An unusual day

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Original title An unusual day
Country of production GDR
original language German
Publishing year 1959
length 30 minutes
Director Bärbl miner
script Bärbl miner
production DEFA
music Joachim Werzlau
camera Erwin Anders
cut Ursula Zweig

An unusual day is a German children's film by Bärbl Bergmann from 1959. The film, shot under the working title Ohne Fleiß, No Prize , was released on March 27, 1959. Leading actress Daniela Gerstner later became known as a writer under the name Daniela Dahn .


Maja is actually a good student. But one day she didn't do her homework. In front of the teacher, she says that she simply didn't feel like doing schoolwork. The teacher then stands up in front of the entire class and ends the lesson. Suddenly he doesn't feel like teaching either, he says. The students are delighted and congratulate Maja on her reluctance to do homework.

Maja comes home earlier now and tells her mother why the lessons have been canceled. The mother, too, now pretends not to want to prepare lunch and leaves the apartment. Every adult Maja encounters does not fulfill her wishes and requests out of sudden listlessness: the baker does not sell her a cake, the ice cream seller does not sell ice cream, the shoemaker does not repair her sandal and the recyclables dealer does not accept her bottles.

When the bus driver suddenly lets all the passengers out again and the father cannot come home from work, Maja rushes home. She begins to do her homework and writes down what people actually do who didn't feel like doing anything today. And in fact the mother begins to prepare lunch and the ice cream seller is selling ice cream again. In the end, the father comes home on time and Maja promises him that she will always do her homework in the future. She also promises the teacher, even if she doesn't feel like it.

The film documents the educational pressure to socialize during the early days of the GDR.


Frank-Burkhard Habel called An Unusual Day a "little film about a child raised by the collective."


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Individual evidence

  1. F.-B. Habel : The great lexicon of DEFA feature films . Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-89602-349-7 , pp. 731 .