You and icke and Berlin

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Original title You and icke and Berlin
Country of production GDR
original language German
Publishing year 1977
length 85 minutes
Director Eberhard Schäfer
script Eberhard Schäfer
Wolfgang Pietsch
production DEFA
for television in the GDR
music Karl Schinsky
camera Wolfgang Pietsch
cut Christa Helwig

You and icke and Berlin is a German TV film by Eberhard Schäfer from 1977 .


Construction worker Dieter Körber flees from the small town of Mühlhausen to Berlin from his fiancée. Here he officially lives in the workers' dormitory and shares a room with the hobbyist Harald Pfitzner. In reality, however, Dieter moves in with his aunt Irma Bause.

As soon as he arrives, Dieter wanders through Berlin because he cannot find his dormitory. The ten year old girl Ulrike helps him. Ulrike grows up fatherless with her mother Karin and grandfather Karl and suffers from not having a father. When the new teacher, Ms. Krüger, sees her talking to Dieter, she believes that Dieter is Ulrike's father and orders him to go to school the next day. Ulrike doesn't tell her mother about the teacher talk, in which her academic achievements in particular are criticized. However, Karin finds the note for the teacher talk in Ulrike's belongings and appears the next day at school, where Dieter is already waiting. Ms. Krüger thinks Dieter and Karin are the divorced parents Ulrikes, which Karin in particular rejects with irritation.

In the near future, Ulrike will do everything to ensure that Karin and Dieter get closer. Although they meet one day, Dieter shrinks back from a closer relationship in the end. Because Karin knows his aunt's address, he moves back into the workers' dormitory and swaps jobs with Harald Pfitzner, otherwise he would have to continue to work in the street where Karin lives. However, Dieter asks Harald to get in touch with Karin. However, Harald does not address Karin, but her colleague Edeltraud, who is allowed to do her laundry in Karin's apartment. Edeltraud is taken with Harald and soon they both become a couple. However, Harald believes his new girlfriend's name is Karin and so Dieter gets a wrong picture of Karin over time. She wants to move again and needs help from Harald to expand the apartment. He brings Dieter with him for reinforcement and suddenly Dieter's ex-fiancée Ilona from Mühlhausen is standing in the door. Dieter had given her notice of engagement in writing, but Ilona did not open the letter. Because Dieter believes that Karin and Harald are a couple and that she is still reproaching her even after the misunderstanding has been resolved, he wants to go back to Mühlhausen with Ilona. At the train station he meets Ulrike, who looks at him reproachfully. When Ulrike is accused by a passenger of stealing money, Dieter stands by her and is once again taken for her father, which he does not deny this time. He leaves Ilona for good and returns to Berlin with Ulrike.


You and icke and Berlin was filmed on location in Berlin in 1977. The film had its television premiere on December 24, 1977 on DFF 1 .

The buildings are by Wolfgang Kiehl and Günter Bruckbauer , the costumes were created by Barbara Braumann .


The film service called you and icke and Berlin a "cheerful, optimistic declaration of love to Berlin".

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. You and icke and Berlin. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used