium altitudes.

Care and susceptibility

The variety is said to be robust against fruit tree canker and scab .

Notes and special mentions

There is a photo from 1939 that still shows the mother tree of the variety.

Ditzel's rose apple was selected as the Hessian local variety of the year 2005 .


  • Steffen Kahl, Robert Emmrich, Ottfried Schreiter, Siegfried Piehozki: Hessian local variety 2005 Ditzels Rosenapfel , publisher 2004, NZH Projekt GmbH, Wetzlar
  • Franz Mühl: Old and new apple varieties. Obst- und Gartenbauverlag, 4th edition Munich 2001, p. 78 ISBN 978-3-87596-093-8 .
  • Steffen Kahl: Directory hess. Regional and local varieties ,
  • Steffen Kahl: Annual booklet 2004 , Pomologen-Verein eV , Aue / Sachsen 2004

Web links

Commons : Ditzels Rosenapfel  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Steffen Kahl, Robert Emmrich, Ottfried Schreiter, Siegfried Piehozki: Hessische Lokalsorte 2005 Ditzels Rosenapfel , publisher 2004, NZH Projekt GmbH, Wetzlar
  2. ^ Chamber of Agriculture for the Grand Duchy of Hesse (ed.): Fruit range for the province of Upper Hesse , Darmstadt 1911
  3. Red list of useful plants. Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food , March 7, 2013, accessed on February 10, 2017 .
  4. Hessian local variety 2005 Pomologists Association 2004 PDF 226 kB